Chapter Two

A cool breeze blew through the open window and into the car, ruffling the hair of the driver inside. A soft melody played from the radio, sending a gentle sound through the car.

With a relaxed sigh, the driver placed his head on his hand, propped up by the elbow leaning on the door of the vehicle. The road stretched out before him, the dark night casting shadows on the road just out of the reach of the headlights. The full moon above sent a white glow through the trees that lined either side of the highway, the stars above scattered across the sky.

Ryan looked over at Justin from her place in the passenger seat. The relaxed and content look on his face brought a smile to hers. He loved to drive. It was one of the normal things in life that he didn't get to enjoy very often, so he took advantage of the opportunity to do so whenever it arose.

Ryan stared at Justin from across the car. The moon above cast a glow across his features, shadowed by the darkness of the night. A small fleck of light twinkled his in eyes as they stared out at the road ahead. His lips sang silently along to a song only he could hear playing on the radio of the car. The wind blowing through the open window caused a few curly tendrils on his head to flutter.

Her smile widened as she looked at him for a moment longer, before turning her attention back out to the road ahead of them. She could feel a cool air on her skin, but did not feel a breeze. The car sped down the highway, no other cars surrounding them. She could not hear the engine running. Justin sang silently along to the radio, but she heard no music. All she felt was cold, and all she heard was silence.

Turning to look at him again, she was shocked at the expression on his face. No longer was the relaxed feeling shining through his eyes. She was still unable to hear the music sounding from the radio, but she knew it was playing. Justin was not singing along anymore.

Both hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his entire body tense and rigid. His eyes were wide, his chin dropped slightly in shock and fear.

Looking quickly back out the windshield of the car, Ryan was faced with a bright flash of light. Justin turned the wheel hard, the car spinning out of control as another vehicle crashed into the rear. Ryans body was thrown forward, but she felt no impact or pain. She knew that another car had it theirs, but she heard no crash, no crushing metal or screeching tires. All she could see was a bright, white flash streaming in from the passenger window at her right, casting an eire glow into the car. On the other side of Justin, all she could see was black. No road, or trees, or moon and stars in the sky. Just a black void.

Ryan looked at Justin, and suddenly they were no longer in the car. She was laying on a ledge, the blinding white light backing her as she hung above the black void where Justin dangled just out of her reach. She tried and tried, but she just couldn't reach him. She could see the fear in his eyes, his lips calling her name, but no sound came from his mouth. His face was pale and scared, as he called to her for help. She began to cry, screaming at him to reach, to grab her hand. Her fingertips were only inches away from his, before he dropped out of sight.

Ryan sat up quickly, her breathing rapid and shaky. Her clothes were damp with perspiration, her heart racing in her chest. Tears streamed down her face, her lips shaking with every breath she took.

Looking around the small hospital room, she fought the urge to cry out.

Bringing her hand to her chest, she took deep breaths to calm her nerves and she looked around the room again. Slowly, her racing thoughts eased as she began to settle. She began to hear the steady beeping of the heart monitor to her right, tracking a heart beat much slower than her own. The room was dimly lit, but she could still make out the room around her. A soft white light poured into the room from the window on her left, the moon shining in and across the floor.

She could faintly hear the sounds of phones ringing, and people quietly talking outside the room. The door was closed, as were the blinds that covered the small window that looked in. A pale light brightened the windowsill beneath the blinds, an occasional shadow sliding past as someone walked by on the other side.

Looking up at the clock on the wall across from her, she could faintly make out the time. It was three thirty in the morning.

Taking another long, deep breath, Ryan closed her eyes again. She was afraid she would see that terrified look on Justins face again. And feel the fright in her stomach as she tried desperately to reach him. But all she saw was black.

Opening her eyes again, she looked down to the motionless body beside her on the bed.

Justin had not moved from his position, still laying comfortably as he was when she had fallen asleep hours ago. His eyes were still peacefully closed, his breathing steady and deep. He was completely unaware of her sitting beside him.

Looking at the night table beside her, Ryan noticed a pitcher of water and a glass. It hadn't been there when she had fallen asleep, so she assumed that a nurse had brought it in when they had checked on Justin during the night. Reaching over, she poured some water into the small glass, placing the pitcher back on the night stand carefully. In one deep breath, she drank the entire glass of water. The cool liquid soothed her sore throat, easing some of the dryness she felt. Pulling the glass from her lips, she looked around the room again.

