Chapter Fourteen

Warren pulled the van slowly up the long driveway towards the large, white house. The gates slowly closing behind him, he looked in the rearview mirror, turning his attention to the two in the back seat. Dropping his eyes back to look out the windshield in front of him again, he muffled a sigh.

Neither Justin nor Lauren had moved since leaving the apartment complex. They sat in silence, Justins arms wrapped securely around Laurens small body, her head buried in his neck for comfort. Justins hand rubbed soothingly up and down her back in small, slow motions. He was humming a song Lauren couldn't make out, but the sound of his voice was calming to her.

Pulling up in front of the three car garage, Warren turned the key, shutting off the engine to the black mini van. He quickly hopped out, circling across the front of the van to the side door, sliding it open. Stepping back, he allowed room for Justin and Lauren to get out. Neither moved. Both had their eyes closed, Justin still humming softly.

"J? We're here." Warren noted, his voice a low murmur.

Justin didn't answer. He simply raised his cheek from atop Laurens head, looking down at her. Pulling back slightly, her head lifted from the crevice of his neck. Staring down at her, he offered a comforting smile. "We're home." Lauren looked out the open side door of the van, but made no attempt to move.

Justin unwrapped his arms from around her, pulling back further. Keeping his hands on her arms, he stepped out of the van before helping her out. Warrens jacket slipped from her shoulders, falling to the bench seat.

When Laurens feet touched the ground, a shot of pain ran up her leg. She winced slightly, before trying to take a step away from the van, Justins hands still on her arms. Noticing her discomfort, he picked her up, carrying her to the door. She was about to protest, but Justins warning glance made her think the better of it. Warren reached into the van, grabbing the photo album and Laurens purse that lay at the far side of the seat. Sliding the door closed, he followed the two towards the house.

Justin had barely made it to the walkway, before Janssyn swung open the front door. Her eyes were red, her face pale with worry. Stepping aside to allow Justin through, her back pressed against the open door. Warren smiled weakly at her as he entered, Janssyn returning the gesture. Closing the door behind them, Janssyn turned her gaze towards the two. Justin was already ascending the stairs, taking Lauren to her room. She didn't try to follow after them, she just stood with one hand pressed on the door. "What happened?" she asked quietly.

"I don't know the whole story," Warren began, running a hand over his shaved head. "JC ran out of the studio, Justin and Mike grabbed me and we went to the apartment. I stayed down at the car, and a few minutes later, Justin came out with Lauren."

"What about JC?"

"He came out a little bit later. Mike was with him, so you don't have to worry about anything. They took Laurens car, and JC is dropping Mike back off at the studio before coming back here." Warren stood nervously inside the door. His hands clasped together behind his back, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He didn't know Lauren all that well, but whenever he had spoken to her, she was a real sweetheart to him. She was just the kind of person you had to like. He didn't know any of the details on the situation he was brought into that day, but he wasn't too sure he wanted to know.

"I'm sure she'll be alright." he offered sincerely to Janssyn, who still stared at the now closed bedroom door at the top of the stairs.

"I hope so." Finally she turned to face Warren, smiling sweetly. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" she offered. She had to do something, or else she would be sitting here worrying like she had just spent the last hour doing. May as well ask Warren in for a while.

"Sure" Warren grinned back at her, following her into the kitchen.

'Why didn't she tell me? Maybe if I had known, none of this would have happened. Why didn't she tell me? Doesn't she trust me anymore?' JCs thoughts ran away with him, like they had a tendency to do. He had dropped Mike back off at the studio, not bothering to go inside and check in with the rest of the guys. He was sure Mike would give them the details and let them know everything was alright. But JC wasn't so sure that everything was alright. If he had been a few minutes later, everything would definitely not have been alright.

He knew that there was nothing he could have done. Nothing more than he had already done to change any of what had happened. But blaming himself was a habit he hadn't quite broken yet. He always blamed himself. Hell, he blamed himself when Chris burnt his toast.

He was thankful that he had gotten there when he did. He was even more thankful that Justin had been stubborn enough to follow him. And even more thankful that Mike had been there. JC knew that if Mike hadn't broken open the door................. He didn't want to finish that thought. He just stared at the road in front of him, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Biting his bottom lip, he furrowed his brow in thought. 'Why didn't she just tell me?' He was back to this again. This had been bothering him more than anything. More than the fact that she had left and gone over there. More than the fact that she hadn't just waiting for him to get home to go and get whatever it was she wanted. More than anything else. What was bothering him more than all of that, was that the one person he cherished the most in his world, didn't trusted him. In the back of his mind he knew she really did trust him, but he was too consumed with the fact that she hadn't trusted him enough to tell him about the other threats that his common sense wasn't exactly taking precedence. She should have told him. But instead, he had to find out from Jimmy. That was what hurt most of all. He had to find out from him. He had to see that smug look on Jimmys face when he realized that Lauren hadn't told JC about the other threats. He had to stand there, his thoughts racing with all the possibilities of what else she hadn't told him, trying to keep his face emotionless. God, he hated this.

