Chapter Seven

A cool morning breeze blew into the room through the open window. The sheer drapes fluttered against the wind, casting gliding shadows across the floor.

The room was silent, other than the light snore coming from the bed. The blankets moved in a steady rise and fall motion in time with the breathing of the figure beneath.

A deep intake of breath signaled the awakening of the figure, as two slender arms reached out from under the blankets to reach above the headboard. Pulling the blankets back, a pair of tired green eyes surveyed the room slowly.

Ryan hadn't had a sleep this good in almost a week. Sleeping in a hard hospital chair was not exactly the most comfortable option in the world, and even when Justin had sent her home after those first few nights, she found herself laying awake worrying about him.

But last night she had finally slept peacefully. She arrived home from Lois' around one in the morning, and headed straight to her room. They had spent most of the night talking, watching movie and playing Monopoly. Surprisingly, they had not talked too much about Justin and his accident. JC, Lois, Cheryl and Joey felt it was best that Ryan have a night 'Justin-free'. Free of the worry and stress of what had happened to him, giving her a chance to recharge and relax.

And she was glad she had. For the first time in too long, she felt refreshed.

Rolling over on to her side, her eyes fell on the clock at her bedside. Upon reading the time, she jumped up quickly, the motion causing her head to spin.

"Oh my God," she mumbled to herself. "I cant believe I slept in!"

Jumping out of bed, Ryan ran across the room to her bathroom. After a record breaking speed shower, she brushed her teeth and scrambled back into her room to get dressed.

Visiting hours at the hospital started at ten in the morning, and it was now almost noon. Ryan almost never slept this late, but after all the stress she had been under, her body had just shut down.

Pulling on a pair of jeans and t-shirt, she pulled her wet hair up into a ponytail and headed for the door.

She had never been late getting to the hospital before, and it drove her insane to think of Justin sitting there wondering where she was. Especially after leaving him the night before while he slept with only a note to say goodbye.

Grabbing her purse and jacket at the door, she locked the apartment and headed for the elevator.

It seemed that the elevator wasn't grasping the fact that she was in a hurry this morning, taking its time to stop at what seemed like every damn floor in her building. When it finally arrived at the parking lot, Ryan ran out and to her car.

Jumping in, she started up her little red Civic and sped out of the lot. She was glad that the hospital was only a fifteen minute drive from her building, because any longer and she would be really late.

Pulling on to the highway, Ryans groaned in frustration to find the traffic backed up due to construction. She was already on the road, with no way to go around or pull off at another exit, so she had no choice was to wait it out.

Sitting in her car, Ryan turned on the radio and smiled when Ushers U Got It Bad began to play around her.

Turning to look back out at the cars in front of her, she giggled as she remembered something Lois had once said to her about this song.

It was the day of Johnnys tour kick off party. Justin had offered to pick Ryan up, saying that they could go to the party together.

Lois, being rather nosy, and been beaming with pride once she forced Ryan to tell her why Justin had called her the night they had gone out with the other girls.

"Ha!" she sang happily as she threw her arms in the air triumphantly. "I kick ass! I'm am the coolest person in the world, and everyone wants to be like me!"

"Ego much?" Cheryl rolled her eyes and she flipped through the magazine in her lap.

"Shut up." Lois glared at Cheryl from across the room. "You're just jealous because you didn't set them up!"

Cheryl didn't bother to respond. When Lois was on a roll, it was best to just let her ramble.

"So," Lois beamed excited at Ryan. "This is like a second date, huh?"

Ryan and Lois were sitting on Ryans couch, waiting for Justin to come and pick her up. Cheryl was sitting across the room, quietly flipping through a magazine. Ryan couldn't understand how Lois had convinced her to let them come over and be there when Justin picked her up. Lois said it was part of the 'pay back' that she was planning for Justins little attempt to keep the fact that he and Ryan liked each other from her. Plus, when Lois and Cheryl showed up at Ryans door that morning, what was she supposed to do? Tell them to go home? Knowing Lois, she would just sit out in the hall with a bag of chips and book while she waiting for Justin.

"No, its not a second date. Its just a gathering that we are all going to. He just offered to pick me up, that's all." Ryan shrugged as she tried to get Lois to stop giving her that look. That 'Lois-knows-all-and-no-one-can-hide-things-from-her' look.

