Chapter Twenty

Light streamed into the room, falling over everything inside. Birds sang outside the open bay window, cheerily welcoming the new day. Their happy songs were the only sound in the room, other than the light breathing of a figure, still huddled safely under the white covers of the large queen size bed. No motion came from the figure, other than the slight rise and fall of the blankets, in time with the peaceful breathing.

A screeching sound drowned out that of the singing birds outside, causing the figure to stir suddenly. It was a quick, simple movement. Just a small jump, before it resumed its calm state. Another scream filtered through the room, causing another movement from the figure. A long, slender arm emerged from beneath the warmth of the covers, reaching blindly in search of the offensive sounds still ringing through the room.

Upon returning back under the covers unsuccessful in ceasing the noise, the figure pulled the blankets back, a pair of blue eyes screening the room in search of the desired object. They narrowed, scanning the room several times. Where the hell was the phone?

After a fifth, and final ring, a click sounded, signaling the answering machine picking up the call.

With a relieved sigh, the figure returned to its comfortable position, safely under the covers.

Laurens own voice filled the silent room.

"Hi, you've reached Lauren Carter. I'm not here to take your call right now, because....." the sounds of a scuffle ceased Laurens voice, before another, deeper voice replaced hers. "Because she's on her honeymoon with Justin Timberlake. Please call back later.......much much later, as we're quite busy at the moment." Beep.

Laurens eyes shot open. When in the hell had Justin changed her answering machine message?

Lauren didnt have much time to ponder that thought before another voice was in the room.

"Lauren, wake up." Janssyns voice called, sounding through the room. "I know you're there, so get your skinny ass out of bed and pick up the damn phone." Lauren groaned, flipping over on to her other side, placing a hand over her exposed ear. After a pause, Janssyn continued to speak to no one. "Fine. If you don't pick up the phone, you're going to force me to drastic know what I'm talking about, Lauren Catherine, so you better pick up the phone!" Lauren knew exactly what Janssyn was talking about, and she quickly flipped back over. Sitting up, she scanned the room for the cordless phone which was supposed to be placed on the charger on her night table. Why did she always walk around with that stupid thing and then not put it back on the charger? "You've got till the count of 5, Lauren. 5........"

Damn it! Lauren jumped up, but as a result of her flipping over in bed several times, the sheets were wrapped around her legs.


Struggling to free her legs, Laurens eyes continued to search for the phone.


There it was! Over on the dresser by the bay window. Her struggling became more frantic, as she tried desperately to free herself. What did she do? Wrestle with the sheets in her sleep?


"I'm coming, hang on.....don't you dare, Janssyn!" Lauren screamed as if Janssyn could actually hear her. Finally freeing her legs, Lauren bounded across the room. Misjudging the length of her bed, she landed on the edge, falling to the floor with a soft thud.

"....1......" Lauren could almost hear the smile on Janssyns face right through the phone.

"Don't, don't! I'm coming...." Jumping up, she raced across the room, snatching the phone from its place on the dresser.

"Times up!" Janssyn called excitedly through the phone. "Here we go" She cleared her throat, before making good on her threat. "When the visions around you....." Janssyns off key singing stung Laurens ears as she fumbled to hit the talk button on the phone. "Bring tears to your eyes...."

"You're singing is bringing tears to my eyes, now shut up!" Lauren called, placing the phone to her ear.

"Well, good morning to you too, sunshine." Janssyn greeted happily. "Aw, man, you're wrecking my moment. I was just getting to the good parts."

Lauren shook her head in disbelief of her retarded friend. Ever since Lauren had told Janssyn that she loved that song, Janssyn had sang it to her whenever she wanted to make Lauren do something. Lauren would do practically anything to make Janssyn stop butchering the song she adored.

"What do you want, Janssyn?" Lauren questioned, returning to slide back under the safety of the covers, leaning back in her bed.

"When did Justin put that on your answering machine?"

"Who knows. I swear that boy has nothing better to do with his time than torment me." Lauren answered, rubbing her tired eyes. "So what do you need?"

"Well, I got a problem."

"You have many. But I'm not a therapist." Lauren smiled sarcastically through the phone.

"And all that surrounds you, are secrets and lies...." Janssyn began singing again, causing Lauren to cringe.