She was calmer now, her heartbeat settling into a normal pace. She felt a chill on her skin as the air conditioning in the room cooled her body and eased the feeling of fear from her nightmare.

Placing the glass back in its place beside the pitcher, she rubbed her tired eyes. She had been asleep for only a few hours, but it felt like ages.

She had fully expected to wake up in her own room, in the comfort of her bed. But instead she awoke to a hospital room, where her reality was worse than any nightmare she could dream.

Her reality was laying beside her, motionless. Her reality was that the one person she loved more than anyone else in the world was completely unaware of her at his side, or of anything that had happened to him or that was going on around him.

Her reality was that she may lose the best thing in her life.

Ryans chin quivered slightly at her thoughts as she turned to look down at Justins sleeping face. He looked so innocent with his lips pressed together gently. His eyes closed peacefully.

She didn't want to think about what she would do if she lost him. She couldn't lose him. If she lost Justin, she would lose everything.

She never thought she could care this much about one person. She had never been a strong believer in love, until she met him.

Laying back down beside him, she placed her head gently on his shoulder, wrapping her arm across his chest. She could feel his heart beating steadily beneath her hand, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took.

Closing her eyes, she thought back to the day she met him.

Ryan had just signed on as the new makeup artist for Nsyncs latest tour. There was another girl, Lynn, and two woman who did their hair. Monica and Cheryl. Along with Lois, the guys wardrobe consultant, they would be the five people making up NSyncs image.

Ryan had been a little apprehensive about signing on to a tour like this, figuring that since most of the other crew had been with the group from the beginning that they would have a connection with each other that would be hard for her to enter into.

But the moment she stepped in to Jive that first day, they made her feel like part of the family.

"Hey!" an woman around the age of thirty called from across the crowded room. Stepping up to Ryan quickly, she extended her hand with a friendly smile. "You must be Ryan." she greeted, shaking her hand vigorously. "I'm Cheryl, one of the guys stylists."

"Nice to meet you." Ryan smiled back at the woman genuinely.

Taking a look around the full room, Ryan felt her stomach begin to flutter. Were all these people going to be on the tour? There had to be more than a hundred people scattered throughout the large room. Tables were set up around the room, with people sitting around chatting with each other. A long table sat against the far wall with drinks, small sandwiches and chips. There was a dull roar in the room as all the people talked at once.

Noticing her nervous glances, Cheryl laughed. "Oh don't worry, hon. We're not in charge of all these guys. Although, it wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?" Cheryl winked at Ryan, causing her to laugh. She was going to like working with her.

"Are all these people on this one tour?" Ryan asked, giving the room another sweep with her eyes.

"Yeah." Cheryl turned to look around the room. "Most of them are road crew. You know, the guys who set up the stages and all. We wont get to hang with them all that much." Looking over at Ryan, Cheryl asked "Is this your first tour?"

"That obvious, huh?" Ryan smiled shyly.

"Yeah, a little." Cheryl laughed, returning her gaze back to the room. "Its nothing. We're all one big family on the road. You will mostly hang with me and the other stylists. And of course the guys."

Ryan nodded as an attractive black man smiled at her. Giving him a nod, she smiled back.

"That's Jake. He's one of the security guys, and an all around sweetheart." Cheryl offered as she noticed the exchange between Ryan and Jake.

"You know everyone, eh?"

"Yup. Ive been with the guys for years, so I pretty much know everybody here. Stick with me, girl, and you'll be fine." Cheryl smiled, nudging Ryan with her elbow. "Hey, have you met the guys yet?"

"Actually no. Ive only met Johnny Wright, since he was the one who hired me. I haven't had a chance to meet anyone else yet."

"Oh, well, you wont see Johnny on the tour. Unless we're at home here in Orlando. Com'on, Ill show ya around. Anthony wont be starting this meeting for a little while, so I have time to introduce you to some people." Taking Ryans hand, Cheryl pulled her into the crowd.

Ryan couldn't get over just how many people there were. She had been told by Johnny to come to the tour orientation meeting today, so she figured that it would just be a few crew members and the group. She didn't realize just how many people were involved in putting a tour together. She had never been on a tour crew before, her main experience lay mostly in photography. But she jumped at the chance to travel around the country when she was offered the job after Johnny had seen her work on a music video three months ago.

