Chapter Thirteen

"Well, its about freaking time! I thought you would never admit you had a problem." Justin taunted, smiling into the small cell phone in his hand. "You know, the first step to recovery is to admit it."

Of all the freaking times for Justin Timberlake to answer a phone, this was not one of them. "Justin, where's JC?" Janssyn asked impatiently.

"In the booth laying down his vocals. Why?" Justin stuck his bottom lip out in a pout, even though she couldn't see him "You don't love me anymore?" He whimpered.

"Damn it, Justin. I don't have time for this! Please, please, PLEASE, put JC on the phone." she urged. She was getting nervous. Yes, Lois, Laurens agent, had said that Jimmy had gone to Morocco, but Janssyn wasn't one hundred percent sure when he had left. For all she knew, he was still there.

"Fine. Sheesh, woman. See if I ever let you fondle my butt again." Standing up from the couch in the studio, Justin walked over to the glass separating JC from the rest of the guys.

Justin waited for JC to finish the line he was singing, before tapping on the glass. He didn't know why he tapped, considering it was soundproof and wouldn't make a noise.

"Uh, Justin, that's soundproof glass, dumbass." Lance called, not bothering to look up from his magazine. He sat in one of the chairs in the corner of the room, one leg resting on the other comfortably.

"Shut up, PooFoo." Leaning over to the controls, Justin switched on a button. "JC, Janssyns on the phone. She sounds pretty pissy. I think she's PMSing."

"I can hear you, jerkweed!" Janssyns faint voice called from the phone.

"Okay, hang on." JC stood from the stool in the booth, removing the headphones from his ears and placing them on the seat. Walking over to the doorway, he smiled at the look on Justins face. Janssyn must have cursed at him for his PMS comment.

Once he was finally through the door, Justin thrust the phone at him. "Here! She's yelling at me now, so you can deal with her." Justin said before returning to his seat on the couch. Chris sat on the far end of the couch, with Joey leaning on its back looking over Chris' shoulder as they read over the lyrics to the song they were working on.

Raising the phone to his ear, JC called out to her as another profanity escaped Janssyns lips "Whoa, honey! You kiss you're Mama with that mouth?"

"Naw, she kisses me with that mouth." Joey called flirtatiously from across the room.

"JC, listen to me. Lauren left. She's gone. I swear I didn't even realize she was gone until it was too late, she snuck out when........" Janssyn rambled on and on, unable to calm herself.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down. What do you mean Laurens gone?" She had JCs full attention now. As well as the attention of everyone else in the room who all raised their eyes to look at him.

Taking a breath, Janssyn calmed her thoughts before continuing. "I mean she's gone. We were in her room, and she was talking about how you forgot her photo album. You know, that one with all her pictures and stuff," JC didn't know about any album other than that she had told him about one the night he had moved her in. "So I went into the closet, and when I came back out, she was gone. I tried to stop her, but she left." Janssyn paused "She's going back to the apartment."

JC didn't have to hear anymore. Dropping the phone, he rushed out the door. Mike, Justins bodyguard, had just opened the door when JC pushed past him and ran down the hall. "Whoa, where's the fire?" he called at JCs retreating form.

Lance quickly picked up the phone. "What's going on?"

Janssyn gave him the short version, merely stating that Lauren had gone back to the apartment. "She went back to the apartment?" Did he hear her right?

All the eyes in the room went wide. Justin stood quickly, grabbing Mike by the arm. "Com'on" he said, pulling the huge man out the door.

"But I didn't get to have my bagel?" Mike complained, holding his food up with his hand.

"Forget the bagel!" Justin was attempting to run, but pulling a 300 pound man behind you makes that difficult.

Reaching the front doors, Justin saw JCs car squeal out of the parking lot. Another bodyguard, Warren, was stepping out of his van when Justin and Mike ran up to him. Pulling open the sliding side door, Justin pushed Mike inside, yelling at Warren to get back in. Justin hopped into the passenger seat, slamming the door behind. him.

"What's going on? Where are we going?" Warren asked, easing back into the drivers seat.

"That's what Id like to know." Mike called from his place in the back, taking a bite from his bagel. "Damn boy never lets me finish a meal!"

"We're going to Laurens." Justin told them as Warren started the van and began to pull out of the parking lot.

