Chapter Two

She drove in silence, the breeze from the open drivers window blowing lightly through her hair. The light material of her white shirt ruffled with the force of the wind.

Everything was quiet. The only sound around her was that of the traffic around her. No radio. No talking. Just her thoughts.

She thought back to the first time they met.

Vogue was doing a feature on super models and rock stars in New York City. That old cliché of models dating musicians always sparked public interest, so the editors thought they would give it a try. They gathered some of the top models, and paired them up with some of the best in the music industry.

When Lauren walked through the door of the studio and took a look around, her chin dropped slightly. 'Whoa,' she thought to herself. Inside that small studio were some of the best in the business. Both in fashion and music. Lauren rarely felt intimidated by celebrities, but she was going to go on overload in this crowd. But when an opportunity like this arose, there was no way she was going to pass it up. She wasn't retarded!

"HEY!" Janssyns excited squeal broke Lauren from her thoughts. "Holy crap, Lauren! Did you take a look around this room?" Janssyn hugged Lauren quickly before pulling back, her eyes wide with excitement. "I think I'm in heaven! I would gladly become a groupie for any of these guys!" she finished, turning to face the filled studio.

Lauren could only laugh at her friend. She was always a professional when the time called for it, but Janssyn could also get caught up in the excitement around her. And even Lauren had to admit that this was exciting.

"Janssyn, remember, if you maul one of them to death, you probably wont get a date." Lauren joked, poking Janssyns side with her finger.

"Oh hush, you know you're just as excited as I am." rolling her eyes, Janssyn began to walk further into the room. Plopping down on one of the couches, Lauren joined her.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Lauren asked, grabbing a bottle of water sitting on the table in front of them.

"Well, basically, they have paired all us girls up with the different guys, they dress us up, and take our picture." Janssyn replied sarcastically. "Almost like we're models!"

"Smart ass" Lauren muttered under her breath as she took a sit of her water.

Turning to look at her own rear, which was planted firmly on the couch, Janssyn smiled. "See! Lauren thinks you're smart! Awww.....arent you special"

Why was she friends with this girl? She was talking to her own butt! Lauren rolled her eyes, and ignored Janssyns antics.

After checking in, the girls were immediately ushered to hair and makeup. Everything was simple, nothing overdone, so it didn't take as long as it sometimes did. Lauren preferred the more natural look. She wasn't one to wear makeup, usually. She didn't even own any before starting in this business. Lip gloss was her idea of makeup.

A while later, Lauren was flipping through some racks of clothes, when Janssyn came bounding up beside her.

"Oh my GOD! Lauren, you will never guess who I got paired up with for this shoot...........Go on,'ll never guess.............go ahead, guess.............." bouncing on the spot with her hands tightly clasped together, Janssyn could barely contain herself waiting for Lauren to answer her.

'Whoa,' Lauren though, 'She doesn't even take a breath when she talks'

"Listen, Janssyn, if I'm not going to be able to guess, then why would I try. Just tell me"

"Okay........" taking a deep breath to calm herself, Janssyn continued. "Okay.......are you ready for this? Justin Timberlake!" a squeal of excitement rang through the small corner of the studio where the girls stood. "Justin freaking Timberlake!"

"Is that is full name?" Lauren joked, raising an eyebrow. "Isn't he dating Britney Spears?"

"So? What's your point? Don't ruin my moment! Thunder stealer!" Janssyn pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

Lauren stifled a giggle, and smiled at her friend. 'Lordy, she's 23 and she's acting like she's 12. Watch out Justin!'

Lauren did understand Janssyns enthusiasm. NSync was very talented. She had their CDs, and enjoyed them all. For her birthday a year ago, Lauren had gotten Janssyn front row tickets to one of their shows. Janssyn almost fainted when she looked at the tickets. Lauren knew she was going to have a good time, but she was surprised when she found herself completely mesmerized by them. They were hypnotizing. Their voices were smooth, and their moves just as much so. And what that Justin boy did with his hips, Lauren was sure was illegal in every state. One member in particular stood out to her, though. JC Chasez. His voice was so smooth and strong, Lauren was completely amazed. Both girls had an amazing night, and Janssyn was still thanking her.