Pulling Ryan through the crowd, they stopped at a table near the back. Stepping up to the table, the four women who sat together chatting, turned to look up at Ryan.

"Girls, this is Ryan. She's our new makeup artist." Cheryl introduced Ryan to the women, who all smiled at her sweetly. "Ryan, this is Lynn, Lois and Monica. Lynn is the other makeup girl, and Lois is the guys wardrobe consultant. She's the reason they wear some of the disastrous clothes they do." Cheryl paused to give Lois a taunting smile before continuing. "And Monica.......well, she's just Monica." Cheryl laughed at her own humor as the dark eyed brunette introduced as Monica gave her a dirty look.

"Now, don't be jealous just because I can tame Justins curls better than you, hon." she teased Cheryl before she stuck her tongue out at her.

Cheryl simply rolled her eyes in response.

Looking at the women she would be spending the next three months of her life with, Ryan felt more at ease. They welcomed her immediately, sitting her down with them and asking her how she got started, where she was from, and how she ended up on the tour.

Monica was much older than Ryan. Probably around the age of forty. She was short, with her dark brown hair cut in a short, curled style. She had a warm, motherly smile and joked along with the other like a teenager.

Lynn was a little older than Ryan. Probably by a couple years, which would make her twenty two or so. Her blue eyes stood out against her light red hair. Layered fringes fell around her face, cascading onto her shoulders. She was always laughing, and seemed to be a very happy person.

Lois seemed around the age of twenty five. Her blonde hair falling onto her shoulders, which shook lightly as she laughed. She had a lovely smile, and was giving Cheryl a run for her money in the smartass department.

Cheryl was around the age of thirty, even though Ryan could tell that she could probably have her moments where she acted around the age of twelve. She was constantly making jokes and laughing with the other woman, but always made sure to include Ryan in the conversations. She had light brown hair which was pulled up into a ponytail. Her hair still fell to the middle of her back, making it obvious that the length was probably near her waist. Her green eyes darted around the table excitedly as she chattered.

Ryan was caught up in the conversation at hand, feeling like she had known these women for years. If the rest of the crew was this easy to get along with, then she was going to have the time of her life.

A loud clapping noise echoed through the large room, as everyone shushed each other. When the room had quieted, Ryan looked up to see a tall, middle aged man, with long hair and tattoos scattered down his arms, standing at the front of the room.

"That's Anthony." Cheryl leaned over to whisper in Ryans ear. "He's the tour manager."

Ryan nodded as she looked at Anthony. He had a stern look of control on his face, and the fact that he had the attention of the entire room gained her respect for the man immediately. She couldn't even keep the attention of her little sister for longer than five seconds.

"Well, I just want to welcome you all to this new tour. I'm sure its going to be just as great as the ones in the past." A roar of cheers and clapping filled the room. "Welcome to those of you who are new to the team, and welcome back to those of you who are returning with us. For those of you who know the ropes around here, you know what to expect. To those of you who aren't familiar with our routines, I'm sure you will catch on quickly. This is going to be the time of your life, but also the most hectic time of your life. So enjoy it!"

The room buzzed with cheers again, as Ryan looked around at all the faces. She could tell that most of the people in her view were probably returning crew members. They seemed relaxed and had an air about them signifying that they knew what to expect.

Anthony proceeded to go through the details of the tour, what was expected from everyone and what the schedule was. Ryan was a little wary of him at first, but listening to him speak, she knew he was going to be a good guy to work with. He seemed capable and in control, assuring anyone in the room that he was there if they had any questions.

After a little over an hour, Anthony thanked everyone for showing up, saying that he would see them in two days at the start of the tour.

Following one last collective cheer from the crowd, everyone proceeded to stand and exit the room gradually. Cheryl stretched her arms over her head with a yawn. "Oh man, is it just me or did we just do this last week? Didn't we just get back from a tour?"

"That was two months ago, hon." Lynn smiled as Cheryl stood from her seat.

"So Ryan," Monica turned to her. "Have you met the guys yet?"

"No. Cheryl came up to me as soon as I walked in the room, so I haven't had a chance to meet them yet." she replied as she pushed her chair up to the table.

