Thank Youz

As always, I have people I want to thank for helping me write this story.
This story, more than any of my others, feature some of the greatest characters ever. Mainly due to the fact that they are modelled after some of the greatest people ever!

  • Lois; You know you kick ass, so Im not even going to bother stating that fact. You are one of the greatest people I know, which is wierd because we have never met *lol*. Thanks for all the help on this, and everything else I rambling to you about. *hands Lois a Fuji apple*

  • Lauren, are you too fun! You wanted to be Lois' excentric cousin, and now you are! Yay! Luff ya!

  • Nikki & Kayla, my Hayden Christensen girls! Luff ya! *hands Nikki & Kayla mini-Haydens*

  • Brian, even though you didnt volunteer to be Lois' little love interest, you still rule.

  • Rae for being brave enough to be the girl whos ass Lois kicks. *takes away Lois' class ring. Pulls her hair and runs away*

  • Nicki, Valerie, Melissa, Kate, Suzy, Brittany, Crystal (Maf!), Tiki, Amanda, Emily, NeeCee and everyone else who volunteered to be on this story! Sorry if it doesnt live up to your expectations, but I already told you I sucked at writing!

  • To everyone at LD for being the most amazing group of people I have ever been fortunate enough to know.

  • And of course, Lynn for being hoochie.

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