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Future Reference

Author's Note: I am always coming up with ideas for stories, whether short little blurbs, or long involved dramas. I always jot them down, but never actually put them into action. So, I have decided Im going to list them here, and you guys can choose which story I write next! YAY!
The title and a short description/summary will be listed below, and if you would like to see one of these made into a story, just e-mail me and let me know!

Current Work in Progress: Broken -- started March 2011

Current Project Information
Length: Long
Genre: Drama
Summary: So many things happen in life that you cant control, and you swear if you ever find yourself in that situation again, it wont happen the same way. Not this time. You wont let it...
Featuring: Justin

Never Again
Length: Long
Genre: Drama/Romance
Summary: Having your heart broken is painful, and you always tell yourself....never again.
Featuring: Justin

That Was Then
Length: Long
Genre: Romance
Description: A story about life, loss, and rediscovering a love your heart never truly forgot.
Featuring: Justin

Length: Long
Genre: Drama/Romance
Description: If you've ever had a broken heart, you promise yourself to never let it happen again. You dont want to think about it, you dont want to dream about it, but it finds its way back into your head.
Featuring: JC

In The End
Length: Undetermined
Genre: Drama
Description: You work your ass off for everything you have. You think there is a reason. You think its all worth it. But in the end, it doesnt even matter.
Featuring: Undetermined

In Too Deep
Length: Undetermined
Genre: Drama
Description: He was there once. Finding his way out almost killed him. He swore to never let it happen again, but he doesnt always get what he wants. Again, he finds himself in too deep.
Featuring: Undetermined

Length: Undetermined
Genre: Drama
Description: There isnt much that he cant get. No one cant resist his charm, his smile and especially his fame. Except her. She is the one thing he cant seem to get. She is the only thing to him that is forsaken.
Featuring: Justin

Something So Right
Length: Undetermined
Genre: Romance
Description: There are those few people in your life, that make everything feel perfect. That make everything around you seem better. Brighter. Those few special people that really can prove that there is such a thing as something so right.
Featuring: Undetermined

Help Me
Length: Long
Genre: Drama/Romance
Description: Help me figure out the difference between right and wrong, weak and strong. Figure out where I belong...
Featuring: Undetermined