"Sorry, hon. That's great" Giving Janssyn a hug, she immediately perked up again.

"Girl, what I wouldn't do to that boy in a dark closet with some handcuffs" she joked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh, Lordy, Janssyn. Please, don't hurt him. I think his fans would like him to stay intact."

"I promise to return him in complete working order.........he'll just be properly broken in" Janssyn held up a hand, placing the other on her chest to seal her promise. "So who did you get?"

"I have no idea" Lauren had already turned back to the clothes on the rack in front of her.

"Well......." Janssyn asked impatiently, hands already placed on her hips. "Go find out! I wanna know! Mario has the list, go ask him" she pointed to Mario Testino, the photographer, directing Lauren where to go.

"Fine" Lauren turned and headed towards Mario.

Mario Testino was one of the top fashion photographers in the world. And without a doubt one of the nicest people Lauren had ever met. During their first few shoots together, Mario made her feel completely at ease. This whole industry was all new to her, and he could sense her nervousness. But that only lasted a short time.

It was also Mario who got Lauren interested in photography. Being in front of the camera was fun, but being behind it was where the creativity was. He had let her take a few photos once or twice at a shoot, just to play around and get a feel for the camera. She was immediately hooked. It was amazing how differently lighting and angles could completely change the outcome of a picture.

Jimmy, however, was not too impressed with Laurens new found hobby. Photography was his domain, and she had no right to intrude. Her place was in front of the camera. His was behind.

"Don't be so damn stupid, Lauren," he immediately dismissed her new interest. "You don't know the first thing about taking a professional photograph."

She protested, but he ended quickly when he knocked her on the couch. She never brought it up to him again.

But that didn't change the fact she loved taking pictures. She still did whenever she got the chance. Of anything she could. Janssyn and the other girls backstage, friends, she even took a picture of her own feet once, just to see what it would look like. She knew she would never get into photography as a profession, but it was a hobby she enjoyed emencely

"Hey, Mario" Lauren greeted her friend with the traditional cheek-kiss.

"Well, hello there my dear. I take it Janssyn sent you over here to find out which of these young men you are going to make fall in love with you today" Mario had such a charming way about him, and Lauren blushed at his joke. After hugging the girl, he returned his arms to his side, a clipboard in his hand.

"You guessed right. She's over there bursting" Lauren pointed to Janssyn, who was staring at the two with an excited grin on her face.

"Alrighty, lets see here," Mario ran his finger down the pages on the clipboard in his hand, before stopping at the desired name. "Looks like you're paired with JC Chasez of NSync."

"Okee dokee. No complaints there. Thanks Mario" Lauren smiled sweetly, and headed back towards Janssyn who was now jumping on the spot.

'Hmmm, I wonder if I hold out on telling her if she'll explode?' Lauren thought, wickedly.

"So! You'd you get! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Janssyn was about to flip.

"Janssyn, if you don't calm down, you're going to give yourself a coronary!" Lauren warned.

If Janssyn heard her, she didn't let on. "So, tell me! Com'on, girl, you're killing me here!"

"JC Chasez"

"WHAT!" Janssyn broke a record for how far a persons eyes can pop out of their head. "Girl, you are so lucky! The luckiest! Well, next to me of course" she smirked.

After finally convincing Janssyn that she probably wouldn't win Justins heart by freaking out and acting like a teenybopper, or 'raping his fine ass' as Janssyn put it, the girls parted ways. Lauren returned her attention yet again to the clothing rack in front of her.

Moments later, a voice rang out behind her.

"Lauren Carter?"

Turning to face the voice, she was met with the most amazing blue eyes she has ever seen. 'Oh. My. God.' she thought, staring blatantly at the man in front of her. A few moments passed before she realized she was still staring. 'Oh crap, I haven't said anything yet........answer him, stupid!'

