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Author's Note: There are a few people I want to thank......

So many people helped me with these stories. Whether giving me ideas, support or whatever, I couldnt have done it without them!

  • Lois, for being the Best Know-It-All Character in a short story (If You Knew What I Knew) and then for being the Best Smartass Character In An Extrememly Long Story (The Day The Music Died). You're an amazing person and an even more amazing friend. Wuv ya!

  • Lynn, for being the hoochiest person I know.

  • Lauren (LaLa), Nicki, Kayla, Nikki, Daren, Melissa, Brian, Amanda, Tiki, Emily, Kristen, Reeya and everyone else I forgot to mention at LD, sowy, but its late and Im tired.

  • Everyone at LiveDaily! Ya'll kick all kinds of ass....