"I thought she lived with JC now?" Mike was confused. They never told him anything. And if they did, they changed it quicker than he had the time to process it.

"She did. She's going back to her old apartment. Jimmy might be there." Justins body leaned forward, one hand on the dashboard with the other on the door beside him.

"Step on it, Warren." Mike ordered. He forgot all about his bagel right then.

Lauren stood at the door to the apartment, staring at it like she hadn't seen it in years. To her, it felt like years. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid to come back here alone, but she had to get her album. Janssyn said Jimmy was out of town, so what was the harm?

Lauren slid her key into the lock, and turned it slowly. The locked clicked, and she turned the handle carefully. Stepping inside the room, she looked around. It looked exactly the same. Not that she had expected it to change much, but it still seemed strange.

"Okay, Lauren." she spoke to herself. "Just find the album and leave."

Walking further into the living room, she knelt down by the couch. Sitting back on her knees, she leaned forward, placing a bent arm on the floor allowing her to reach under the sofa. Her fingers grazed the desired object, and Lauren smiled quietly to herself. Pulling it out from beneath the couch, she looked down at its cream cover. She lightly ran her fingers over the cover, tracing the gold border.

The slam of the door caused her to jump. She turned quickly to face the door, and her heart stopped.

There stood Jimmy. An all to pleased grin on his face. His hands were casually placed on his hips, as he looked at her from her place on the floor.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" His voice made her ill. Why in the world had she ever stayed with him?

Standing with as much confidence as she could, Lauren held the album tightly to her chest. "I just came to get a couple things and leave your key." Leaning forward cautiously, she placed the key on the coffee table in front of her gently. "I don't want any trouble. I just want to leave." She kept her voice calm and in control. If he knew he scared her, she would be his.

"Well, we don't always get what we want, now do we Princess?" Jimmy took a step towards her, but halted when she took one back. Her calf hit the edge of the couch, but she kept her balance.

They just stared at each other for a long time. Both waiting for the other to make a move. Finally, Jimmy stepped towards her again. She quickly stepped to the far side of the coffee table, leaving him at the opposite end.

"Aw, now com'on Lauren." Jimmy tisked. "Don't be like that. I just wanna talk."

She didn't answer. She just held the album closer to her, steadying her trembling hands.

When it was clear she wasn't going to say anything, he spoke. "So, you happy living with him?" Jimmy questioned, anger beginning to shine through his green eyes. "You got him wrapped around your little finger, don't you? Well, I'm sure in time he'll see that he wont be gettin' nothin' from you." Jimmy ran his eyes up and down the length of Laurens body. She felt dirty at the way he looked at her. "Lord knows I sure as hell didn't."

"Jimmy, I...." she tried to speak up, but his yell stopped her.

"Shut up!" He took another menacing step towards her. "You think you can just leave me and move in with him, and I'm just going to let you go? Well let me tell you somthing, sweetheart." Jimmy lowered his voice to an angry growl. "I always get what I want. Eventually." A disgusting smile crossed his lips.

Suddenly, he jumped across the table at her. She tried to run, but he grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her back. The album fell to the floor, falling open.

Grabbing her other arm from behind, he held her tightly. "For some reason, that boy loves you. You may be too stupid to see it, but I'm not." He leaned his head closer to her ear. She could feel his breath on her neck, and could just as easily feel the smile that spread across his face. "But I wonder if he'll still want you when I'm done with you." He smiled into her hair.

She tried to pull away, but he threw her to the ground. She fell fast to the floor, her leg slamming into the corner on the coffee table. Landing hard on the ground, her elbows and right side absorbing most of the impact. Before she had a chance to move, he grabbed her, flipping her onto her back. She kicked and punch at him as best she could, but it was futile. He straddled her kicking legs, pinning them down. Grasping both her wrists with one hand, he pulled her arms over her head.

She pulled as hard as she could, but that only caused him to tighten his grip. His fingers tore into her skin, and she winced with pain. Reaching down, he tore open her blue, button-up shirt, revealing her white lace bra underneath.

Finally, she was able to pull an arm free. With all her strength, she punched him hard across the face. His head flew back slightly, but he didn't loosen his grip. He regained his composure quickly, and smiled evilly down at her. "Now, that wasn't nice." he said, pulling back a hand and slapping her hard across the face. Pain shot through Laurens face, a burning sensation filling her cheek.

