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November 16, 2001

Dear Friends,

     What a great God we serve!  Our hearts are filled with joy at all the Lord has done these last three months.     First, we traveled to
Guyana the latter part of August.  We were blessed by working with many new pastors and visiting many churches in remote places we'd never been before.  We showed the video, "The Cross and the Switchblade" to minister the saving message of Jesus Christ.  Many came to know and accept Jesus.









     Nizam Kahn was a special blessing to us, this trip he was our guide and assistant.  He is a dear, long time friend and is like a son to us. While in Guyana we spoke at Cleveland Davidson's church.  Pastor Davidson is responsible for us coming to Guyana.  We met him while ministering in Venezuela over 5 years ago and have been close friends ever since.  We ministered at Pastor Troy Alstrom's new outreach and enjoyed a sweet and richly anointed worship service.  There were no instruments or microphones to assist in the    singing.  Just beautiful voices lifted in praise to the Lord.       Our Lord sent MANNA in Harold's Bible before I started to speak.  Many were healed and blessed as they tasted the manna at the end of the service. The night before we left for home over 35 people, including 6 pastors came over to say goodbye.  They brought food and gifts to share and we ended this great evening in singing and prayer.











Harold, Nizam Kahn & Kaye












     Due to the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, our 8-hour flight home was interrupted.  When we were just 45 minutes out of Tampa the pilot of the airplane announced that there was a national crisis in the United States we had to return to our departure city.










Pastor Troy and his wife










       Our first stop on the way back to Guyana was in Trinidad.  For security purposes, passengers were told they would only be allowed to exit the plane at the location where they had boarded the airplane.  It was there that we heard of the terrible tragedy that had taken place in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.











Pastor  Cleveland's church

















     Because we had friends in Trinidad, the officials at the airport allowed us to exit the plane rather than return to Guyana.  We had the pleasure of staying with Michael   Jadulal during our six-day layover. Michael is the brother of Pastor Mervin Jadulal,  who happened to be stranded in the United States during this same time.  Michael made us feel very welcome in his home.   We thank him for his wonderful hospitality.

















Manna on Harold's Bible











     We had the pleasure of meeting another young man by the name of Michael on our flight back to Tampa on Sept. 16th.  The Lord arranged for us to be seated next to this delightful Christian and we      became acquainted with him on our 4-hour trip to Miami.  Harold and I shared some of the miracles the Lord had done for us and he shared his story too.













Michael, the one  God sent to help us.











     Since we had to find accommodations for an overnight stay in Miami, we asked Michael if he knew a good place to stay.  He told us he worked for a cruise line and he would take us to the hotel where we could stay for half price.  We were getting short on cash and this was a big savings for us.    Not only did he take us to the hotel but also he escorted us all the way through the check-in process and even carried our heavy pieces of luggage to and from the room.  Yes, he even came back at 8 a.m. the next morning to help us get on our way.  The Lord truly sent Michael to help us.  He was an answer to our prayers.

     We finally arrived home to a warm welcome by our very happy and relieved children.

Next stop ….Calvary Pentecostal Campground

     We were only home 2 days before we flew to Ashland, Va., to stay at Ruth Heflin's Calvary Pentecostal  Campground where we spoke for three nights.  Jane Lowder is now pastor of the campground since Ruth went on to be with the Lord a little over a year ago and she made us feel welcome. Jane and her staff treated us with so much love and care.  We again had an awesome time there. 









     Each meeting was filled with miracles of healings and many that came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  The Lord's glory filled the place, the Lord send manna at every service, enough for nearly 500 people.  While we were there the Lord opened many, many new doors for us to expand our mission field all over the world.  We cannot thank the Lord enough for all that He is doing in our lives. 


     A couple of weeks later we were on a trip overseas.  Our first stop was in Frankfurt. We usually fly standby but were bumped up to business first class.  Surely a gift from God.  We were able to sleep and really relax on the long trip.















Jane Lowder with Kaye

and Harold










     Pastor John Engel met us at the airport.  We'd met him while ministering in Argentina.   We traveled to Cologne, Germany, where were scheduled to be guest speakers at a weeklong conference.  We enjoyed sightseeing with a group of fellow ministers and engaged in "street ministry" at a town square in front of a landmark cathedral.  It was our first experience in ministry of this kind and it was interesting watching how our peers addressed the public.  It was equally   interesting to watch the people's responses to what was going on.  That   Saturday night we sat in on the evening service of the conference.









      The next morning an hour before the Sunday service was to begin we met with the leaders of the conference in Pastor Terry Jones office for prayer.  While in prayer, I noticed manna was coming out of the sides of Harold's Bible as it lay on a coffee table.  We opened the Bible, turning to Revelation 2:17 and found it full of manna.  Everyone was so moved that they began to weep.  We praised the Lord for His awesome miracle! 

     Pastor Terry preached a wonderful message.  After which Harold and I gave our testimony.   Over 400 people received communion of manna from heaven that day.  Many were healed and touched by the Lord. Pastor Terry said in the 20 years he had been pastoring he has seen many healings and    miracles but never any thing like this.  The Lord blessed us greatly that day! We enjoyed a short cruise on the Rhine River with John and his wife, Georgette before we departed for our next destination….Norway.















Rob preaching on the streets in Cologne, Germany























     It was wonderful to be back in Norway again.  Dear friend, Antje Wollmann, whom we'd met in Argentina, made us welcome during our 4-day visit.  Our schedule was packed with three meetings and a visit on an hour television program.