"Yeah, trust Cheryl to make sure she was the first person you met." Lois rolled her eyes. "Watch out for her, girl. She comes off all sweet and nice, but she can be as sneaky as Chris when she wants to be." Giving Cheryl a teasing glance, Lois winked at her.

"Oh, I know you're not talking about being sneaky, Lois! Who is the one who locked who in the bathroom in Dallas? Without any clothes!"

Lois only laughed in response.

"Let me warn you now, Ryan. On this tour, no one is safe from practical jokes. Chris and Justin are the worst, but the others can have their moments, too." Monica warned as they made their way out into the hall.

"Ill keep that in mind." Ryan smiled appreciatively at the woman on her right.

As they neared the end of the long hallway, a loud scream sounded from ahead. The five women stopped in their tracks. Ryan looked around at her companions faces. They all had knowing smiles, and were looking at each other as if they were trying not to laugh. Ryan had no idea what they were smiling at. It sounded like someone was being murdered down there.

She was just about to ask what was going on, when a flash of blue ran across the hall ahead of them. Almost immediately, a flash of red followed in hot pursuit. The four women began laughing hysterically, while Ryan looked at them like they were insane.

Looking up to the end of the hallway again, the flash of blue was now headed towards them slowly. Very slowly. It seemed as if it was dragging something behind it. That something appeared to be the flash of red.

"You wanna meet the guys?" Lois asked Ryan as she tried to calm her laughter.

"Um," Ryan wasn't quite sure what to say, considering what she was witnessing right in front of her.

As the blue figure neared, Ryan realized that it was a young man, about her age. He was tall, with curly blonde hair, and amazing blue eyes. The blue part of the flash was his blue shirt. He swung his arms hard in the air, his left leg dragging behind him as he pulled the red figure down the hall.

This red figure, was latched on to the blue figures leg with both hands as it was dragged down the hall on its stomach. The red being his red t-shirt. This figure appeared to be a little older, with short dark hair. He was yelling at the top of his lungs, jabbering on about something to do with poptarts.

As the two figures reached the five women, the blue figure stopped suddenly causing the red figure to slam his face into the ground.

"Ow! Dammit, Justin!" he whined, rubbing his chin.

The blue figure, who was apparently named Justin, looked down at the red figure with a sly smile. "Aw, did that hurt?" he asked, sticking his lip out in a pout. "Sucks to be you."

The red figure stood up, dusting himself off before he gave Justin a shot in the arm. "You suck."

"No, I'm awesome. You suck." Justin proclaimed proudly before turning his attention to the five women staring at them. "Hey, ladies."

"Hey, Justin. You beating on Chris again?" Cheryl asked, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"No, I'm the one kickin' his ass!" Chris pointed at Justin accusingly. "He ate the last poptart!"

"Dude, I told you ten freaking times! You ate it last night! You're just old and senile and don't remember!" Justin defended.

The two stared each other down, before Cheryl stepped between them. Wrapping an arm around either one of their shoulders, she smiled sweetly at Ryan who was staring at the spectacle in front of her.

"Ryan, these are two of the fruitcakes you will be working with for the next three months." Cheryl stated plainly. "You sure you want this job? Its not too late to back out now."

Ryan smiled at Cheryl when Justin and Chris shot her matching pitiful looks.

Turning his attention to Ryan, Chris smiled "She loves us. She's just bitter cause she cant get with this." he emphasized his point by running a hand seductively down his chest.

Turning to look at the young woman in front of him, Justins smile dropped slightly. She was beautiful. Her long brown hair fell far from her shoulders, with subtle layers near the bottom. Her green eyes stood out dramatically, and her smile was amazing, even if it was nervous.

Noticing Justins stare, Ryan felt herself become even more nervous.

"Justin, Chris, this is Ryan. She's going to be our newest makeup artist." Monica stated with a nod of her head. "Try to go easy on her, its her first tour."

"Ah, you're a tour virgin." Chris smiled at her. Ryan felt her face turn red.

Shooting Chris an annoyed glance, Justin stepped up to her. "Hi. I'm Justin." he smiled, taking her small hand in his. "And that odd little creature over there is something we picked up on the side of the road. He keeps following us around, and we don't have the heart to put him in the pound." he grinned, motioning to Chris with his head.

Chris only punched Justin in the arm again before shaking Ryans hand. They began chatting with each other, going through the initial getting-to-know-you stage.