"Okay, okay! What's the problem?" Lauren rubbed her forehead lightly. She had only been awake for five minutes, and she could feel the makings of a headache coming on fast. Janssyns singing could do that to a person.

"I have another date tonight."

"Same guy?"

"Nope, that one did not work out. He seemed nice enough. Until he told me he had a Ph.D.."

A confused look came across Laurens tired face. "Okay, I don't get it?"

"Not a Ph.D. in the technical sense, hon. He was meaning a Pretty Huge....."

"Okay, please I beg you, don't finish that sentence!" Lauren scooted further under the blankets, in search of protection from what was surely going to be the finishing word of that sentence.

"So, as you can tell, that was not my idea of prince charming. But a friend set me up on a date with a friend of theirs.. He owns his own company, in his mid twenties, blonde hair, green eyes. I know its not a big deal, but I want to make sure I look fab-u-lous." Lauren heard the snap of Janssyns fingers as he accentuated the word.

"So, what does that have to do with me?" Lauren inquired, rolling onto her side, pulling the covers higher onto her shoulder.

"Well, I want you to come over and help me go through my closet. We can go out for lunch, and just hang out. Then you can do my hair and makeup, cause you know I'm a spaz at all that. It will be fun!" Janssyns excited voice caused Lauren to smile. She was always so happy, and never dwelled on the bad things in life. The glass was always half full with Janssyn.

Lauren groaned, before answering. "I have a feeling that this is not a choice, its a command, am I right?"

"You catch on quick, baby."

Taking a deep sigh, Lauren closed her eyes tightly as if to try and sneak at least one more second of peace from her morning.

"Hello? Are you still alive."

So much for her one second.

"Yeah. Fine. Ill be over in a little while."

"Great!" Janssyn clapped. "See you in a few."

The girls exchanged their good-byes, and Lauren placed the phone back on the charger where it should have been in the first place.

Laying back down in her bed, Lauren snuggled deeper under the comfort of the warm blankets. She didn't think it would matter if she laid there for a few more minutes. She loved just laying in bed, awake, but with her eyes closed. Thinking, listening to the sounds around her, and just enjoying a few moments of peace. She didnt get too many of those, so she tried to hang on to them whenever she could.

She laid there for a long while, before deciding to get up and start her day. She hadn't realized she had slept as late as she had. It was already 10:30am, and she was only just now getting up. But after the night she had had, she didn't care too much. She didn't really want to go over and help Janssyn get dressed up to seduce some poor boy, but she knew that it would probably be better if she wasn't around the house today. If JC wasn't already home, then he would be eventually. Having her there would probably cause another fight, and she wasn't sure she had any fight left in her. She knew what she had done was wrong, but she couldn't apologize for it anymore. Either he accepted her apology or not. It was as simple as that. She did her part, and now it was up to him to decide what to do. If she stayed home, she would think and sulk, and she didn't want to do that again. She needed to get out and attempt to take her mind off her troubles. Even though she knew it probably wouldn't work.

After a long, relaxing shower, Lauren dried her hair quickly before pulling it up into a high pony tail. Her long brown hair fell a few inches below her shoulders, so she always kept it up. She hated it when her hair got in her way. She brushed her teeth, and applied her usual moisturizer. It was her only daily beauty requirement. She was never one for make up.

Wrapping a towel around herself, she reentered her bedroom. Pulling a pair of jeans from her closet, she tossed them on her bed, followed by a white button up shirt to go over a white tank top.

Looking at the dresser against the wall by the door, Lauren noticed a small piece of paper sitting on its surface. She crossed the room quickly, tucking the end of her towel more securely in its place. Lifting the paper, she read the note.

'Morning, Pebbles. Sorry I'm not there to make your morning bright, but I have some things I have to take care of. Even though your day wont be complete without me, you have to be brave and carry on. If you need anything, you know my cell number. Love, Justin Timberlake.'

Lauren had to smile at the fact that Justin signed his notes the same way he would a fans autograph. As if any other Justin would be leaving notes in her bedroom.

She looked down and noticed another quick sentence.

'P.S. Everything's going to be fine. I promise'

Her smiled widened. Justin never made a promise he didn't intend to keep.