"Oh don't give me that crap." Lois smiled as she turned to face Ryan. "You two want each other so bad that you're just waiting for a chance to pounce." Her evil grin made Ryan smile. She had such a way with words.

"Hey, Ry?" Cheryl spoke up, interrupting what was sure to become another Lois lecture on love. "If you don't mind me asking, how long has it been since you've had a serious relationship?"

"Cheryl!" Lois gawked at her. "What kind of question is that?"

"What! You're the one who asked her if she wanted you to go out and buy her and Justin condoms!" Cheryl defended.

"I was just being practical. The last thing we need are little Justins running around. Its bad enough we have the original, I don't think I could handle a bunch of mini-fros." Lois shuttered as she thought of a bunch of little Justins running around, biting her ankles.

"Its okay," Ryan nodded as she turned to Cheryl. "Its been a long time. Probably a few years. I dated this one guy for a while in high school, but it wasn't meant to be."

"That's because Justin is your meant to be." Lois chimed in.

"Shh, don't interrupt her!" Cheryl scolded as she shot Lois a warning look. Lois responded by sticking her tongue out at her.

"Anyway," Ryan continued. "We broke up a little while after graduation. He is in California now at college."

"Was he a nice guy?" Cheryl asked as she tossed her magazine on the table in front of her.

"Yeah, he was nice. But it just didnt work out." Ryan looked down at her hands which were fidgeting in her lap.

Ryan didnt like to talk about her past relationships. Not because they were horrible, but because she liked to leave the past in the past.

Their conversation was cut short by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Lois jumped up quickly from the couch, running to the door before Ryan had a chance to stop her.

"Ill get it!" she sang happily.

Ryan and Cheryl looked at each other from across the room, listening closely for Justins reaction when he found Lois at the door.

It was quiet for a while, as Lois was surely making him wait out in the hall just to be a pain. A few seconds passed, and they heard him whine.

"Aw, man," he complained. "What the fuck, Lois! Are you stalking me? Cause that would so not be cool! If you wanna stalk someone, stalk Joey. It will make him feel special."

"You only wish I would stalk your skinny ass, Timberlake. But you couldn't handle all the wonder that is Lois." they heard her tease.

"Yeah, wonder. That's what you call it?" he taunted as he walked in the door. "Where is Ryan? Did you tie her up so you could torture me?"

"Naw, I figured you would want to be the one to tie her up." Lois winked at Justins shocked face as they headed towards the living room. "I have rope and chains out in my car, if you want me to go get them?" she offered.

Justin rolled his eyes as he entered the living room to find Cheryl smiling at him shyly. "Hey, Justin."

"Hey," he grinned back. "Let me guess. Lois?"


Turning his attention towards Ryan, his smile widened. "Hey you."

"Hey." she returned his enthusiasm as she stood from the couch. Justin walked over to her quickly, and pulled her into his arms. Ryan almost laughed as she looked over his shoulder at the goofy expression on Lois' face. She was loving every minute of this.

"You ready to go? The other guys are probably already there, and they are dying to meet you." Justin said as he pulled back.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready."

"I'm ready, too!" Lois called, clapping her hands together excitedly. "Lets go before Joey wonders where I am. I think he loves me" she grinned as she lifted her purse and camera from the table beside the couch. "I swear, too little Lois, too little time."

Justin rolled his eyes as he took Ryans hand and led her to the door. Cheryl followed quietly behind, shaking her head at Lois as she danced across the room.

Opening the door, Lois stepped out into the hall, while Justin held the door open for Cheryl to exit in front of him. As she stepped through, Lois, spoke up. "So, Ryan, you wanna come with me, or...." her rambling was cut short as Justin slammed the door in her face.

Turning to Ryan, he laughed at the shocked expression on her face. "This is probably the only peace we're going to get today, so I figured I would take advantage of it." he grinned as he pulled her into his arms again.

Smiling up at him, Ryan felt her stomach flip as he lowered his face to hers, placing a kiss gently on her lips.

They were enjoying their moment immensely before the sound of the doorbell interrupted them. "Justin Randall Timberlake, you open this door right now or I will make you wear all pink for your next interview! And don't you think I'm kidding! You know I have the power!" A muffled threat from Lois called from the hallway.