Turning down his street, he looked up and down either side of the road at the various houses of his neighbors. He lived in a nice neighborhood. A lot of nice, elderly people surrounded him, which was a nice change to come home to after dealing with teenagers on a daily basis. He passed by Mr. and Mrs. Cohens home. A large beige house, with big picture windows out front. He remembered when he first moved in, Mrs. Cohen had brought him muffins. She was a retired school teacher, and Mr. Cohen a former Navy Seal. They were sweet people, and had invited JC over for tea once or twice. They had even invited Justin and Britney over before. Justin played with their grandchildren, who were the ages of 4 and 3, while Britney and Mrs. Cohen chatted about knitting. JC had found it funny that Britney actually knew how to knit. He had never known that about her.

Looking across at the house directly beside the Cohens, JC saw the home of Brian Wilson. Brian was a 27 year old banker, and he and Justin had played basketball together a couple times. JC didn't know him all that well, but Justin said he was a 'cool dude.'

To the left of JCs home was another elderly couple. The Kings. Mr. King had been a plumber for 45 years, Mrs. King working as a Realtor. He had smiled the day he met Laurens grandparents, who shared the same last name as his neighbors. They were an old Scottish couple, just like Laurens grandparents. They usually had tea with the Cohens every Wednesday night.

Pulling up to the gates of his house, JC looked over at the neighbor to his right. Justin and Britney. JC had moved into his house after Brit had told him that the house next to hers was up for sale. JC had no idea that Justin was going to be moving in with Britney a few months later, or he would have rethought moving there. But he did kind of like having him around, even if he was a pain in the ass.

Reaching over, JC punched the code into the keypad, the gates swinging open. Pulling up the drive, he parked Laurens car beside the van that sit in front of the garage. Luckily, Lance had picked him and Justin up that morning, so he didn't have to worry about getting his car home.

Turning off the ignition, JC sat in the car for a while. Just staring out the windshield, hands placed lightly on the steering wheel. He was concerned for Lauren, but knew Justin and Janssyn were in there, so she was in good hands. He was still reeling over the fact that she had kept this from him. He knew he shouldn't be, as there were more important things to worry about, but he was angry. He was so angry at her for lying to him. She lied to him! It was one thing to just happen to not tell him something. Ooopps, it slipped her mind. But he had directly asked her many times if she had received any more notes or anything from Jimmy. And she had said no. She even looked him in the eyes when she had said it, so he thought she was telling the truth. But she must have just gotten over avoiding peoples eyes, because she had lied right to his face. And he was furious.

Finally stepping out of the car, he shut the door, locking the car with the automatic lock on his key chain. He took his time walking up the steps to the front door. Turning the knob, the door was unlocked as usual. He stepped inside and looked around. It was quiet. Not a sound. JC strained his ears, and could faintly make out a quiet conversation coming from the kitchen.

He didn't bother taking off his shoes. He just headed straight into the kitchen, looking in to find Janssyn and Warren sitting at the dining room table, cups of coffee in front of them. Janssyn looked up from her place in front of the windows, giving him a relieved look. Warren turned to him, offering an encouraging smile. JC returned the smile, slowly making his way over to the two. He stopped a few feet from the table, placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Hey." he said, his weak smile straining to widen, but failing.

"Hey." Janssyn answered. She was nervous. She knew he wouldn't blame her, but she felt to blame for Lauren running out. She was supposed to be watching her, and even though Lauren was not a child, it was still her responsibility. "JC, I....." he cut off her apology with a raise of his hand.

"Don't, Janssyn. I know its not your fault." he gave her an assuring look, before shifting his weight to his other foot.

Janssyn looked down at her cup of coffee. He may have told her it wasn't her fault, but she still felt guilty.

"And stop feeling guilty. I already told you it wasn't you fault." he scolded. Man, he was good at reading peoples minds. She had to smile at that.

An awkward silence took over the small group. Janssyn staring at her cup, JC shifting his weight from foot to foot. Warren just sat there, running a finger over the table, writing his name.

"So, um......" JC paused, shifting his weight again. "Where is she?"

"Upstairs." Warren answered, turning to JC. Janssyn continued to stare at her seemingly very interesting cup. "Justin took her to her room as soon as we got back. They've been up there since then."

JC just nodded, shifting his weight a few more times. After another awkward silence, he excused himself and headed for the staircase.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs, he looked up the long flight. One hand on the banister, he raised his foot to the first step. He was going to take his time, because his anger was still brewing. He still couldn't get over the fact that she had lied to him.

A long time ago, back when they had first began to get really close, they had made a promise to each other. Never lie. Even if it is to protect the other person, always tell each other the truth. It will only come back to hurt you in the end if you don't. He had taken that promise to heart, and thought she had also.

Reaching the door to her room quicker than he would have liked, he stared at it. He listened carefully, but couldn't hear any motion from inside the room. He reached over, turning the knob slowly before pushing open the door.

