
Three Months Later

Wind blew gently into the silent room through the open window. The sheer drapes moved gracefully against the breeze, casting moving shadows on the floor.

A fresh, warm air entered the room, bringing everything inside alive. The sound of birds could be heard faintly. Chirping happily as they greeted their new day.

No movement stirred in the room. No sounds, and no signs of life.

The bright morning sun illuminated everything inside, shadows falling around the furniture that lined the walls.

Suddenly, the first sound of the morning greeted the room. It was faint. You wouldn't have been able to hear it unless you had been listening closely. But it was there.

Two figures lay motionless on the bed. Tucked safely beneath the comforter, they hid away from the world outside.

One figure lay sleeping peacefully. Their breathing slow and timed. Steady and controlled. Signaled only by the gentle rise and fall of their side. Their eyes were closed, completely unaware that they were being watched.

The second figure was awake. Lying on its side, its head propped up by one arm, the other arm lying gently across its side. A small smile pressed its lips, his eyes focusing lazily on the figure at its side.

Again, Justin sighed. This time a little louder than last time, but still not loud enough to disturb Erins peaceful sleep.

He didn't want to wake her. He wanted to lay here forever, just watching her.

Licking his lips, Justin pulled his hand from the side of his head, lowering it back down to the pillow beneath. Folding his arm under the pillow, he repositioned himself more comfortably before continuing to watch Erin as she slept.

So much had happened since that horrible night at Orlando Arena. So much that had changed.

After Trystans fatal fall, both Justin and Erin sat on the platform for a long while. Both too afraid and unsure of themselves to move. Finally, Justin pulled back from their embrace just enough to find the controls, and lower the platform to the ground.

Once the platform was resting on the ground, Erin got her first look at Trystans body. It was an image that still haunted her dreams. Sometimes her days.

They stood and found the nearest phone in a nearby conference room. Calling the police, Justin explained what happened.

Within minutes, the arena was filled with police, paramedics and investigators.

It was hours before they were allowed to go home.

Over the next few weeks, Justin and Erin had both told their stories more times than they ever wanted to. Justin explained everything that had happened ever since that night in New York. This being the first time since his confession to Erin of what happened.

Erin explained how Trystan had kidnapped her as she walked to her car that day after work. She said she must have used some form of chloroform, because she was unconscious. The only thing she remembered was waking up on the platform high above the arena ground.

The media was kept at bay. Knowing only that an incident had occurred at the arena. It was never released that it had anything to do with Justin Timberlake.

For over a month, Justin was terrified that it would leak out. That somehow, the world would know what really happened that night. And why it happened. But it was now three months later, and anything to do with the incident at Orlando Arena was long forgotten.

By everyone but those involved.

Justin explained to the rest of the guys what happened. Everything that happened. They were just as supportive as he knew they would be, and only spoke of it for the first couple of days. And only then when it was necessary. They had yet to bring it up since.

Erin moved back in with Justin less than a week later. More so because of her fear of being alone rather than her forgiveness.

Justin knew that would be a long time coming. Things were much better between them. Most of the time you would never know that anything had happened. But deep down they both knew that things were different. It would be a long time before it really was in the past.

Erin had nightmares occasionally. She would be screaming for Justin to turn around. To look behind him. Every time it was the same. He didn't turn around in time, and Trystan and pulled him over the edge.

Slowly, however, the dreams stopped. She still had them once in a while, but they were few and far between.

Now, things felt almost normal. They never spoke of what happened, and were doing their best to carry on with their lives.

They went out with the guys. They went to dinner at Landons. They stayed in some nights and just watched movies or talked until the late hours of the night.

It was as if it had never happened.

Blinking tiredly, Justin refocused his eyes on Erin beside him.

Just as he loved to do before, he still loved to watch her sleep. Now more so than ever. It was so relaxing to him to watch her be at peace now. After everything that had happened between them, she still loved him. She still stayed with him. And she was slowly forgiving him.

It amazed him more every day how amazing she was. She was working hard, but she was determined to forgive him just as much as he was determined to be worthy of her forgiveness.

Time would be their deciding factor.

A deep intake of breath beside him widened Justins eyes slightly. A small smile came to his lips as he watched Erin squirm beneath the covers as she slowly came awake.

Reaching her arm above her head, Erin stretched as she yawned. Her eyes opened slowly, blinking several times before finally falling on Justin.

A smile came to her tired face. "What?"

"Nothing." he said quietly.

"You were watching me again, weren't you?"

Justin smiled. "No." he lied.

Erin laughed as she pushed on his shoulder. "Liar."

Justin reached up and grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to him. Kissing her gently, Justin enjoyed the feeling of her body close to his.

Pulling back, he smiled at her.

Neither said a word. They both looked at each other, knowing exactly what the other was thinking.

So many things can happen in life that you don't expect. Life has its own plan, and it doesn't always go along with what you were hoping for. But that is why it is life. You cant plan everything, because nothing is really planned. You can guess as to what will happen, but in the end, everything will happen as it is meant to.

It took them both a long time to realize this. How in the world could something like this be meant to be? How could something like this have a purpose or a meaning?

But it did. It just took a while to figure out.

It happened because it was meant to. It was meant to show them that no one is perfect. Even the most faithful person can slip. Everyone makes mistakes. We're human. Its the after effects that matter.

Justins mother said it best once.

"Everyone trips. That's life. Its how fast you get back up again that matters."

He truly believed that.

He tripped. Repeatedly. And each time, he picked himself up.

He was bruised. He was scraped. But he carried on.

And he learned from it.

They knew not to take each other for granted. That nothing was for certain, and nothing was forever.

"What?" Erin asked, after a long silence.

"I'm just thinking." Justin said, pulling her small hand to his lips.

"About what?"

Justin smiled softly.

"This." he said. "About how I want nothing more than to lay here with you forever. That there is nothing better in my life than you."

Erin smiled back at him.

"You think your a sweetalker, huh?"

Justins eyes narrowed in an evil look. "No." he said. "I know I am."

Erin laughed out loud, as Justin attacked her with kisses. His lips jumped all over her face, neck and shoulders, before she was finally able to push him back.

Lying back beside her, Justin couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"You really are something, Justin Timberlake." Erin said between laughs.

"Yes, I am." he agreed. "I'm yours"

Grinning at him, Erin leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on Justins lips.

Pulling back, she returned her head to her pillow. There, they laid across from each other, just watching each other.

They really had come a long way in a short time.

But both of them knew, they had a long way to go.

The End

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