Looking up to the ceiling in frustration, Justin sighed. "So much for our peace and quiet."

Ryan giggled as she placed her forehead on Justins chest. "It was nice while it lasted."

Ryan was amazed as Justin pulled his car up to what he called the 'WEG playground'. Johnny had an amazing facility, and Ryan was in awe of what she found. There was everything you could ever want. A pool, bowling alley, golf course and more. He sure knew how to entertain.

Leading Ryan into the back yard, Justin smiled at her nervous expression. "Don't worry," he assured her as they stepped out onto the lawn. "Most of these people are on the tour, so this is a good way to get to know everyone."

Ryan was about to answer when a crazy scream sounded beside her and Justin was tackled to the ground. She looked down frightened for a moment before she realized that it was only Chris who had attacked Justin. The two grown men were now rolling around in the grass, arms and legs flailing about as they attempted to kick each others ass.

Lois stepped out of the house to join Ryan, and looked down annoyed at the two on the ground. "For Christ sake," she sighed. Reaching down, she grabbed hold of Justin and Chris by their ears, hauling them up from the ground. They whimpered in pain as they scrambled to follow as she pulled them up. "Will you two knock it off! Its bad enough that your first impression on Ryan was Justin dragging you down the hall because you thought he ate the last poptart!" Lois scolded Chris. Giving their ears one last twist for good measure, she let them go. Chris stepped away from her quickly, clutching his ear. Justin ran around to Ryans other side, hiding from the evil look Lois was shooting his way.

"I didn't do nothing!" Justin whined, pointing to Chris. "I just came out here mindin' my own business, and that crazy fool attacked me!"

"You stole my underwear!" Chris screamed. A few other guests turned to stare at him for a moment before continuing on their way. "I know you did, so don't you deny it!"

"Enough!" Lois yelled, throwing her hands out to silence the two. "If either one of you says one more word, I will personally kick your asses! And you don't want that!"

Justin and Chris shot each other warning looks as Lois waited for them to agree.



"Good," she nodded. "Now I'm off to find me a man, so you two behave."

"Don't you mean a victim?" Chris called as she stepped towards the pool.

Turning to give him a warning look, Lois pointed at him before resuming her search.

Looking up to Ryan, Chris smiled. "Hey you!" he bounced, pulling her to him for a hug. "So, you made it here even though Justin drove, huh? Wow, you're my hero. No one else is crazy enough to go anywhere with him when he's the one driving."

"Chris, I can always call Lois back here! Consider yourself warned!" Justin said, pointing to Chris.

Chris rolled his eyes, before taking Ryan by the hand to pull her into the crowd and away from Justin. "Com'on, you don't wanna spend your whole day with the underwear stealer. Lets go find the other guys."

Ryan turned to wave at Justin, who stood on the patio with a confused look at she was pulled away from him and into the crowd.

Heading for the golf course, Chris stopped quickly. "Hey!" he called out to two men standing on the course. "Come here!" he motioned to them with his hand.

Ryan giggled when she noticed the two men roll their eyes before dropping their clubs and walking towards them.

"Ryan, this is JC and Lance. They are much better to hang out with than Justin, yet not quite as cool as me." Chris explained.

"Hey, you're the new makeup artist, right?" the blonde haired man with the green eyes asked. Ryan was amazed at his deep voice. She reached out to shake the hand extended to her.

"Yeah, that would be me." she nodded.

"Good to see that you've survived Lois." the other man grinned. Ryan stared up into his blue eyes. Wow, if she didn't like Justin so much, she may have a problem keeping herself from attacking this one. "She's a little odd, but we love her." he laughed.

"I heard that, Chasez!" a faint voice threatened from across a small crowd. JC looked over to find Lois glaring at him, her hands on her hips.

"How does she do that?" he whispered.

"Part of the wonder that is Lois." she called again. JCs eyes popped out of his head as he stared at her.

"Hey you guys, Ryan is the one that Justins all dreamy over." Chris tired to whisper to JC and Lance. It was almost like he didn't even realize that she was standing right there with them.

Ryan felt her face grow warm as a blush crossed her cheeks.

