Chapter Five

Lois smiled to herself as she made her way back to the VIP area. Climbing the stairs, it was all she could do to keep her face normal, so Joey couldn't get too suspicious. This was all about the game, and she had her game face on.

But she knew she was good. Who better to resist Joey than someone just like her? Someone who didn't fall for lines or bullshit. The thought made her smile again.

As she emerged at the top of the stairs, she was shocked to find Joey gone.

But in his place was a panting Justin, laying on the couch, hand on his chest.

"J?" Lois said, stepping up to the side of the couch, placing her drink on the table nearby.

"Shes trying to kill me." he panted, his breath ragged. "I swear, Lala is trying to kill me! She wants my life insurance or something. Wants whatever I leave her in my will. Whatever. She wants me dead."

"Then I trained her well." Lois teased as she pushed Justins hip and sat on the edge of the couch.

"Bite me." Justin said.

A scream rang through the club.

"LOIS!" Justin yelled, clutching his nipple through his shirt.

"Well, you told me to bite you. Dont ask if you don't want me to do it." she said, shrugging off her action.

Justin muttered a few obscenities before crossing his arms over his chest.

"What are you doing up here whining?" Lois said, reaching out to grab her drink.

"Lauren is trying to kill me." he stated again.

Rolling her eyes, Lois pulled the straw from her lips. "Why is she trying to kill you?"

"I already told you, she wants my money or something." Justin explained. "That's the only explanation."

"J, you're going to have to be a little more direct here."

"Shes dancing me to death!" he sighed, exasperated.

"Justin, you dance for a living. I seriously doubt that Lauren is trying to kill you by making you dance."

"Lois, we haven't been on tour in six months. Shes going to kill me. I had to tell her I had to pee to be able to get away long enough to come up here and rest. Shes all hyped up that shes done finals! Now, I'm all for her letting off some energy, but this isn't exactly my first choice of ways to do it, if you know what I mean."

Lois groaned. "Justin, for Christ sake, please don't make any further insinuations towards your sex like with my baby cousin. Its just more than any Lois should know."

"What? You bought her the red lace underwear that time." Justin pointed. "Who did you think was gonna see 'em?"

Lois groaned again. "Shut up! For the love of God, Justin! Shut the fuck up!"

Justin grinned to himself. He loved to make her squirm.

The two sat there for a while, the music becoming a dull buzz around them. After a while, the noise wasn't as loud. Just a steady roar is the background.

"What you doing?" Justin asked, rolling on his side and tucking his hands beneath his head.

"Nothing." Lois smiled to herself.

"Bullshit." Justin said, looking up at her knowingly. "I know that look. That is a Lois look. And where there is a Lois look, there is no good."

Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "Oh bite me, Justin."

Another scream rang through the club.

"Justin! You fucking little perv!" Lois screamed, grasping her nipple.

Justin only giggled to himself. "You told me to."

Lois could only gawk at him. He had just bit her nipple!

Justin reached over and took the drink from Lois' hand, sipping from her straw.

"Justin! I don't want your slobber on it! Gimme!" Lois whined, pulling the drink from Justins mouth. A dribble of strawberry slid down his chin, and slopped on the couch.

"Aw, jeez, Lois! You spooged on the couch!" he teased, laughing at the look on her face at the use of the hated spooge word.

"Shut up, jerkass." she replied.

Just then, Joey came stepping up and onto the level. He looked at the two confused. Lois' pouting expression, and Justins grin. This was backwards. Usually it was Justin pouting and Lois happy for whatever torture she had thrust upon him.

"What's going on?" he asked, not sure if he really wanted to know the answer.

"She spooged." Justin said plainly.

"He bit my nipple!" she whined.

Joey could only look at them as if they were insane. What the hell happened when these two were alone? Joey made a mental note never to leave them alone again. It was never a good thing for anyone. Mankind would be better off if Justin Timberlake and Lois Lawson were never left alone. Of that, he was sure.

"What were you doing?" Lois asked as Joey walked across to the other couch.

"Just playing pool downstairs." he smiled.

She smiled at his smile. It was the same smile he had had a while ago, when their bet had been started. That smile, brought back the reason for her earlier excitement. Before she was forced to spend more time than she wanted to with a whiny Justin.

"I have good news for you," she said. "Well, maybe bad, since it will result in my victory, but anyhoo." she shrugged at her own rambling. "I found someone."

