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March 4, 2002

             "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his
: his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."  Psalm 1:3











Dear Friends,
     Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus!  We want to give you an update on what the Lord has been doing in our lives and the different places He has been taking us around the states in these last 4-5 months.  God moved in a miraculous way at each place.  There were healings, divine appointments and the receiving of manna.  We are overwhelmed at all the Lord does and how He directs our footsteps wherever we go. 











     Nov. 16th we were in Selbyville, Delaware for a couple of meetings at Pastor Lee Wrymouth's church.  At the end of the month we went on to Greensboro, North Carolina to Pastor Van Tanner's church for three services.  We were honored to stay with Jeff and his wife Donna.  Donna really blessed me by making me many beautiful Christmas bows for my Christmas tree and then sending them in the mail so they were waiting for me when I got home, giving me the most beautiful tree I have ever had.  God is so good to give you all your hearts desires.











     We had wonderful services with the Lord sending the manna the first night inside of Harold's Bible on Rev. 2:17.  After we had given our testimony we had communion with it using it as our bread.  We were also blessed to meet Bob Statler and his daughter, Jennie who drove down from Pittsburgh to meet us.  God instantly knit us together in the spirit and because of that we also visited his church last Jan 11th in Apollo, Pa.  So this was truly a divine appointment.




















Harold & Kaye with Van &Gina Tanner












     From there we flew on up to Portland, Maine where Bill and Connie Wilson met us.  They are the couple that we stayed with when in Jerusalem last October.  We then drove about an hour up to Nobleboro, Maine where we attended a 3-day conference.  It was held at a country schoolhouse that had been made into a church.  Shelly Baker, Billye Brim and Mama Jenkins were just a few of the main speakers.  Mama Jenkins encouraged us as we sat and listened to her goldmine of wisdom being 93 years young last February.  She was mentored by and married by Smith Wigglesworth.   After the meeting we drove to Manchester, NH for our flight to Cleveland, Ohio and Bill and Connie returned to their home in the Washington D. C. area.











Connie and Bill Wilson with

Mama Jenkins




















     This was our third trip to Cleveland to minister with Pastor Terry and Bobby Grapenthin so it felt like we were coming home again.  Saturday evening during the praise and worship of the first service, once again the Lord sent the manna inside Harold's Bible on Revelation 2:17.   Sunday morning was different.  Before the service even started we were visiting with some special friends, John & Pam Johnson.  They were asking if we had a website yet and if not they wanted to know if they could do it for us.  We were overwhelmed as have been praying about getting one but just didn't know how to go about doing it. 












     But we believed the Lord would do it somehow. While we were
talking with them about it we looked down at Harold's Bible was
lying on the chair that was between Harold and me, and the Lord in a split-second had put the manna on it. We were all speechless but believed it was confirmation for them to do the website for us. His wonders never cease.   We now have a beautiful web page.  The address is on the front of this letter.  Praise the Lord.











Pam and John holding

Harold's Bible with Manna

















     While we were in Maine, our daughter checked our phone messages and found that there was one from Mike Mentzer of Pennsylvania.  He called to say that the Lord laid upon his heart to come to our home in Tampa and enclose our porch to make office space for me. Harold and I had wanted to do this for a long-time as the room we had been using was our extra bedroom, but we didn't know who we would get to do the work or how we'd afford such a project. 











     Within a few days of our return home they were here and it was completed in three days.  Our son, Tim did the finishing on the walls and painting.  Two days before Mike and Judy arrived we got a check in the mail from a cousin of mine in Denver that was just enough to cover all the materials we needed.  Also Judy and her sister who lives in Tampa came over and did a whole housecleaning job for us and even helped us decorate our Christmas tree. What a blessing from the Lord.  Once again the Lord showed us that nothing is impossible with Him.  If we go and do what He has called us to do, He will take care of our needs too.  Praise the Lord!
















     We were in Jacksonville, Fl. For New Year's Eve where we were invited to speak at the home of Mac and Judy McKinney.  Elizabeth Hynd from Swaziland was there which was a blessing to meet her.  Even before the people all got there the Lord gave us manna on top of the Bible.  We waited till 12 o'clock before we had communion using the manna as our bread, the glory of the Lord filling the place in a wonderful way as we began the new year.  The Lord gave us the scripture on the front page of Psalm 3:1 for the new year.  Already the Lord has blessed us this year with many new doors opening for us to go to. 

