"Janssyn, for crying out loud!" Laurens exasperated sigh caused a stern look from her friend. "This is the millionth outfit you've tried on! Please, cant we just go and get something to eat now? Its already after two, and I haven't eaten yet!"

"Fine!" Janssyn groaned, disappearing back into her bathroom. She called from the room back to Lauren. "You do realize that since you started hanging around Justin more, you're staring to whine just like him."

"I am not!" Lauren was offended at that. No one whined as much as Justin.

A short moment later, Janssyn returned wearing her jeans and t-shirt. Her light brown hair was pulled back messily in a clip, fringes falling into her eyes. She sat on the corner of her bed, reaching underneath to grab her running shoes.

"So where do you feel like going for lunch?" she asked as she slid a foot into the shoe.

"Doesn't matter." For some reason, Lauren felt sad again. She hadn't thought about everything that had happened the last few days since arriving at Janssyns apartment. She wasn't even sure if Janssyn knew about the fights between her and JC, since she hadn't talked to her until this morning. And all they had talked about since Laurens arrival was Janssyns big date.

"So, how are things with JC?" Lauren froze at the question. Did Janssyn read minds or something?

"They've been better." Laurens eyes fell to the floor as she nervously fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. "We kinda got into a fight the other night."

"I know." Janssyn answered, sliding another shoe on her foot.

Laurens eyes shot to her friend in shock. "You know?" she asked, confused.

"Yeah." Turning to sit sideways on her bed, Janssyn faced Lauren. "I called yesterday, and Justin answered. He said you were out for a day of 'Joey Fun'?" Janssyn paused to give Lauren a questioning glance. "What the hell is 'Joey Fun'?" Lauren just shook her head at Janssyns question, encouraging her to continue. "So anyway, Justin told me what happened. I was going to come over, but he said it would probably be better if there was no one around until you guys worked this out."

"Well, that idea didn't work out well for him." Lauren mimicked Janssyns position on the other side of the bed. "Lance and Joey were not very good and keeping it subtle that they were trying to keep me away from the house. Finally, I clued in, and made them take me home. Justin was there, so were they. To make a really long story short, I started rambling about how much I screwed up with JC, then he walked in! I didn't know what to do, so I just stared at him like a moron." Lauren shook her head in disbelief at the events of the night before. "So the other guys went up to Justins room," Lauren paused at the confused look that came across Janssyns face "Yes, Justin has designated a room in JCs house as his own. He's even got some basketball poster hanging on the door." Shaking her head at the thought of Justins poster, she continued. "Anyway, so we started out talking normally. But when things got all screwed up again, and we started fighting.........again!" Lauren dropped her eyes, and began to pick at her nails. "He cant forgive me for lying to him about Jimmy, and no matter what I do or say, I cant make him believe me that I didnt mean to hurt him. He's just so mad at me." Lauren had to pause and take a deep breath to hold back the tears forming in her eyes. "He stormed out again. He still wasn't home when I woke up this morning."

"Are you okay?" Janssyn knew that was a stupid question, but it was the standard stupid question one asked at a time like this.

"Not really." Lauren smiled sadly. She stared at her hands for a long while before breaking the silence. "Janssyn?"


"How do you know when you're in love? I mean, how do you know for sure?"

Janssyn knew that this question was coming. She could tell by the look on Laurens face that she was struggling with more than just her fight with JC. She was struggling with the realization of her feelings for him, and what to do about them. Janssyn knew that Lauren had never been in love before, and like most people when they first start to feel this way, you aren't sure if what you're feeling is really it. Because you haven't felt it before.

"Well, I think knowing is the easy part." Janssyn smiled, reaching across the bed to place a hand on Laurens. Lauren raised her sad eyes to meet those of her friend. "Its saying it out loud that's the hard part."

Lauren had to smile. She had never heard it explained better than that.

"Would you hold still! I'm going to poke your eye out!" Lauren scolded, and she looked down at Janssyn.

"I'm trying, but you keep pulling back, so I think you're done!" Janssyn defended.