Grasping a hand in either of his, he pinned her hands beneath him. He reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, before smiling down at her once more. "I always get what I want, Lauren." His eyes burned into hers "One way or another."

JCs car had hardly come to a stop before he jumped out and ran into the building. Hitting the button for the elevator, he looked over and saw a sign. 'Out of Order'

"Fuck." he turned his head from side to side, noticing the stairway to his left. He bolted up the five flights as fast as his legs could carry him.

Upon reaching the floor, he pulled the door open and flew into the hall. Rounding a final corner, he stood in front of her door. He turned the knob, but it was locked.

"Lauren! Lauren, are you in there?" He screamed, banging on the door.

"JC! JC, help me! Please...." her voice was cut off by a slap that JC could hear through the door. He heard a faint whimper as the impact was made.

"Lauren!" He pounded on the door with all his strength. Pulling back, he threw his body into the door. It hardly moved. He repeated this motion several times, before being pulled back by two strong hands.

"Move aside, JC." Mikes commanding voice bellowed above him.

Pulling back and throwing his weight into the door, Mike burst it open on the first try. Mike had not even had a chance to steady his balance before JC was in the room, pulling Jimmy off of Lauren.

Throwing him back against the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room, JC stood between Jimmy and Lauren.

Justin rushed in, immediately coming to Laurens side. Her shirt was ripped, and her face was swelling. Putting a hand gently under her shoulders, Justin helped her sit up before pulling her slowly to her feet. "You okay?" he whispered softly.

She merely nodded in response, pulling her shirt closed with one hand.

JC just stood staring at Jimmy with warning. He didn't hit him, although he wanted to. He remembered how Lauren had been afraid of him the night she told him about the note, and he was sure that if she saw his anger right now, she would be terrified.

As calmly as he could, JC spoke to Justin "Take her downstairs, Justin." He didn't even turn his head to his young friend. He just stared at Jimmys smug smile, willing himself with everything he had not to punch him right then.

"But," Justin tried to speak up, but was cut off.

"Now, Justin." JC repeated forcefully.

"J, take her to the van." Mikes voice was firm, and Justin did as he was told.

Putting an arm comfortingly around her shoulders and picking up her purse from the floor, he led Lauren to the door. Her eyes turned to the photo album that lay open on the floor. Justin followed her gaze, and leaned over to pick it up. Holding it against his side, he guided her out of the room.

She was limping, her leg bruised from the impact against the table and of her fall. Noticing her struggle, Justin stopped, handing her the album, and picked her up in his arms. She held the photo album with one arm, the other across his neck. He gently walked her down to the van, where Warren stood waiting.

Once through the front doors, Warren rushed over to them. "What happened?"

Justin didn't answer. He just continued to walk over to the open side door of the van, and gently place Lauren inside. She immediately drew her legs to her chest, the album wrapped tightly between.

Justin carefully slid the door closed before turning to Warrens confused face. "What happened?" he repeated.

Justin sighed, looking down as he ran a hand through his curly hair. "5 more minutes." he said, shaking his head. "If we had taken even 5 more minutes........and he would have raped her."

JC continued to stare and Jimmys smug face. Neither man moved, just staring each other down.

Mike stood to the side, ready to intervene if anything happened.

A smile slowly crossed Jimmys lips. The smile made JCs skin crawl.

"So," he said, eyes still focused hard on JCs. "You run to her rescue again, huh?"

JC didn't answer.

"I told you she wasn't worth the effort, man. But you didn't listen." he light laugh escaped Jimmys lips. "But hey, if you want her that badly, she's all yours." he shrugged, tilting his head to a shoulder.

JC still said nothing. He just focused on Jimmys eyes, holding back his anger as best he could.

"I heard you have her under house arrest." Jimmy stated matter of factly. "Think that's gonna keep me from her? Ive still gotten to her, you know. With every call, every note, she's reminded of me." his smiled broadened. "I'll always be in the back of her mind."

JC eyes changed, from anger to confusion. Had Jimmy said phone call? He didn't know about any phone call? He was making it sound like there had be numerous threats, but he only knew of the one.

Jimmy didn't miss the change in JCs face. "Oh! You didn't know, did you?" He laughed now. An ugly, bitter laugh. "She didn't tell you." He lightened his laughter to a scoff. "Guess you're not as close to her as you thought, huh Chasez?"

