Chapter Three

A soft light streamed into the quiet room casting a warm glow on everything inside. The only sound was that of the heart monitor, chiming in steadily in the background.

Two figures lay motionless on the hospital bed. Neither moving or making a sound. The only motions were that of the rise and fall of their chests in time with their breathing.

Slowly, a pair of eyes met the morning sun. They blinked repeatedly and squinted as they adjusted to the light, turning away to notice the person beside them.

A small, tired smile formed on the face of the owner of those eyes. Never did they think that such a simple sight could make them feel this way. The sight of the person they loved so much sleeping peacefully at their side.

Reaching a hand from its place at his side, Justin gently placed it on Ryans small hand that lay on his chest. The movement hurt, his muscles sore and stiff, but he continued to move.

Ryan sighed, a deep intake of breath indicating that she was coming awake. Her eyes squinted even before opening, the bright sun registering behind her closed eyelids. Turning her head to face the ceiling, she raised a hand to rub her tired eyes before opening them to look above her.

It took her a few moments to realize where she was. To remember the events of the night before. Turning her head back quickly to face Justin, she was shocked to see him looking at her. His tired, weak smile had never look so good to her as it did at that moment. The feeling of her hand in his, the feeling of his heart beating beneath that hand, made her feel safe.

She continued to stare at him, almost in shock, before he spoke up in a weak and soft voice. "I know I'm pretty," he paused, swallowing painfully as the dryness in his throat made it hard to speak. "But you don't have to stare."

Trust Justin to be a smartass even at a time like this.

A smile crept across her face, and Justin laughed. It was a weak and tired laugh, one that you would barely hear if you hadn't listened closely, but it was a laugh never-the-less. And it was music to her ears.

She smiled more before she leaned down and placed her head on his chest. Wrapping his other arm around her shoulders, he held her close. He felt her shoulders shaking beneath his hand as she cried, and he kissed the top of her head gently.

Ryan sat up, tears staining her cheeks. "You scared the hell out of me." she scolded.

"Aw, com'on." Justin smiled. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Ryan laughed at his attempt at humor before wiping the tears from her cheeks. Sniffing lightly, she looked down at him.

He looked much better than he had the night before. Some of the color was back in his face, and even though he was obviously very weak, he was awake and alert. His strong hand held hers tightly to his chest, as if he was afraid to let her go.

"Your mom is here." she said, running a hand gently over his cheek. "So are the guys."

Justin nodded in response, leaning his cheek into her palm. It felt so good to have her there.

He didn't remember what happened the night before. All he could remember was the sound of metal crushing metal, and a bright flash of light. He tired to think harder and recall some of the details of why he was in a hospital, but when he tried to force it, his head only ached. He winced slightly at the pain.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get a doctor?" Ryan asked nervously, noticing Justins discomfort.

"No, I'm okay. Just a little sore." he dismissed her concern and looked back up at her. "I'm sorry I was late." he smiled as he tried to lighten the nervous look on her face.

Ryan laughed again. "Don't even start apologizing Justin. I couldn't care less that you were late. All that matters to me now is that you are okay."

Leaning down to him, Ryan placed a soft kiss on his lips.

The moment was interrupted by the sound of the hospital room door opening behind them.

Sitting up, Ryan looked over her shoulder at Chris' head that was sticking into the room. "Can I come in?" he asked softly.

"Sure." Ryan smiled. "Lookie who's awake."

Chris rushed into the room, coming to stand at the foot of Justins bed. Chris looked at him like he was going crazy. He never thought that seeing Justin awake would make him so happy. "Dude!" he exclaimed excitedly. "You're awake!"

"Dude!" Justin taunted. "So are you!"

Ryan laughed at the two, before Chris ran out of the room again. Moments later, he returned followed by Lance, Joey, JC and Lynn. The guys stood at the foot of Justins bed, while his mother crossed to the other side to hug her son. Tears falling from her eyes uncontrollably, she held on to him so tightly he thought he was going to black out.

"Hi Mama." he smiled returning her embrace. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against hers.

Lynn stood up again, placing a hand on either side of Justins face. "Don't you ever scare me like that again, do you hear me?" she joked.

"Yes, ma'am." he smiled back at her.

Stepping up to the bed, JC leaned down and hugged Justin gently. "I never thought I would be so happy just to see your ugly face again, man."

"Easy, dude, you're getting me all misty here." Justin joked, wiping a pretend tear from his eyes as JC pulled back and Lance stepped up to the bedside.

Giving Justin a hug, Lance simply smiled. "Good to have ya back."

Joey remained at the foot of the bed, hands nervously clasped behind his back. He was shifting his weight from one foot to the other, looking Justin over with uncertainty

"Joey," Justin called. "Whatcha doin' way over there?"

"Nothing man, I just don't wanna pull anything out." Joey answered, motioning a hand towards the machines and tubes that were attached to Justin.

"Don't be stupid, get over here and give me a hug." Justin demanded.

Joey smiled, and nervously stepped up to Justins side. Leaning down, he hugged his friend gently.

"Aaaaccckk!" Justin screamed in pain as he clutched his chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Shit, dude, I'm so sorry!" Joey pulled back, frantically apologizing. Raising his hands in the air in defense, he stepped back quickly.

Justin laughed hysterically at his own joke. "Ha! Syke!"

"You suck." Joey whined, before he joined in with the laughter of the others in the room.

Their reunion was interrupted as a doctor walked into the room. Carrying a clipboard at his side, he smiled at the happy laughter filling the room. He appeared to be about thirty, with dark eyes and jet black hair. His warm, friendly smile greeted the room.

"Well," he smiled at the patient in the bed. "Its good to see you awake, Justin. I'm Dr. Hughes, and I have to tell you, you gave us quite a scare last night."