Looking between Justin and Ryan, Lois noticed the looks they were sending each other. They kept stealing glances, hoping the other wouldn't notice. The moment one of them would look at the other, the one would look away.

Smiling to herself, Lois got an evil idea. "Hey, Justin." she chimed in. "Whatcha doin' tonight?"

"Um, nothing. Why?" Justin asked, giving her a confused look at she stepped up to stand beside him.

"Oh nothing. I just thought that you could take Ryan out and show her around. She's new and all, and who better to give her the grand tour than you?"

"Hey, I give good tours!" Chris noted, raising his hand in the hopes that someone would notice him.

"No you don't." Lois shot him a warning glance before the sweet smile was returned to her face to look back and forth between Ryan and Justin. "So, what do ya say?" She heard Chris wimper at her side as he pouted.

"Um," Justin looked at Ryan nervously. "Sure? I mean, if you want to."

"I don't want to be any trouble....." Ryan began to protest, but Lois cut her off.

"Its no trouble at all, is it J? You have no life." she said, giving him an encouraging look.

"Apparently not" Justin exclaimed with a roll of his eyes.

"Then its settled." Lois nodded her head as if she had just confirmed everything for them. "Justin will pick you up at your place around 5, how's that sound?"

"Um, okay." Ryan agreed apprehensively. She wasn't completely sure about going out on the town with someone she only just met. Especially when that person had just dragged his friend down the hallway. But he seemed like a nice guy, and she needed to get to know him more if she was going to be spending the next three months on the road with him.

"Okay. Give me your address and phone number, and Ill pass it on to Justin." Lois said, nodding between the two as she spoke.

"Justins right here," Justin spoke up with a raise of his hand. "She could just give me the info herself."

"Or that too." she smiled.

After giving Justin her info, the guys headed down the hall in the direction the girls had just came from. When they disappeared around a corner, Cheryl burst out laughing.

"Girl, you are too much!" she gasped. "May as well set them up already."

"Hey, I know you noticed the way they were looking at each other. Justin was slipping in his own dribble, and Ryan still has a glazed look in her eye." Lois defended, carrying on her conversation as if Ryan wasnt standing right with her.

Ryan could only look down at the ground, her face turning red. She had to admit that she was definitely attracted to Justin. He was gorgeous. But the fact that they had just been set up made her nervous.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked Lynn, who was smiling at the rantings of Cheryl and Lois. Somehow they had already gotten on to the topic of what Ryan and Justin should name their children.

"Yeah, he's a good guy. Don't let his antics with Chris throw you off." she grinned. "Just go and have fun.

After saying her goodbyes to her new friends, Ryan headed back to her apartment. She had just moved in two weeks before, and wasn't even completely unpacked yet. Some of her things were still at her parents, but she figured she would worry about all that when she got back from the tour. She would be gone for three months, so it didn't really matter if her place wasn't set up. She wouldn't be there to enjoy it.

Her parents lived in Orlando, so she was surprised when Lois told Justin to show her the town. She lived there most of her life, and didnt need the grand tour. It was obvious that Lois was trying to play match maker.

The rest of the day went by agonizingly slow for Ryan. She tried to keep herself busy, doing her best to think of anything other than the fact that she had a date with Justin Timberlake that night. Well, not a date, but something.

By five o'clock she was ready to go. She wasn't quite sure what to expect, considering she had just been an innocent bystander while Lois set this whole thing up. She didn't know what this tour was going to consist of, so she opted for the casual look. Blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up loosely into a ponytail, tiny fringes falling to frame her face. She didn't wear makeup as a rule, but she had done the basics for tonight. Just a little lip gloss and mascara.

Sitting nervously in her living room, which was cluttered by boxes, she tapped her foot on the coffee table in front of her. A soft knock at her door caused her to jump.

Standing up, she straightened her shirt, and pulled her ponytail tighter before going to answer the door.

Swinging it open, her breath caught in her throat.

There stood Justin, wearing a simple black t-shirt and jeans. His blue eyes shined back at her as a smile pressed his lips. "Hey" he smiled, leaning his arm on the doorframe.

"Hey." she managed to croak.

"You ready to go?"

"Um, yeah."

