Welp, I got some people to thank for this story, so they would also be the people you would blame for allowing me to write it......... *lol*
First I wanna thank Lynn, as always, for being the hoochiest person I know.
Thanks to Lois, for being the Best Know It All Character in a Short Story (If You Knew What I Knew) and now for being the Best Smartass Character in an Extremely Long Story. Yes, you rock, you dont have to remind me
Thanks to Star for the picture of Doc. And no Daren, George Clooney isnt what I had in mind for an 'old guy'
Thanks to the LD crowd, for reading my jibberish and helping me with ideas. Ya'll kick ass. Even you, Daren. *insert tonue sticking out smilie here*
And as usual, you for reading this little deserve an award for that!