Peaking his head inside, he was immediately greeted with a sight that brought a small smile to his face.

Justin was lying on Laurens bed, his arms around her shoulders protectively. She was asleep, curled up in his embrace. A peaceful look crossed her delicate features. Justin turned at the sight of JC at the door, extending an encouraging raise of his chin.

Slipping the rest of the way into the room, JC closed the door behind him. He left it open slightly, figuring he would be leaving in a moment anyway. He just wanted to check on her, and it was probably best if he didnt talk to her right then, anyway. He was still steaming over her lies. Returning his hands to his pockets, he took a few steps closer to the pair on the bed. His eyes slid over Laurens sleeping form. Her slow breathing indicating that she was sleeping comfortably. Her hand placed on Justins chest, the other tucked under her side, he smiled at her pouting lips. She always stuck her lips out slightly when she slept. He had discovered that a long time ago, and it had come to be one of the things he loved most about her. Just the cute little things that she wasn't even aware that she did.

JC thought to some of the other small things she did that he adored. In addition to the lip pout, she had a tendency to kick in her sleep. He had discovered that one the first night she had stayed there. She had kicked him so hard, he thought she had broken his leg. He covered his mouth to muffle his scream, clamping a hand on his leg. Turning to face her, she was fast asleep, completely unaware that she had just mangled him.

There were so many little insignificant things that he adored about her. The fact that she always had to talk to her grandmother at least twice a week. She never liked to swear, and always gave him hell if he did. She always wore the necklace he had given her for Christmas, never remembering a time since then that he hadnt seen her with it. She cherished her friends more than life itself. She hated to quit at something, always saying that nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. She always wrote in her journal before going to bed. Always had to have her camera around whenever possible, taking pictures of anything and everything to preserve her memories as best she could. Her quote book was always on her nightstand, handy for when a good quote came to her. So many little things, that made her who she was. That made him love her more and more every day.

Turning his eyes to his bandmate, JC was glad to have Justin there. Sure, he was annoying at times. Even painfully so. But he was always there when you needed him, no matter what. JC didn't want to think about what would have happened if Justin hadn't been there this time.

Rasing his eyes to Justins, he smiled. "Hey, man." his voice barely a whisper.

"Hey." Justins voice answered even lower.

"Is she...."

"She's okay. A little shaken up, but she'll be alright. She a tough little cookie."

JC nodded, returning his eyes to Lauren. She hadn't moved, completely unaware of the conversation going on around her.

Justin stirred, gently removing his arm from under Laurens head, slowly lowering her back down to the pillow beneath her. She sigh deeply, but didn't wake. She just fell back into her sleep.

Rising from the bed, Justin stretched his arms over his head, cracking his back. God, he was stiff. Laying there for that long without moving was hard on a man. Especially him, who couldn't even finish a cookie without moving around.

Coming up to stand beside JC, Justin turned his gaze to Lauren. He smiled at her, curled up in her little ball. He looked at JC from the corner of his eye, his smiled widening. "You know what?"

"What?" JC whispered, his eyes not leaving Lauren.

"I think you're finally starting to realize what we all did a long time ago." Justin had seen JCs look towards Lauren chance dramatically over the last few weeks. He was no longer looking at her like the sister they all thought of her as. He was looking at her as the beautiful, sweet, giving person she was. And he was falling for her completely.

"What are you talking about? Since when do you realize things I don't?" JC said sarcastically, turning his gaze to meet Justins knowing smile.

"Oh you'd be surprised what I know that you don't." Justin taunted. "But thankfully, you're catching up on this one."

"J, what the hell are you talking about?" JC turned his whole body to face Justin, making sure to keep his voice to a dull whisper.

"Just tell her."

"Tell her what!" JC voice raised slightly, causing Justins eyes to shoot over to Lauren. She was still asleep. 'Damn that girl is a sound sleeper', he thought.

Turning back to look at JC, Justin whispered. "Tell her that you love her." Justins face was serious. JC was waiting for the punch line, which never came.

"What are you talking about? Of course I love her, she's my best friend." JC turned back to face Lauren again, his hands diving further into his pockets. He shifted his weight back and forth uncomfortably.

"You know damn well that's not all she is to you." Justin replied sternly. He would be damned if he was going to let this crap go on much longer. They loved each other. They needed each other. And the sooner they realized and admitted that, the sooner Britney would stop complaining about it, and he would get a good nights sleep.

"You've lost it Justin." JC answered, his eyes not meeting the grin on the face of his young friend.

"Looks to me like you're the one who's lost, dude." Justin taunted. He knew he was getting to him. Just a little push, and maybe a smack over the back of the head was all he needed.

"Then draw me a map." JC called as he turned and left the room. Shutting the door quietly behind him, Justin heard him jog down the stairs.

Turning to look at Lauren again, a smiled crossed Justins pleased face. "Maybe I will."

Chapter Fifteen

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