Her statement didn't get the reaction she had thought it would. She figured he would look curious. Wondering what kind of girl she had found for him to pursue. Instead, his smile matched hers; one of success.

"Actually," he smirked. "I found someone too."

"Who did ya'll find?" Justins voice could be heard asking his usual stupid questions in the background, but neither of them acknowledged him.

"Really?" Lois said turning her body to face Joey. "Do tell."

"Well, I don't want to give away too much." Joey said, smoothing out his shirt. "But I think I did good." Grinning evilly at her, he asked. "You?"

"Oh, I think I did pretty good myself." she said, keeping her face a small smile.

"Why did you do good? Whatcha trying to do good at?" Justin asked again, raising himself to be propped up on his elbow.

"Good. So we have some candidates, then." Joey smiled. "You sure you wanna do this? I mean, I wouldn't want you to be all distraught and humiliated when I win. And win I will."

"Oh don't worry about me, hon." Lois said. "I am perfectly fine and completely capable of kicking your ass at this, just like I always do at everything else."

Joey only grinned at her confidence.

He had a pretty good feeling that comments like that wouldn't work well with his choice of guy for her. Even though Joey liked them himself; the feisty confidence in Lois always made things interesting, to some it was hard to take. Well, not too many, but this guy was laid back enough to be taken back by it. Just what Joey wanted.

"My nose fell off!" Justins scream turned Lois and Joeys attention to him.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"Nothing." he shrugged. "I just hate it when ya'll ignore me."

It was all Lois could do to keep herself from hitting him.

"So what are ya'll talking about?" Justin asked, rolling on his back again, and almost pushing Lois off the edge of the couch in the process.

"Watch it, Lake." she warned. "And none of your business."

"Fine!" he whined, looking to Joey. "Joey will tell me."

"What makes you think Joey will tell you if I wont?" Lois asked.

"Cause he always does." Justin explained. "Like when you got your underwear lost in the elevator, and wouldn't tell anyone why or how, Joey told me."

Lois' eyes shot to a now very uncomfortable Joey. "You dipshit!" she yelled, pointing her finger at him. "That explains why Chris is always asking me if I wanna ride in an elevator with him!"

Joey only laughed along with Justin.

"Aha!" a new voice sounded in among the laughter. "There you are."

"Oh no." Justin whined, before trying to hide behind Lois. "Please, Lois, hide me. Ill do whatever you want. Ill cut your grass. Ill wash your underwear, Ill even stop sending you porn emails, just keep her away from me."

"That's you that's always sending me those!?" Lois yelled, looking behind her at a cowering Justin.

Frowning, she turned to the familiar face. "He's right here, Lala." she said before standing from the couch, exposing Justin.

"Traitor." he pouted at her.

"J, I wondered why it was taking you so long to pee. I thought you had fallen in or got it stuck or something." Lauren said, walking up to push him out of the way and sit on the couch.

Justin quickly changed the topic. "These two are up to something!" he said, pointing at Lois and Joey.

"Are not!" they answered in unison.

"Oh, we know you're up to something now!" Lauren said, turning to face them. "Whenever you answer at the same time, you're up to something." Smiling, she looked at Lois. "So?"

"So?" she replied casually.

"What are you up to?" Lauren asked, leaning her arm on the back of the couch.

"Nothing." Lois grinned.

"Liar." Justin said, giving her a get real look.

"Okay wait," Joey interjected. "Lois," he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I think we should tell them."

"Why?" she whispered back.

"Because, we're gonna need referees." he continued. "Now, its not that I don't trust you. Well, no, that's exactly what it is, but anyways, I think they should be involved here. They have to follow the progress of the relationships we make. We tell them the truth of how things go. They watch us interact with the person, and stuff. That way, we will have a fair result."

As much as she hated to admit it, Joeys idea didn't suck. It actually made sense.

"Okay, but you know Justin is going to side with you and probably make you out to be doing better than you are!" she pointed.

"That is why Justin is your ref, and Lauren is mine." Joey smiled.

Lois had to like that idea. Lauren wouldn't let Joey get away with anything. And even though Justin probably wouldn't let Lois away with much, she could probably manipulate or confuse him enough to get away with stuff.

Grinning, she nodded. "Agreed."

"What are you two whispering about?" Justin asked, sitting up in a seated position beside Lauren.

Giving each other one last sly smile, Lois and Joey turned to their two friends.

"Guys," Lois said. "We have a bet going."

Chapter Six

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