Friends that helped build our office









  Pastor Steve Cooper with Harold and Kaye holding Bible with manna






















Pastor Steve Cooper and those that brought us food











Bob & Sheri with Harold and Kaye













     APOLLO, PA.  We were blessed to go to Apollo and meet Pastor Steve Cooper and minister in his church.  They treated us so royally giving us his parents home to stay at being they were in Florida for the winter months.  Different ones from the church brought in the most delicious home made food for us to eat.  Saturday evening just before they came with the food the Lord put manna in Harold's Bible.  We called the pastor and so about 6 people came over with him and we all enjoyed the manna together.  What a blessing to be with such wonderful people. 
     Sunday morning we had a wonderful service the Lord sending the manna and touching many people.  One lady had not been in church for over 25 years came and gave her heart back to the Lord and the Lord healed her eyes from a rare disease where she couldn't open her eyelids.  Praise the Lord as her eyes were wide open the rest of the service.
     Also met Bob Statler's family spending the rest of the day with him.  He also took us over to his parents home so we could meet them.  Bob is the one that we met while in North Carolina.  God is so good to put such special people in our lives but it makes it hard to leave.  Bob and his wife Sheri took us back early in the morning to the airport to get our plane back to Tampa.












     God opened a wonderful door for us through Eva Evans to be able to minister in the Pentagon.  Eva has had Bible studies there for some 21 years.  That morning as we got up our hearts were filled with excitement as we really didn't know quite what to expect.  But as we were praying about the meeting the Lord sent the manna inside of the Bible. 










     So when we got there we had to first go on a subway train and then we had to walk a long, long way both inside and outside through many security checks all the time carrying the Bible with the manna in it.  Even though the people didn't realize it, the glory of God was going through the place.  Between noon and 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. everyday groups meet inside the U.S. Pentagon to study the Bible and to pray. 

     Prior to the War, the meetings were always held in the Meditation Room which adjoins the chaplain's office, but this room is now used for counseling and the Bible studies happen in whatever room is available.  On Friday, January 25th we were assigned a briefing room which was designated only by a number on the door where we had the noon and 1 p.m. meetings.  We can only speculate as to what happens in the room at other times, but on that day the Glory of God filled it.  Everyone truly being blessed by the Lord.













U.S. Capital
















     The second hour was just as blessed and many touched as they received the manna.  We prayed for all of them and believed God for their miracle.  The meeting was over and most had left, only about 8 of us still there standing up in front talking of all the Lord had done when in a split second the Lord put more manna on the top of Harold's Bible right in front of us all. 

















Harold, Eva Evans & Kaye in the Pentagon












     You know the Lord just loves to put more manna on the top of Harold's Bible right in front of us all. You know the Lord just loves to surprise His children.  We were all in awe as we saw this and could hardly speak just to know that the Lord sent down from heaven the manna inside of the Pentagon too.  We didn't eat this but covered it with scotch tape and then carried the Bible back out through the building again.












In Pentagon















     We also had two meetings at Eva's church which is
Cornerstone Christian Center.  One Saturday evening and then one Sunday morning at nine o'clock.  In the evening service another church came together with Eva's church so the place was full with standing room only.  But the glory of God filled that room and every person there was touched by Him.  As we came out of a room from praying for the meeting Harold was carrying his Bible and there the Lord sent the manna on top before the service began.  Eva was so thrilled, but we covered it till after we had spoken and told about it.  Then we had everyone come forward to taste it and pray for them.  While they waited to taste it they just worshipped the Lord and prayed for one another.  No one complained about the time it took, children did not get upset, the pastors did not get anxious.  There was such a sweet anointing as the music softly played, each one being ministered to as they ate the manna.















Group of us on way going to Pentagon


















     In the morning service we were only there from 9-10 o'clock giving more of our testimony, having to leave quickly to get to Christian Hope Center Church which was about 45 minutes drive. 











     When we got to the church as Harold was getting out of the back seat of Eva's car and manna started to fall out of his Bible and the glory of God was all over him.  So we then held the Bible carefully carrying it into Pastor Robert and Shirley Burton's office, where we prayed before the service started.  This was quite a big church, at least 200 people, but the Lord had sent enough manna for everyone to have a piece.  After we had finished speaking and everyone had a piece of manna Shirley Burton got up and told the people of what an awesome miracle the Lord had done that day and said, "Do you know that today you tasted Jesus in your mouth?"  Psalms 34:8 says, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good."  Truly God is so good, and we give Him all the honor and glory.















