Chapter Twelve

Ryan rushed into the living room, streamers and balloons filling her arms. Tossing them onto the couch, she headed back into the study to bring the rest of the decorations from their place in the closet. After removing all the necessary items from the study, Ryan, Lance, JC, Chris and Cheryl began to decorate Mama Lynns massive living room.

Lynn was supposed to be back at the house by three that afternoon with Justin, so that only gave them two hours to decorate the room, and have the food ready. Normally, two hours would have been plenty of time, but whenever Chris was involved, nothing was ever normal.

"Hey, ya'll!" he called from across the room. Turning towards his voice, Ryan rolled her eyes at him. "Look! I have boobies!" Lance and JC burst out laughing while Chris pranced around the room, two balloons stuffed into the top of his shirt.

"Hey, nice rack, dude." Lance called between laughs.

Chris ran up and slapped Lance on the shoulder limply. "Bitch." he said with a lisp. This comment causing JC to laugh harder, doubling over and falling to the floor.

Cheryl just giggled slightly at his antics before continuing to tape the end of a streamer to the corner of the ceiling.

"Chris, we all know you're in touch with your feminine side, now get back over there and keep blowing up those balloons!" Ryan scolded without bothering to look over her shoulder at him.

Pouting, Chris went back to his place, sitting back in his chair in the corner of the room. Balloons surrounded him on the floor, while more sat on the table at his side waiting to be filled with Chris' hot air.

"Hey, where are Lois and Joey?" Cheryl asked as she taped the corner of the streamer more securely to the ceiling. "I thought they were supposed to be here to help us?"

"They were, but they decided to go rock climbing and then go to see Justin." Lance said as he unfolded a 'Welcome Home Justin' banner on the floor. "Well, actually, Lois decided to go rock climbing and Joey went with her."

"Have you noticed that she has him wrapped around her little finger?" Cheryl called across the room to Ryan, who was stepping down from the chair she was standing on to grab another streamer. "Every time she wants to do something crazy, she drags poor Joey along with her."

"Yeah, but have you noticed that he doesn't really complain all that much?" JC commented with a sly smile.

The occupants of the room all smiled at each other, all thinking the same thing without saying a word.

They continued to work in silence for a few moments before Chris spoke up. "So, Ry?"


"How do you think Justin is doing? I mean, for real?" Chris asked as he tied the end of a balloon.

"What do you mean?" This question caused Ryan to turn and face him, a questioning look on her face.

"Well, you know Justin. He is the king at making it seem like everything is okay, when really, he's not doing okay, you know?" Tossing the balloon onto the floor at his feet, Chris picked up another and stretched it out. "I mean, physically he is doing much better. But emotionally, there is no way he can be over something like that this quickly."

"Thank you Dr. Kirkpatrick." Cheryl teased as she picked up a balloon to toss at his head. It floated a few inches in front of her before falling to the ground gently.

"No, I'm serious." For once, Chris had a serious look on his face. That never happened, so everyone stopped what they were doing to actually pay attention to him for once. "Physically, he is weak, has lost a lot of weight, and is all jacked up. But he will get back on track and get back to his normal shape once he gets on a roll. But emotionally, something like this could really mess a guy up, ya know. I mean, seriously you guys, Justin almost died. But has he once ever said anything to any of us about how he is handling that fact?" Chris paused to look around the room at his friends. They all looked in different directions as they thought about the question Chris had just posed to them. Justin had not once said anything to any of them about how he was handling things emotionally. It had always been his physical condition that was the topic of conversation and concern. "All I'm sayin' is that when you're in the hospital, things are a certain way. You know you are sick or hurt, so you act accordingly. Knowing Justin, when he gets home he's gonna think he can just jump right back into his old lifestyle. Being active and stuff, and when his body doesn't cooperate the way it used to, he may have a little freak out." Turning to look at Ryan, Chris paused. "Has Dr. Hughes said anything about Justins emotional state since the accident?"

Ryan looked at the floor while she thought of everything Chris just said. He was never one to make much sense, or be the one to actually pose an important question, but this time he had really outdone himself. Dr. Hughes had not mentioned anything about Justins emotional condition, and to be honest, Ryan never thought much about it. It didn't appear to be a problem, because Justin had been handling things well. He had only had that one nightmare, and that had been weeks ago. Ever since then, he had not mentioned anything to Ryan about nightmares, or any fears he was having.

"No," she answered Chris' question softly. "Dr. Hughes hasn't said anything to me about that. The only things we've talked about have been how Justins physical condition has been improving."

Chris nodded his head, before looking back down to the balloon his in hands. He fumbled with the end for a while. He wasn't sure if he was glad he had brought this up or not. It was something he had been wondering about for a while now, but maybe now wasn't the time to talk about it with everyone.