Closing the door to her apartment, Ryan walked with Justin out to his car. She was pleasantly surprised when he opened the door for her, closing it gently behind her. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

Jumping in behind the wheel, Justin started up the car before turning to smile at Ryan. "So, where do you wanna go?"

"Doesn't matter to me. Anywhere is good."

Justin nodded before pulling out of the parking lot and turned down the street.

They drove in silence for a while, before Justin spoke up. "Um, Monica called me earlier and told me that you lived here in Orlando most of your life."

Ryan felt her face grow hot, not knowing what to say. "Yeah. I lived here for years with my parents before I got this job. I just got my apartment a few weeks ago. My parents live about thirty minutes west of here."

Justin nodded in response, his eyes focused on the road ahead of him. "I'm sorry Lois kinda forced you into this. She has a tendency to play matchmaker from time to time." Justin smiled sheepishly at her.

"Its okay. Hey, there could be worse things than spending a night on the town with Justin Timberlake, I'm sure." Ryan smiled at him.

Justin returned her smile, before laughing. "Yeah, like spending a night on the town with Chris."

The rest of the night went by faster than Ryan would have liked. She found herself completely captivated by Justin. He was funny, intelligent, and just a lot of fun to be around.

They had picked up McDonalds drive thru, sitting on the hood of the car while watching kids play in a park across the street. From there he took her on a road tour around the city, just driving and driving while they spent the night talking about everything from their child hoods to their dreams and goals.

Justin had never had this much fun with a girl in a long time. He found her to be one of the easiest people in the world to talk to. She didnt ask him questions about his fame, or appear to be concerned about it at all. Whatever he talked about, she had something to say about it. It was the first time in a long while that Justin had felt like a normal guy, who was out with a normal girl.

By eleven thirty that night, they were both pretty tired, and decided to head home.

Ryan found herself wondering what was going to happen when he dropped her off. She hadn't really thought of this as an actual date, but she had to admit that the thought of him kissing her goodnight didnt seem completely unappropriate. She couldn't deny that she wanted him to kiss her, but she figured he didn't think of her that way. She worked for him, and he was just being nice by taking her out.

As they pulled up outside Ryans apartment complex, Justin hopped out and quickly crossed the car to open the door for her. He walked her up to her apartment, his hands nervously clasped behind his back.

He was wondering the same thing as Ryan. Should he kiss her? He wanted to, but did she want him to?

When they finally reached her door, Ryan turned and smiled at him. "Thanks Justin. I had a lot of fun."

"No problem at all. To be honest, this is the most fun Ive had in a long time." he grinned nervously at her.

They stood in silence for a while, looking between each other, the wall, or the floor. Both were thinking the same thing, but neither made a move. Finally, Ryan spoke up.

"Well, I guess Ill see you soon."

"Yeah. See ya." Justin smiled.

Ryan waited for a moment to see if he was going to make a move to kiss her or not. He just stood in place, nervously smiling at her.

Unlocking her door, she stepped inside. She turned and gave him one last smile before saying goodnight and closing the door.

Ryan leaned her back against the door, closing her eyes. Damn it, why didn't he just kiss her?

A soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Turning around, she opened it quickly to find Justin still standing where she had left him.

"Um," he whispered nervously.

Ryan looked at him, wondering if he was going to say anything more.

Before he had the chance to chicken out, Justin stepped up close to her. Ryan felt her stomach flip as he neared her, staring up into his blue eyes. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he brought her close to his body. Ryan felt her arms lift to his shoulders as if they had a mind of their own. Leaning down to her, Justin placed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. It was nothing passionate, but it was one of the most intimate kisses either of them had ever experienced.

Pulling back, Justin smiled down at Ryan, who was standing against him, her eyes still closed.

Opening her eyes cautiously, Ryan was greeted with Justins famous grin. A smile appeared on her own lips, as she looked down at his chest nervously.

"Promise me somethin'?" Justin whispered above her?


"We don't tell Lois that her little plan worked?"

Ryan sighed at her memories. The memory of the day she fell in love with Justin. Looking back now after all this time, she realized that she fell in love with him that day. The moment she met him.

Snuggling her face deeper into his chest, a single tear forced its way from her eye.

What if he never woke up? What if she lost him forever? She would be lost without him.

She drifted into a deep sleep, comforted only by the beating of Justins heart.

Chapter Three

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