Chapter Thirteen

Ryans arm froze in midair, a balloon in her grasp. Turning her head to the side, she listened carefully for the noise she thought she had just heard. All she could hear was Chris singing 'I'm Too Sexy for my Breasts' over and over as he shimmied and shook his butt at Lance.

"Shhh," she called, stepping down from the chair to walk over to the window. "I think I just heard something."

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and rushed over to the window beside Ryan.

"Shit, they're back!" Cheryl whispered loudly.

Instantly, the five friends turned and scurried around the room, grabbing the leftover streamers and balloons and throwing them around frantically.

Ryan rushed over to the entrance to the living room, and turned off the lights.

Pressing her back against the wall, Ryan kept her hand on the light switch. The moment Justin walked through the door, she would flick it on and surprise him.

JC dove behind the couch, while Cheryl hid behind a chair. Lance ran over and hid behind another chair, as Chris rushed over to hid behind the same one.

"Screw off, dude." Lance whined. "This is my spot!"

"Damn it!" Chris yelled as he ran around the room crazily trying to find a hiding spot.

As the door opened, Chris panicked. Running over to the window, he hid behind the long curtains, pulling them across his body while his feet stood out from the bottom.

Waiting impatiently, Chris listened closely for any indication that it was time to jump out.

He heard motions in the foyer outside the living room, and could faintly hear the sounds of voices quietly talking.

A light bang sounded, and Chris jumped out from behind the curtain.

"Surprise!" he yelled, throwing his arms up into the air.

Joey hobbled into the living room, clutching his chin. He looked at Chris strangely, as Justin hopped into the room behind Joey.

Justin looked at Chris strangely, who was still standing with his arms up in the air and a stupid look on his face.

Leaning on the door frame, Justin rested his crutches at his side to raise his hands in the air to match Chris. "Hi, Chris!" he said mockingly.

Hearing Justins voice at the doorway, Ryan flicked on the light, and everyone else jumped out and yelled surprise.

Justin looked around the room, an expression of shock and delight spread across his face. Placing his hand to his heart, he swayed dramatically as he grinned stupidly at his friends. "Oh! A surprise party? For me!" Gasping emotionally, Justin pretended to tear up. "Oh, you shouldn't have."

Giving Justin a strange look, Ryan thought his reaction to be strange. Looking over at Joey, who was looking around the room, casually trying to avoid her eye contact, she stepped up and smacked him on the back of the head. "You told him!" she yelled.

"Ow!" Joey whined, clutching the back of his head. "It was an accident!"

"Yeah, well so is this!" Lois called as she pushed passed Joey, causing him to fall in the couch.

Justin laughed hysterically at everyone, and the fact that Joey was getting in trouble. So much for not letting Ryan know that he knew. But this was good too.

Shooting Joey another annoyed look, Ryan stepped up to smile at Justin. "Hey!"

"Hey baby!" he grinned back at her happily. "Thanks for this."

"Anytime." she said, reaching up to kiss him gently.

"Ahem." A motherly voice called from behind Justin. "A mothers eyes do not need to see this" Lynn teased as she entered the room.

Ryan smiled at her as she wrapped her arms around Justins waist. Justin returned the embrace before looking back over to Chris, who was still standing in the same spot, his arms still raised in the air.

"Dude?" Justin yelled. "What the hell are you doing? The surprise is over."

"I don't know, man." Chris said, looking around the room confused. Scratching his chin, he shrugged off his own stupid behavior before stepping up to hug Justin. "What the hell was that bang?"

"Lois pinched by ass, and I jumped away and into the wall." Joey whined as he shot Lois a look from across the room.

Chris nodded as he headed towards Justin.

As he walked towards him, Justins eyes were drawn to Chris' chest. "Um, dude?"


"You have boobies."

"Yeah. Like 'em?" Chris asked, turning to the side so Justin could get a better look.

"Actually, yeah." Justin smiled.

"Cool. Lance got a pair too." Turning to yell across the room at Lance, Chris shouted. "Hey Lance! Show Justin your boobs!"

Lance smiled proudly as he stuck his chest out to show off his new body.

"Very nice." Justin nodded with appreciation. "Do I get a pair?"

"Of course." Chris smiled as he picked up two large balloons and handed them to Justin. Justin grinned as he carefully leaned against the wall to shove the balloons up his shirt.

"Now this is the life!" Chris nodded happily. "Who needs women! We have our own boobs to look at now!"

Ryan rolled her eyes at Chris before grabbing one of Justins new boobs with her hand.

"Hey! Don't grope me!" Justin whined as he pushed her hand away. Turning to look at Chris, he whined. "Now if I had done that, she would have slapped me."