JC laughed at her as he put an arm around her shoulders. "Don't mind Chris." he assured. "He's not the sharpest pencil in the box."

"Watch where those hands go, JC." A voice warned from behind them.

Ryan smiled as she recognized Justins voice. Turning, she found him standing behind her, hands on hips, giving JC a playful look of warning.

"Hey, man, just protecting her from Chris." JC said, raising his hands in front of him.

"Hey!" Chris protested.

"Well, I see you've met all of these tools. Speaking of tools, where is Joey?" Justin asked as he stepped up beside Ryan to put an arm around her waist.

"Um," Lance grinned as he looked above everyone to the other side of the yard. "I think he's a little busy right now."

The small group turned, and immediately burst out laughing as they spotted Joey across the lawn.

He was being dragged across the grass by his foot, desperately grabbing on to anything he could to stop his motion, including the legs of other guests. Lois was the one dragging him, yanking on his foot with all her strength as she headed for the pool. Ryan assumed that Joey had thrown her in already, judging by the fact that she was dripping wet. As they reached the side of the pool, Lois reached down and grabbed Joey by his underwear. A loud yelp called through the yard as she pulled him up to his feet, before pushing him back into the water. Resurfacing, Joey sputtered "Hey, I was just playin'"

Pushing her wet hair behind her ear, Lois grinned down at him. "I was'nt.." she said before walking away and towards the buffet table.

Throughout the afternoon and into the evening, Ryan had been introduced to more people than she had met in her whole life. She had to admit that she was having a great time, partly because of Justin. She found herself liking him more and more, and this fact had not gone unnoticed by everyone around them.

"So, you know what you're going to do yet?" Lois asked as she joined Ryan at a table.

It was beginning to get dark, a cool breeze blowing through the trees. Ryan had decided to take a little break from all the festivities, sitting down at a small table by the water. The party was still in full force, the faint sounds of music and laughter ringing through the night air.

"What do you mean, do I know what I'm going to do yet?" Ryan asked.

Flopping down in a chair, Lois propped her feet up on a seat across from her. "I mean Justin." she said. "You like him, that's obvious. And he likes you. That's even more obvious. So, what I wanna know is, are you guys gonna do anything about it?"

"What do you want us to do about it? We've only known each other for a week!" Ryan said, staring at Lois. "You want me to throw him down and rape him?"

"Yes." Lois said plainly, her face completely expressionless.

Ryan rolled her eyes as she shook her head and looked back out to the calm water in front of her.

A familiar song began to play from the party behind them, and Lois laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Ryan asked, looking back to her new friend in confusion.

"This song," Lois sputtered. "It couldn't be more appropriate."

Ryan strained her ears to make out the words. It was Ushers U Got It Bad.

"You do, ya know." Lois stated, placing her hands behind her head. "And so does he." she nodded affirmatively as she implied their feelings matched those of the song.

Ryan felt a smile cross her lips as she looked out at the water again to avoid Lois' stare.

"So, what are you going to do?" Lois asked.

Watching a small bird fly across the top of the water, Ryan sighed. "Wait for him to decide."

"Thank God!" Ryan exclaimed as the traffic began to speed up. She had been sitting in the same spot for almost thirty minutes. She should have been at the hospital by now, but here she was still on the highway.

Turning off at her exit, Ryan sped down the street towards the hospital.

Pulling into the parking lot, Ryan grabbed her purse and headed inside. She stepped into the elevator, and smiled at the cookie man. There was a nice older man who would take a little cart around to all the floors, selling cookies to the patients and staff. Ryan had gotten to know him well over the last week, usually because Joey would send her out on a mission to find him and bring back bags full of cookies. His name was Ralph, and he was a retired electrician. He had said that he had only been retired for a couple of years before taking on the job he did now. He didn't like sitting at home, wanting to get out and be active. He and Doc could be found many times, chatting away about anything and everything.

After buying half a dozen cookies from Ralph, figuring it would be better to have them ready for Joey now instead of having to go out and get them later, Ryan waved goodbye to him and stepped out onto Justins floor.

As she approached his door, she could hear him scream from inside.

"Don't do that!" he yelled frantically. "Help! Help, someone save me!"

Chapter Eight

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