Pastor Robert & Shirley Burton with Harold

& Kay holding the Bible with the manna on it.












     While in Washington D.C. we were honored to stay at Bill & Connie Wilson's home only a few blocks from the Capital.  Ian & Jean Schodde live there and take care of the place while Bill & Connie are in Israel.  They were there then to pick us up and take us back to the airport and around to where we needed to go, a real blessing to us.  While there also Connie had arranged for Jeff and Chris Jamison from Medford, N.J. to drive down to meet us.  What a blessing they were to us.  The Lord has honored them by giving them gold nuggets that will drop in their home or on their Bible.  On Sunday morning before they were leaving to go back again Chris was walking to go downstairs and she was startled as she called us to come and look and here on top of Harold's Bible there were several gold nuggets.













Jeff & Chris Jamison, Harold & Kaye














     We were just thrilled as this has never happened to us before.  Some also came on Jean's Bible and some just on a coffee table in the house.  God is showing forth His signs and wonders in these last days and we are so privileged to be living in this time.












     February 7th we flew first to Dallas, Texas. Where we then met Jeff and Chris as they were going there to a conference at the Lakewood Assembly of God Church.  So we spent one day with them as on the 8th we had to go to Austin, Texas for two meetings.  Was a wonderful day in Dallas in the two meeting we attended.  The Lord sent the manna in the evening service, so the pastor graciously let us get up and testify about it and then everyone had a taste.  Also, the Lord gave us a divine appointment meeting two ladies from Cocoa, Florida who had been trying to get a hold of us but didn't have our phone number.  They could not believe that it was us when they came to talk to us.  Shortly after we got home Nancy Black, one of the ladies, e-mailed me and wanted us to come there which we did the 27th and 28th of February.  We had two wonderful meetings, again the Lord bringing so many wonderful new people into our lives.  One meeting was at the Friday Road Worship Center and one the next morning in a home.  To our overwhelming surprise 63 people came out.  The Lord again blessed them sending the manna for all as He did in the evening meeting.












     We had a wonderful time at the home of Tom & Pat Hoffman as they surely have the gift of Hospitality.  Pat was at the airport to meet us, first taking us to a home where we picked up a car we had for the weekend to drive, then to a beautiful motel room.   Later that evening we went to their home for a good home cooked meal with steaks on the grill that Tom fixed to perfection.  The next afternoon we had a meeting at their home and everyone was touched when eating the manna.  You know you might think we talk a lot about the manna but we believe God is wanting His people to see it now being it is so close to His coming back.  We never take it for granted and every time the Lord sends it, it's always just like the first time.  It is so awesome to think when there is nothing there and then is manna from heaven.  What a miracle of the Lord!
     Sunday evening we had the last service at Radiant Life Church where Ken & Sandy Lowry are the Pastors.




















Harold, Kaye, Pat & Tom Hoffman



















     While we were talking before the service, Harold's Bible was laying on the chair and the Lord filled it with manna right in front of us.  Everyone was taken back in awe as they saw there had been nothing on it and then the Lord put it there.  Glory!!  It was so much that after we were done speaking we gave everyone a piece with more left so all came and got the second piece, so we had a double portion that evening.  God is so good.  Lexington is just a short ways from Austin, where we flew into.













Harold, Ken, & Sandy & Kaye















     We are getting ready to go back to Israel again the 18th of March, where we will be for Passover and Palm Sunday.  From there going on to France for Easter and then to Spain, coming home the middle of April.  We know the Lord will do great things on this trip but we need your prayers especially as we go for the Lord's divine protection, leading and health.  Thanking you also for it is how you have given that keeps us doing and going to where God calls us.  We couldn't do it without precious friends like you and for this we are so grateful.











  The coming months ahead the Lord has already opened many doors for us as we will be going to
Arkansas, Yorkton, Sask. Canada, the first two weeks of September, going to Norway, and in December for two weeks to Indonesia speaking in four cities there.  We will also be going to Australia soon but waiting on the dates.  You can follow our schedule on the web page.  As the word of the Lord told us some five years ago, that "Don't think that you are going home to sit because you will be traveling more than you have ever done before in your life."  We are now walking in that word from the Lord and it has come to pass.   Praise the Lord.

God bless you and bless you,


Harold & Kaye