Justin was a strong person, both physically and emotionally. You couldn't be in the kind of business they were if you weren't strong in mind and body because the stress and demands took its toll on both. But Justin had always been a very emotional person. Very passionate and focused. He had done a very good job at making it seem like everything was alright, but Chris wasn't so sure. He found it hard to believe that Justin was just over this, without going through any of the crap that usually went along with it. Some people after an accident like Justins went through a period where they were depressed. They couldn't understand why this had happened, and would confide their fears and concerns in their loved ones. Justin hadn't done this, so all Chris could determine was that he was trying to handle it all on his own, without having to put his emotional baggage on those around him.

He always did that. When something was bothering him, Justin would always keep it inside. Agonize over it until he exploded and broke down.

Chris' concern was that when Justin returned home, he would automatically go back to his normal routine. Or at least try to. But the fact that he was still injured would restrict him from his daily activities, this making Justin more irritable. He hated it when people pitied him or tried to help him. He knew he was a strong man, and would always try to deal with things on his own.

But this was something that he couldn't deal with on his own. And Chris knew that every single one of them would be there for Justin when he needed them. All he needed to do was admit he needed the help.

Deciding it was better to let the subject drop rather than depress everyone for the rest of the day, Chris cracked a smile. "Hey ya'll."

Everyone woke up from their thoughts to look at him.

"How much do you think you could get for me lookin' like this?" he smiled, looking down at his new boobs proudly.

Lance laughed out loud. "No offense buddy, but I don't think we'd get much."

Chris pouted, throwing a balloon at Lance. "You're just jealous cause you don't look this good."

And with that, the tension was broken and they returned to their jobs.

But Ryan continued to think about what Chris had said. Justin was strong, but even Ryan knew that he had his breaking point. The fact that it had been over three weeks and he still had not mentioned anything about how he was feeling, caused Ryan to worry. That only meant that Justin was holding it all inside, and would eventually ware himself out.

Leaving the remainder of the decorating to Lance and Chris, JC, Ryan and Cheryl headed into the kitchen to make up the food. They had all of Justins favorites, and a few other interesting items.

Removing everything from the fridge, Cheryl set it out on the counter top of the island in the middle of the huge kitchen.

JC began to remove the covers from the food, while Ryan set the items out on trays and cooked what needed to be cooked. It was all pre made, so all they had to do was heat it up and set it out.

"Do you think Justin has any idea that we're throwing him a party?" JC asked as he passed a tray of mini sandwiches to Ryan.

"I don't think so." she said as she pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "If he does, he isn't letting on. I saw him yesterday and he seemed to be completely oblivious."

"Isn't he always?" Cheryl joked as she slid a tray of meatballs into the oven.

Ryan gave her a playful look before continuing. "I kinda feel bad that Doc couldn't be here. I think Justin would have liked to come home to find him sittin' in his living room."

"That is if they haven't killed each other yet. They are hyper enough normally, on Justins last day you gotta figure that they are both going to be on overdrive." JC joked as he leaned on the counter.

Ryan grinned. "Yeah. That's true." Setting the last tray of cold foods on the kitchen table, Ryan returned to her friends to lean on the countertop across from JC. "I was thinking that one day soon, if Justins feeling up to it, that we could take Doc out for a day. Justin has mentioned it once or twice, so I thought it would be a good thing for both of them. That is, if the hospital will let us."

"I don't see why they wouldn't. So long as he is feeling good, he should be allowed to go out for a day." Cheryl paused, as a wondering look cross her face. "You know, I never asked this before, but what's wrong with Doc? I mean, he's almost as hyper as Chris, so why is he in the hospital?"

Ryan lost her smile at Cheryls question. She hadn't told anyone, not even Justin, about Docs condition. She didn't feel it was her place to reveal that, so she was thankful that no one had brought it up. Until now. "His heart isn't so good." she said flatly.

Before Cheryl could ask another question, Ryan changed the subject. "What time is it?"

Looking up to the clock on the wall, JCs eyes went wide. "Holy crap, its almost three!"

"What!" Ryan stood from her leaning position against the counter to stare at the clock in disbelief. That two hours had gone by way too fast.

Rushing into the living room, Ryans mouth fell open when she was that Lance and Chris were buried in balloons, and now Lance had his own pair of breasts. They had only added a few more decorations, and the banner was up. Other than that, they had been goofing off the whole time.

"Damn it, you guys!" Cheryl scolded as she rushed into the living room. "Its almost three, and you two are in here making boobies!"

"Hey, don't be jealous." Chris said. "We made some for you, too." He smiled as he held two balloons out towards her.

Giving him an angry stare, she grabbed the scissors from the table at her side, and popped both balloons that were extended to her. "I have my own, thankyouverymuch."

Chris stared at the now deflated breasts in disbelief. "Girl, you just popped your tits!"