Justin smiled at the doctor, as his mother took his hand in hers and looked down at him with a smile.

"I hate to break up this little party, but I need to run a few tests on Justin now that he is awake. And I think it best that he rest for a while. You can all come back and see him in a few hours." the doctor ordered politely as he looked over the people in the room.

It was obvious to Dr. Hughes that these six people loved this young man very much. They had been there all night, never leaving the hospital for a moment. Resting his eyes on Ryan, who was still sitting beside Justin on the bed, he smiled at her. "Looks like you had a good nurse last night."

Justin smiled at the doctor before looking over at Ryan. "The best."

After saying their goodbyes to Justin, the others filed out of the room. As he passed the doctor, JC shook the mans hand. "Thank you, man." he nodded gratefully.

"Not a problem, Mr. Chasez." the doctor returned the gesture.

Kissing Justin on the cheek, Lynn stroked his hair. "Ill be right outside when you wake up, okay."

"Okay, mom. I love you." Justin gave her a weak smile.

"Love you, too."

Ryan leaned down to hug him once more before pulling herself carefully off the bed. Justin didn't let go of her hand, pulling her back to him again. "Thank you." he whispered.

"For what?" she asked him confused.

"For being you." he smiled.

Ryan returned his smile before kissing him softly on the forehead and exiting the hospital room, leaving Justin in the care of the doctor.

Closing the hospital room door gently behind her, Ryan leaned her back against the cool surface. Closing her eyes, she lifted her head as she leaned it against the door with a sigh.

She had never been as scared in her life as she had been last night. The thought of never hearing Justins voice again, of never having him look at her, or smile, or hold her again was something she couldn't bare.

Luckily, she wouldn't have to.

Lowering her gaze to look around the waiting room, she was greeted by the relieved faces of Justins friends and family. These amazing people who had become just as much a part of her life as his. They were a part of her family, too.

Walking up to Ryan, Chris hugged her. Chris was never an outwardly affectionate person, but he had his moments. She returned his embrace as she smiled over his shoulder. She appreciated his simple gesture more than he would ever know.

"Ry?" Lance called to her as Chris let her go and headed for the vending machines.


"Um, your parents called my cell phone last night. They asked me if I knew where you were since you didn't show up to Katies science fair." Lance cleared his tired throat before continuing. "I told them about Justin, and they said that they would come down if you wanted them to. They said that they would bring you an overnight bag or anything you needed if you were going to stay here with him for a while."

Ryan smiled at the thought of her parents offer. They were wonderful parents. She was lucky to have them, knowing full well that not all parents were as supportive as hers.

They had been a little apprehensive about her relationship with Justin, reminding her that it was hard enough having a relationship, without the added pressures of fame. But they immediately dismissed all concern when they met him. It was clear to them the first meeting how much he cared for their daughter, and they accepted him into their family with open arms.

"I'm going to go and call them." Ryan said, heading over to grab the cell phone from her purse on a waiting room chair. Grabbing her purse, she turned to face the room again. "I'm going to go to the cafeteria. Anyone want anything?" she offered.

"No, its okay. Joey is the official food runner, and he's already gone to get us breakfast." JC grinned. "Hes getting you something, too."

"Okay, I'm just going to go outside a get some fresh air while I talk to my parents. If Justin needs me, come and get me, okay?"

"No prob." Chris called from over his shoulder. He was pulling on a vending machine that had taken his money but not given him his candy. "Damn it, give me my Snickers!" he complained as he kicked the machine.

Ryan smiled to herself and she exited the emergency ward and headed to the doors.

Once outside, the feeling of the warm morning air brought her senses alive again. She felt as if she had been inside for years, and the fresh morning air and warm sun were a welcome feeling.

Pulling the small cell phone from her purse, the quickly dialed her phone number.

Placing it to her ear, she looked around the quiet parking lot.

It was early. Around seven in the morning, so the lot was pretty empty. There was a few cars on the other side of a barricade that separated the visitors from the employees, but there were not many.

The sound of a phone being picked up on the other end of the line brought Ryans attention back.

"Hello?" a tired voice called.

"Hey, dad. Its me."

Frank Garner sat up in bed quickly, pulling the cordless phone to his other ear. "Ryan, are you okay? How is Justin?"

"I'm fine, dad. Justin is okay. He woke up this morning, and seems to be fine. He's sore and weak, but he's okay."

Mr. Garner breathed a sigh of relief before speaking back to his daughter. "Do you want me to come down there?"

Ryan smiled at him through the phone. "No, I'm okay. The doctor said Justin is going to need rest and that we can go back in and see him in a couple hours. After making sure everything is okay, I'm going to come home and get a few things. I'm going to stay here at the hospital with him until I know for sure that he's alright."

"Okay. We'll be here when you get home"

"Okay." Ryan looked over at a young man as he entered the building. He was wearing a dark navy uniform, appearing to be an EMT. He smiled politely at Ryan, and she returned the gesture as he disappeared into the hospital. "I'll see you soon, dad."

"I love you, honey. Tell Justin we love him, too, and that we're going to come and see him soon."

"Okay, I will. I love you, too."

After exchanging goodbyes, Ryan turned off her cell phone and placed it back in the purse at her side. Looking up into the clear morning sky, she closed her eyes. The warm rays of light touched her skin, as a cool morning breeze blew through her long dark hair. She sighed a sigh of relief before turning to head back into the hospital.

She knew that even though Justin was awake and seemed alright, that he had a long way to go. He would have to stay in the hospital for a while so the medical staff could ensure that he was alright. He may have to go through physical therapy, depending on the severity of his injuries.

It was not going to be easy, but she was going to be there for him. Every step of the way.

Chapter Four

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