JC couldn't hold it back anymore. He pulled back and drove a fist hard into Jimmys jaw. He fell with a thud on the floor at JCs feet. Mike stepped up, but when Jimmy made no attempt to go after JC, he stopped.

Jimmy placed a hand to his bleeding lip, turning his eyes to JC standing over him. Bringing himself to his feet, he grinned. "You can have her. She wasn't worth the trouble before, and sure as hell isn't worth it now." Turning to head into the bathroom, Jimmy slammed the door behind him leaving JC and Mike standing in the living room.

She lied to him. When he asked her if there had been anymore threats, she had said no. She had deliberately kept this from him after she said she would tell him if something else happened. JC couldnt get a solid grasp on why in the world she would have kept anything from him, let alone something like this.

Mike placed a heavy hand on JCs shoulder. "Com'on, C." He pulled lightly, turning JC towards the door. "You've got more important people to worry about right now."

Justin slid the side door to the van open again, hopping in beside Lauren.

She was still pulled into her protective little ball, but she wasn't crying. She just hugged her knees, the album folded in her body. Closing the door behind him, Justin turned to her. His eyes filled with concern, he softly spoke. "Lauren?"

She didn't answer. She didn't even appear to have heard him.

Justin turned his head to look out the front window, trying hard to keep his temper and anger towards Jimmy in check and focus on being there for Lauren. He raised a hand to run it through his hair. The action caused Lauren to jump slightly. Justin looked over at her, his hand frozen in his hair. He looked at her, her face slightly scrunched, rocking her body gently. Pulling his hand from his hair slowly, he raised his hands in front of him. "I would die, Lauren." he spoke soothingly. "Do you hear me? I would die before I ever raised a hand to you." It hurt him a little to know that she had actually thought he was going to hit her. Even if it was only a nervous reaction, for that split second, she was afraid of him. He hated that.

Reaching up to pull Warrens jacket from the back of the passenger seat in front of him, Justin carefully wrapped it around Laurens shoulders. Steadying his arm across her back, he placed the other hand on hers, which was clenching the other tightly from atop her knees.

Finally, he felt her relax slightly. Turning to face him, her eyes filled with tears that she would not let fall, she leaned into him. Placing her face on his chest, he pulled her closer. The motion caused her to break, pulling her legs over his, burying herself into his hold as far as she could. Justin just sat there, holding her, rocking gently.

They sat there quietly. Justin never spoke. Lauren never cried. They just held onto each other as tightly as they could.

From the corner of his eye, Justin noticed JC and Mike emerge through the front doors. Warren stepped up to them from his place beside the van, Mike placing a hand in his back in reassurance.

JC seemed oblivious to anyone else's presence around him. He walked quickly to the van, sliding the door open. The action didn't cause Lauren to jump, thankfully. She stayed with her head buried in Justins neck.

JC looked at the two, and upon noticing Laurens fragile state, kept his voice calm. He was furious at her for keeping this from him, but now was not the time to confront her.

"Justin, you and Warren take her home." he spoke with control. "Lauren," his voice softened as he looked at her. "Give me the keys to your car."

She made no attempt to move, so Justin reached over and handed JC her purse. He rummaged through it until he found the keys to her car. Pulling them out, he smiled slightly at the NSync key chain dangling from his hand. "I'm going to drive her car, and drop Mike back off at the studio. Then Ill be right home, okay?" JC directed his question to Lauren, who still sat motionless in Justins arms. "J, you stay with her, alright?" JC eyes pleaded with Justin. Justin knew this was hard on JC, and obliged. There was no way he was going to deny him.

"Ill take good care of her, man." Justin squeezed Lauren tightly for emphasis.

Giving Justin a thankful nod, JC slid the door to the van closed. Placing a hand on Mikes shoulder, the two headed towards Laurens car, which was parked a few vehicles ahead.

Warren nodded to them, as Justin could see Mike instructing him on what was going on. Hopping into the drivers seat, Warren turned back to look at the two. Giving Lauren a pitiful glance, he looked up at Justin as he mouthed the words 'Is she okay?'

Justin smiled comfortingly, placing his cheek on the top of Laurens head before mouthing back. 'She will be'

Chapter Fourteen

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