JC covered his mouth to hold back his laughter. When Cheryl shot him a warning glance, he coughed lightly before picking up balloons and began taping them in place.

"You guys have two seconds to get up off the floor, or I'm going to....." Ryan warned before she was interrupted by Lances antagonizing smile.

"You're going to what?"

Looking to the table at her side, Ryan smiled. Picking up the camera she had set there, she quickly snapped a photo of the two famous pop stars, who had somehow sprouted new body parts.

"Ill give this to MTV. I'm sure it would make your fans happy to know that you two enjoy a little feminine quality time now and then." Ryan grinned evilly at them, waving the camera back and forth in her hand.

Giving each other looks of disbelief, Lance and Chris quickly began to gather items and assist in the decorating that they should have finished by now.

"That's more like it." Ryan nodded before turning back to finish her job.

'Com'on Ma," Justin whined impatiently from the back seat. "I wanna get to my party!"

"Justin Randall, you quiet down back there." Lynn warned, giving him a motherly look from the rearview mirror.

Justin leaned back against the door, crossing his arms over his chest in the infamous Timberlake pout.

Justins broken leg made it impossible for him to sit in the passenger seat comfortably, so he was forced to sit in the back, his leg stretched out across the seat in front of him.

Lois and Joey followed behind Lynns car, and Justin could see them bickering about something every time he turned around.

Once when he turned to look back at them, Lois smiled at him evilly before turning around in her seat to shove her butt against the windshield. Joey gawked at her, before slapping her ass and telling her to sit down. Lois smacked him back as she returned to her seat, this causing yet another bitch-fest between the two.

"You glad to be going home, baby?" Lynn asked as she changed lanes.

"Oh hell yeah." Justin caught his mothers warning eyes in the mirror, and quickly corrected himself. "I mean, heck yeah." he coughed lightly before continuing. "It feels so good to get out of there."

"Now remember what Dr. Hughes said. Your ribs are still not completely healed, and your leg will not heal properly if you put stress on it. Which means you have to rest, and stay off your feet as much as possible. No gimp races with Chris, no bickering with Lois, and no attempts at frolic with Ryan."

Justins shocked eyes shot to his mothers amused ones, as his mouth dropped open. "Ma!"

Lynn giggled to herself as she pulled her car off the highway and onto a quiet street.

Justin felt himself becoming impatient again, gently bouncing his body in his seat. "Are we home yet?" he whined

"Does it look like we're home?" Lynn questioned as she turned onto another street.

Justin whined a little before leaning his arm on the door and stared out at the streets gliding by.

He watched as people walked down the street. All with somewhere to go and something to do. All with families and lives and dreams.

Justin remembered what it was like to be able to walk down the street like a normal person, without having to be accompanied by bodyguards. He longed for a day when he could just go out to a 7-11 and buy a Big Gulp without being mobbed.

But that was one of the prices of fame. By doing what he loved, he had to sacrifice the ability to do normal, day to day things. Justin sighed at he passed a 7-11. No more Big Gulps for him.

He smiled as he noticed his mother pull the car onto her street, driving down slowly. Very slowly. She was obviously taking her time, and Justin laughed.

"What?" Lynn asked from the drivers seat.

"You're stalling." Justin said, meeting his mothers eyes in the rearview mirror.

"I am not." Lynn lied, looking back out to the road in front of her.

"Then why are you driving 20 in a 40?" Justin taunted, raising an eyebrow at his mom.

Lynn opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again before any words came out. Furrowing her brow, she looked up at him in the mirror. "Don't question your mother!" she scolded.

Justin laughed.

As Lynn pulled into her driveway, Justin was bouncing in the back, propelling his motions with his arms.

"Justin, didn't I just say you had to behave and take it easy? No jumping around!" Lynn warned as she pulled the car up to the house.

Lois and Joey pulled in behind Lynns car, and Justin turned just in time to see Lois smack Joey on the back of the head before opening her door and stepping out of the car.

Lynn parked her car, and stepped out to open the door for Justin. Joey and Lois stepped up to her car, and Joey reached down to help Justin out. It took a few tries, but finally Justin was able to wiggle his way back and out of the car, as Lois held his crutches out for him to place under his arms.

Adjusting the crutches, Justin smiled at his companions. "Lets par-tay!"

"Justin, Ryan worked really hard to make this surprise for you, so please just act surprised." Lynn said as she walked slowly towards the door with Justin hobbling up the walk. "Please. It will break her heart to know that Joey blurted it all out." she finished, turning to shoot Joey a glare.

He only hung his head as Lois matched Lynns stare. He wasn't stupid enough to say anything when two women looked at him that way. He didn't have a death wish.

"No problem Ma." Justin smiled as he hopped up onto the front step. "I'm all about surprises."

Chapter Thirteen

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