They were in Janssyns bathroom, trying to get her ready for her date. Janssyn was propped up on the bathroom counter, with Lauren standing between her legs applying her makeup. This was not an easy task, considering Janssyn was not known for her ability to be still for longer than five seconds. They had gotten through the hair disaster quicker than they had anticipated, and Lauren had to admit she had done quite the job.

Janssyns long, light brown hair was pulled up in a long twist forming down the back of her head. Tendrils of hair fell to frame her face, curled slightly to add a feminine touch. A small amount of hair spray, and about a million bobby pins held her work of art in place. As long as Janssyn didn't plan on head banging tonight, then it should stay.

Now was the hard part. The makeup. Lauren hated to wear it, but was pretty good at applying it on other people. Unless that person was Janssyn.

Her date was scheduled to be there in thirty minutes, and they were still working on her eye shadow. The same thing they had been working on for the last twenty minutes.

"Okay, listen." Lauren lowered her arm, the small applicator brush between her fingers. She placed the other hand on her hip. "If you don't hold still, you're going to have to go on this date with only one side of your face made up. I don't think you want that, so just hold the fuck still!"

"Fine! Jeez, did anyone ever tell you that you sound like my mom?" Janssyn asked, closing her eyes again.

"Don't start. Don't make me ground you Janssyn Lyn."

"Oooh, the middle name comes out! You must be serious."

Lauren had to laugh. It was hard not to. The girls erupted into a fit of giggles, before pulling themselves together to get the job at hand finished.

Finally, with only ten minutes to spare, Janssyn was ready to go.

Dressed in a simple black dress that fell only an inch above her knees, the thin straps showed off her slender shoulders. A delicate silver necklace adorned her neck, with matching silver hoop earrings.

Lauren smiled at the elegant image her friend made.

"You know, Janssyn. If I didn't know you, I would think you were actually able to be ladylike." she joked.

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't want to scare the poor boy off by challenging him to a beer drinking contest on the first date." she replied sarcastically. Both girls laughed, knowing full well that Janssyns didn't drink.

Heading down the short hall to the living room, they sat and waited.

"Do you think I should go before he gets here? I mean, its probably not good to have your friend hanging around when he comes to pick you up." Lauren asked, looking over at Janssyn as she checked her makeup for the millionth time in her small compact.

Closing the mirror, Janssyn looked over at Lauren. "You know, that makes sense. Don't want him to think he's gonna get a two for one deal."

Laughing, Lauren stood and headed for the door. "Well, then I better make it quick. Its already almost eight." Pulling on her shoes, Lauren looked up at Janssyn as she joined her by the door. "Hey, why is he picking you up so late?"

"I don't know. I never asked." she shrugged.

"Well, call me tomorrow and let me know how it goes." Lauren added as she hugged her friend. "Good luck. Have fun."

"I will. You too." Lauren wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean, but Janssyn was probably just nervous so she was talking stupid.

Janssyn stuck her head out the door of her apartment and watched Lauren disappear behind the closing doors of the elevator.

Closing the door, she returned to the living room. Crossing her arms in front of her, she looked outside at the darkening sky. The moon was beginning to shine brighter, stars dotting the skyline above. It was going to be a beautiful night.

Moments later, the doorbell rang. Janssyn smiled broadly as she crossed the short distance to the door, swinging it open wide.

There stood a man, holding a bouquet of red roses. Dressed in a simple black shirt, with black slacks, he looked very handsome. His green eyes sparkled, a white grin plastered on his face.

"Hey Janssyn." he extended the handful of roses to her.

She took them from him with a sweet smile, taking a gentle breath of their scent.

"They're are beautiful" she replied, stepping back to allow him into her apartment. "Thank you, Lance."

"Anytime." Lance followed her into the kitchen, as she place the flowers into a vase

"So, did everything go according to plan?" he asked, folding his hands behind him as he scanned her kitchen.

"Yup, she doesn't suspect a thing." Janssyn grinned mischievously back at him. "Did she head home?"

"I'm assuming so. I made sure she had driven away before I came up here." he answered.


Heading over to the phone on the wall, Janssyn picked it up, quickly dialing a number.

Placing the phone to her ear, she waited for the person to answer. They picked up the phone on the third ring.

"Justin, its me." Janssyn smiled into the phone. "She's on her way."

Chapter TwentyOne

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