"Uh-huh" she finally answered. 'Smooth,' she scolded herself 'Way to make a good impression, Lauren. Its not like your an intelligent woman or anything. Argh! Dumbass, party of one'

"Hi, I'm JC. Looks like we're photo buddies" Lauren took the hand extended to her.

"Nice to meet you. I really enjoy your music. You're very talented" She had to save herself from the disaster of her 'uh-huh' moment. He probably thought he was doomed being pair with her.

"Well, thank you" If she didn't know better, she would have sworn that he blushed. Surely he was that modest.

The two chatted and got over the initial 'getting-to-know-you' stage rather quickly. Lauren found him to be quite an interesting person. She was sometimes shy, and needed to be drawn out at times, and he did that very well. She felt completely comfortable talking to him, and any topic she brought up, he had an opinion on. This was a person she could see herself having a really good friendship with.

JC was just as captivated with Lauren as she was with him. She was nothing like some of the other models he had met. Some of the girls in her industry thought highly of themselves at times, which was not something that attracted JC in either a friend or a girlfriend. He preferred someone real. And Lauren was very much that. She was completely grounded, and seemed almost oblivious to her beauty and charm, which made both stand out even more. She seemed completely unfazed by him, which he also really liked. Most girls liked him for his fame, but Lauren had her own status, and didn't require anything from him in that department. A big plus on JCs list.

Before long, they were in front of the camera. Lauren had to admit she was having more fun at this shoot than any other. Mostly because of her companion. JC was professional in everything he did, but wasn't so serious to not goof around with Lauren. Mario was highly impressed with the two, and was sure the pictures were going to be very impressive. They made quite the pair.

Justin had escaped Janssyn unharmed, much to Laurens surprise. They had gotten along famously, and Justin had to admit she was a lot of fun. She kept herself in control, reminding herself what Lauren had warned her. 'Don't rape him.....Don't rape him.......Don't rape him' she told herself over and over. Man, this was hard.

Before long, the shoot was over, and everyone wad heading out for dinner to celebrate. It wasn't very often that you got to hang out with this many talented people, so you took advantage of it when you could.

Lauren and Janssyn sat at a table with the members of NSync, and a couple of the other girls. They were all wonderful guys, and completely down to earth. With their kind of fame, you would think they would be completely self-absorbed, but they were more real than most of the people Lauren had met with only half their status.

She had spent the majority of the night talking with JC. She loved how easily they got along, and how they could talk about anything at all. Janssyns attention was completely on Justin, which caused Lauren to laugh from time to time. 'God, she's so obvious' she thought with a smile.

Lauren was surprised to learn that JC only lived about 30 minutes from her back in Orlando. She had known that they lived in the Orlando area, but hadn't realized just how close. Not that she put much thought into before now.

"So, are you dating anyone?" The question brought Laurens attention to JC, and away from Janssyn. She tensed a little at the question. She was sure it was a regular question one would ask when getting to know someone, but it wasnt a topic she liked very much.

"Yeah." she answered plainly. She wanted to change this subject quickly, but didn't want it to be obvious, so she asked him the same question.

"Nah, not right now. I'm too busy for a girlfriend. My career keeps me away a lot, and its kind of hard to find someone to put up with me" he laughed.

Much to Laurens appreciation, he let the subject drop when she brought up a new one.

Lauren found herself just as comfortable with the rest of the group as she was with JC. Even becoming somewhat of a smart ass with them.

"Whoa, Carter, we're gonna have to watch out for you!" Lance commented after a rather impressive jab at Joeys no-so-subtle attempt to pick up the waitress. "You might turn out to be another Chris"

"No one could be like me! My mommy says I'm quite a catch. She says any girl would be lucky to go on a date with me" Chris replied, nodding his head in certainty.

The night ended much quicker than Lauren would have hoped. She hadn't had this much fun in, well, she couldn't remember how long.