"Yeah, but yours are pretty nice, dude." Chris gave Justin a look of approval before heading over to give Joey and JC their own sets of breasts. "Hey! No man here is allowed to not have breasts! Party rule!"

Smiling as Chris headed off across the room, Ryan turned her attention back to Justin who was smiling down at her. "So, are you happy?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his waist again.

"Extremely." he smiled before kissing the end of her nose.

The party was going great, and Justin had to admit that it felt really good to be home. To be back in his normal environment, surrounded by his family and friends was just what he needed.

Lynn and Monica showed up a little while after Justin arrived. They weren't able to be there any earlier, because they had to work on a music video that day.

They were shocked when they walked into the living room to find all the men prancing around, sticking their chests out at each other to show off their boobs.

"Well," Monica said, leaning in to whisper in Lynns ear. "This is one thing they haven't done before."

"Yeah." Lynn answered, looking at Joey in shock as he compared his new boobs to Lois'. "I'm actually surprised they didn't do this earlier."

Entering the living room, Monica sat down on the couch beside Ryan, and hugged her hello. "So, was Justin surprised?" she asked as Lynn sat down beside her.

"Well, he would have been if Joey hadn't spilled the beans about the party." Ryan said, shooting Joey another glare. He was too busy trying to compare the feel of his boobs to Lois' that he didn't even notice Ryans stare. She laughed as Lois tweeked Joey fake nipple.

"So where is Justin?" Lynn asked, smiling at JC.

"In the kitchen. He's getting some food." Ryan turned herself on the couch to face Monica. Resting her arm on the back of the couch, she rubber her forehead lightly. "He's whining because he's having trouble with the crutches."

"I thought he was doing really well with them?" Lynn asked as she reached out and took a chip from the bowl on the table in front of her.

"He was. But now that he's home, I think he's pushing himself too hard and it is just tripping him up. Once he relaxes a bit, he'll be fine." Ryan nodded as she turned to see Chris and Lance blowing up more balloons. They were fighting over whose boobs were bigger, and now were in a race to see who could get the biggest rack.

Shaking her head, Ryan looked over at Lois and Joey. For the first time since they had arrived at Lynns, they weren't arguing. Lois was smiling happily up at Joey, who was obviously telling her some kind of story. Ryan smiled as she watched them. It was obvious to everyone that things between those two had been progressing over the last few weeks. Lois had mentioned to Ryan once before that she and Joey always seemed to turn to each other when something bad happened.

When the guys went through all that legal trouble with Lou Pearlman long ago, Lois had been Joeys confidant.

When Lois was having problems in her relationship two years ago, it was Joey that she turned to.

It was obvious to Ryan that they had turned to each other again for comfort after Justins accident. They seemed closer, and Ryan was glad to see them happy. It had been too long since either of them had had a solid relationship, and Ryan always wondered why they hadn't hooked up. They were a lot alike, and even though they complained about each other on a daily basis, everyone knew that they adored one another.

Justin hobbled back into the room, falling back into a chair at the end of the couch. Setting his plate in his lap, he smiled happily down at his food. "Now this is the life! No more hospital food for this man!" he said before filling his fork with more food than he could possibly fit in his mouth.

Ryan shook her head at him as he tried to shove the entire fork full into his mouth at once. It didn't work out too well, and half the food ended up falling onto his shirt. Luckily, it was propped up by his new breasts, which acted like a table. He smiled down at the new discovery, before looking over at Lois who was standing a few feet away talking with Joey. "Yo, Lois!" he yelled. "Now I know why ya'll have boobs!"

"Why?" she asked.

"Because, look!" he turned to show her the food laying on his rack. She rolled her eyes at him as Joey laughed beside her.

Lynn and Monica laughed at his antics before standing to head into the kitchen for something to eat.

Lois worked her way over to sit beside Ryan on the couch, placing her feet on the coffee table in front of her.

"So, this party is working out well." Lois said, smiling over at Justin. "Look at him. He sure isn't sulking."

Ryan turned to see Justin trying to throw a piece of potato chip down Joeys cleavage. On the fourth attempt, it went in and both men threw their arms up in victory.

Looking back over to Lois, Ryan leaned her head on the arm that was stretched across the back of the couch. "So," she said quietly. "What's up with you and Joey?"

Ryan noticed Lois get a little nervous, shifting her weight on the couch. "Nothing"

"Oh no, don't give me that shit." Ryan scolded. "You were ruthless when you dragged info out of me when Justin and I first got together. Don't make me have to do with the same with you."

Lois smiled down at her hands, which were fumbling with each other as she remembered all the crap she put Ryan through at the beginning of her relationship with Justin.

"You know, I think its a good thing." Ryan assured Lois with a sweet smile. "I mean, its been a long time since you've been with anyone. And who better than Joey? You guys already know everything about each other."

