
Welp, I got some people to thank for this story, so they would also be the people you would blame for allowing me to write it......... *lol*

  • First I wanna thank Lynn, as always, for being the hoochiest person I know.

  • Thanks to Lois, for being the Best Know It All Character in a Short Story (If You Knew What I Knew) and now for being the Best Smartass Character in an Extremely Long Story. Yes, you rock, you dont have to remind me

  • Thanks to Star for the picture of Doc. And no Daren, George Clooney isnt what I had in mind for an 'old guy'

  • Thanks to the LD crowd, for reading my jibberish and helping me with ideas. Ya'll kick ass. Even you, Daren. *insert tonue sticking out smilie here*

  • And as usual, you for reading this little deserve an award for that!

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