She exchanged contact information with JC, such as numbers and e-mail, promising to keep in touch. And they did. They spent quite a bit of time together whenever their schedules would allow, and quickly became very close friends. Best friends, even.

Lauren would go over to JCs house quite a bit, and before long had her own key. JC figured it was easier than having to come and open the door if it was ever locked. "Its not like your gonna steal somethin'" he joked. Not that he ever locked the door. Whenever he was home, he kept it open, figuring that the gate would keep fans out. Although he did complain that it never seemed to keep Justin out.

Lauren was also surprised to find that Justin and his girlfriend, singer Britney Spears lived next door to JC. She almost died the first time she walked into JCs living room to find Justin watching TV in his underwear. She hadn't even known they lived next door! Justin quickly explained that it was an 'open-house-policy' between them all, and that there was no boundaries with them. 'Obviously,' Lauren thought as she stared at Justins happy-face boxers. JC had been over at Justins at the time looking for one of his shirts that Justin had 'borrowed' and had yet to return.

JC had been to Laurens numerous times as well. Jimmy was never home, usually out with one of his little girlfriends, giving Lauren the opportunity to have fun with her new friends without worry. Whenever JC would ask why her boyfriend was never around, she would always say he was working on location somewhere.

JC had met Jimmy once or twice, and found him to be rather cold. He was never outwardly rude to JC, but he could sense that there was tension in the situation. But who was he to judge Jimmy? He didn't even know him.

Jimmy was not too impressed with Laurens new friends, although he was never rude to them. He didn't want them to try and talk her into leaving him, so he stayed pleasant, but kept his distance. He did warn Lauren to stop spending so much time with them, but with him never being home, how was he to know? She needed this normalcy in her life, and took advantage of it whenever she could.

Within 6 months, she was part of the NSync crowd. She went to a few of their concerts whenever they were in the same city, and the guys had come to a couple of her shows in New York. Although she warned Joey after the first time he tried to pick up a few of her friends that she would stop inviting him if he didn't behave. He listened for about the first 5 minutes before he was back in action. But she had to admit she loved that about him.

She spent a lot of time with all the guys; she had gone clubbing with Joey; spent hours talking with Lance about anything and everything; played basketball with Justin.....well, tried to.....; and Chris had even convinced her to model for his clothing line.

Lauren had grown equally as close to Justins girlfriend, Britney. Lauren enjoyed Britneys music, and the two became instant friends. They went shopping, talked on the phone, and did all the normal 'girl' things. Justin joked that they were sisters separated at birth, but that he didn't mind because now he didn't have to paint Britneys toenails anymore.

Lauren had never been so close with a group of people as quickly as she had with them. But they were just so easy to be with, that it was hard not to feel at complete ease with them. They were just too much fun to be around.

Janssyn had come along with Lauren a few times when she had hung out with the guys. She got over her infatuation with Justin rather quickly after meeting Britney. She liked the girl immediately, which made it hard to steal the boyfriend of someone you like. "Damn it, why did she have to be nice?" Janssyn complained one day while they were hanging out at Justin and Britneys. "It would be so much easier to steal that fine piece of Timberlake ass if she was a bitch." Janssyn still adored Justin though, and just because she and Britney became friends didn't mean she couldn't flirt with him. Britney and Janssyn actually had a little conspiracy going against Justin, just for fun. Janssyn had pinched his butt on more than one occasion. When Justin would act shocked and tattle on Janssyn to Britney, Britney would just laugh and say "So? Her hand was closer than mine." "Damn women, ganging up on me" Justin complained as he pouted off to stand with the guys, only to have Chris grab his butt, saying it was because he didnt want to be left out. "Just don't start picturing me in lingerie, J. Just cause I grab your ass doesn't mean you can get with this." Chris joked, running a hand seductively down his chest, as Justin swatted away Chris's hand from his rear. "Shut up Chris! Stop touching me!"

She loved all of them. They were like her family, and she trusted them like no one else.

And that was the only place she could think to go.

Chapter Three

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