Lois nodded in agreement as she continued to stare at her hands.

Ryan had never known Lois to get embarrassed or nervous, so this was certainly a first. But she had to admit that it was kind of fun being on the other end of this scenario for once.

"Listen, Joey is a great guy. Don't be afraid to let yourself like him that way. Just because you've met some crappy guys in the past, only means that you are more likely to know what you want when you find it." Ryan smiled.

"Yeah" Lois smiled at Ryan for the first time during their conversation. "He knows all the crap I went through with Roger, and he's already assured me that he will never be like him." Lois looked down at the couch as she continued. "I know Roger wasn't all that bad, but he wasn't the one. He made me laugh, but he also made me cry."

Ryan was silent for a moment before she tilted her head at Lois. "Does Joey make you laugh?"

Lois smiled at the question. "Yeah. And he doesn't make me cry."

At that moment, Joey flopped down on the couch beside Lois, Chris hovering over them. "Hey, answer somethin' for us."

"What?" she asked, giving them an annoyed look.

Standing up, Joey looked down at her. "Who has the better boobs?" he asked as he and Chris stuck their chests out, striking different poses to show off their new features.

Lois rolled her eyes at them before standing up from the couch. She was getting pretty tired of this boob thing. Grabbing a pair of scissors that had been left on the end table, she reached out and popped their boobs. "Neither of you! Now would you piss off with the boob stuff!" she yelled as she pushed passed Joey to go and talk with Lynn.

Chris and Joey stared at her, before looking down at their now deflated chests unhappily.

"Dude, you're woman just popped our tits." Chris sulked.

"Yeah." Joey said, still staring at his now flat chest in disbelief. Looking up at Chris quickly, he gawked. "How did you know she was my woman?"

Chris only grinned at Joey knowingly before he headed off to find himself another set of breasts.

"No, dude, seriously!" Joey called after him as he climbed over balloons to follow Chris. "How did you know!"

Ryan laughed to herself as she could still hear Joey yelling at Chris, who was now busy stuffing his shirt with new boobs. Joey followed suit, as he continued to ramble.

Ryan turned her eyes to Justin, who was now content and leaning back in his chair quietly. He had obviously stuffed himself, because his hands were on his stomach as he took deep breaths.

"Justin?" Ryan called. He looked up at her with a soft smile. "You eat too much?"

"Yeah." he answered. Getting a strange look on his face, Justin burped extremely loudly. The entire room stopped to look at him. "Excuse me." he smiled sheepishly.

"You know what we need?" JC yelled across the room. "Music!" Everyone cheered as JC headed for the stereo, turning it on to a local radio station. Music blared through the house, as everyone began to pop along with the beat.

Justin bobbed his head lightly to the music, still too full to move from his chair. Ryan was glad he had finally eaten well. He had lost quite a bit of weight during his hospital stay. He was a picky eater sometimes, so she could only imagine what he acted like when served hospital food.

Looking out to the crowd, Ryan grinned as she noticed Lois and Joey grinding together to the beat of the music. She also noticed JC and Lance standing in the corner, watching the pair with evil grins. She knew without a doubt that they were going to blast Joey later with questions.

Everyone continued in their fun, while Justin sat quietly in his chair.

Finally, he wiggled his way to the edge of the seat, and pushed himself up. Steadying himself, he grabbed his crutches and placed them under his arms. One of his boobs had shifted, and he had to push it back in place.

Hobbling over to Ryan, he smiled down at her. "Wanna dance?" he asked.

"You think you're up for it?" she questioned. She wasn't sure if he should be dancing in his condition.

"Of course I'm up for it! I wanna get my groove on!" he grinned as he held a hand out to her.

She smiled at him before taking his hand and following him out to the middle of the living room. It was surprisingly not as hard to dance with him as she thought it would be. He was careful not to bounce too much, mostly just shaking his butt to the music.

Chris ran up to Justins side, clapping his hands excitedly. "Com'on, big boy! Dance with yo sexy bitch!" he said as he gyrated around Justin.

Justin laughed at Chris before turning to face him, as the two began to bounce their boobs off of each other.

They were having the time of their lives, laughing and dancing and bouncing their boobs. Ryan finally felt at ease, feeling confident that Justin was fine and that he didn't have anything to worry about.

The two men began to bounce off each other harder, getting carried away with the music and laughter surrounding them.

Loosing himself for a moment, Chris bounced off Justins boobs hard, pushing him back. Justin stumbled as he tried to regain his balance, but he wasn't quick enough. Before he had a change to reach a crutch out to his side, he landed hard on his broken leg.

A loud scream sounded above the music as Justin fell to the floor.

Chapter Fourteen

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