     Manna fell at the Friday night service.  But the Lord revealed that no manna would appear at the Saturday night service.  The Lord told Harold there would be a double portion on Sunday.  That is just what happened.  We not only received a double portion but we received much larger pieces than before.  Once again while having communion, people's lives were touched for Christ.  While we were in Norway we visited the Brazilian Embassy to obtain a 5 year visa to Brazil. Now we are ready to travel there when the Lord calls.











Pastor John, Harold

And Pastor Terry holding

Bible with manna on it.



















Harold and Kaye on live television program in
















     Monday, October 26th, 2001, we left for Copenhagen for a 3-day stay with Tove Mommer.  Upon our arrival we were treated to a short tour of the city before reaching Tove's home.  We stopped at a quaint restaurant on the Baltic Sea to enjoy some hot chocolate and we could see Sweden from where were located.  And the view was wonderful.









John, Georgette and Harold




















   On Tuesday and Wednesday morning Tove held home meetings. Ten ladies showed up each day.  Even though the crowd was small the Lord still moved in a mighty way, sending manna during each meeting.  Almost all the ladies received their healing.

  • Stinne had suffered with arthritis in her knees for years but was healed when she  partook of the manna and we had prayed for her.
  • Erna could not hear in one ear but was healed completely.
  • Nini had vision problems.  She said she felt two hands above her head and felt  something moving around her eyes.  The next things she said was, "I'm healed." These were just a few of the many healings the Lord performed.












Kaye, Tove and Harold in Denmark














     The third day we were there, Erling Nielsen from a local television station came to the house to interview us.  The taping was to be aired through out the northern part of Denmark and to Sweden.
     We made several visits to homes praying and ministering to the sick.  During one such home visit, we met Kari and Ingerlise, a cripple.  Kari, a caregiver for Ingerlise, suffered pain in her stomach for over 11 years.  She had had surgery resulting in damage to her pancreas.  We gave her a piece of the manna left over from the morning meeting and when we started to pray for her, she cried out, " The pain is all gone and the lump in my stomach has left!"  She was thrilled beyond words at what the Lord had done in her life.     And what a thrill it was to be a part of God's move to change someone's life.  GOD IS GOOD!










     Finally after over thirty years of anticipation, the day arrived for us to realize our life-long dream of visiting Israel.  The Lord once again blessed us with first class passage by air.  Oh, how we enjoy God's preferential treatment.  When we arrived in Jerusalem, it was Shabbat.  During Shabbat, everything (shops and businesses) shut down between sundown Friday until sundown Saturday.  It is at this time that peace settles into the land like no other time. 
     Our hosts, Bill and Connie  Wilson picked us up at Tel Aviv airport.  We were driven past the Western Wall (commonly referred to as the Wailing Wall).  As we saw the Western Wall, our hearts pounded with excitement.  We were really in Jerusalem!

     So many scriptures came alive as we looked out the window of the car.  We were struck by the realization that we were where Jesus lived, walked, healed the sick, died on the cross and rose again.  Harold and I were overcome with awe and thankful to the Lord for answering our prayers to one day see Israel.



















Harold and Kaye with beautiful

Jerusalem in background










Bill & Connie Wilson,

Hayseed Stephens









     God moved so miraculously while we were in Jerusalem.  Saturday morning we held our first service at Mt. Zion Fellowship.  Pastor Nancy Bergen led the beautiful praise and worship, after which we shared our testimony.  The glory of the Lord came in a wonderful way, God put manna inside

     Harold's Bible on Revelation 2:17, "and to whom overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna…"  Everyone partook of the manna and was healed.

     That evening Harold returned to Mt Zion Fellowship, as he entered the inside the gate area of the property, the glory of the Lord fell upon him.  Manna fell directly on top of his Bible.  There was enough manna to serve everyone in the evening service.  Two women were healed of lumps in their breasts., they disappeared.  Another women had a lump disappear from her side.  Many testimonies revealed great healings!












     We visited St. Peter's Gallicantu Church where Jesus was held overnight captive in a pit awaiting trial.  This is where Peter denied Jesus.  As we were walking around in the pit, the Lord told Harold to open his hand, when he did, Harold watched manna form only an inch above his hand; and then it dropped into his hand.  Harold was struck with the glory of the Lord so heavily that he needed to lean against a wall just to remain on his feet.  This was a most special time for us.

     Tuesday morning we were touring a number of the holy sites, one of which was the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, believed to be the site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. While we were standing by the very location into which the cross was placed into the earth, the glory of God once again fell suddenly upon Harold.  He was   holding his Bible in his hand and two placements of manna appeared into definite shapes. 












Nancy Bergen holding a jar of manna






















     One grouping of five large manna pieces took the shape of the cross.  The other pieces formed the letter "J" for Jesus.  Harold took the largest piece from the boot of the letter "J" and dropped it into the hole where the base of the cross once stood.  This hole is large enough for a person to place their fist in to touch the bedrock of the earth.

     A few days later, we were visiting the Temple Treasures Institute in Old City, Jerusalem, where the Jews have reconstructed all the necessary utensils for their temple worship.  The utensils included a small replica of the Ark of the Covenant. 

     An Institute guide described the temple worship ceremony from the time of the first (Solomon's) temple and the second (Nehemiah's) temple.  She mentioned that manna had been in the Ark of the Covenant, which was only in the First Temple before it was hidden away by the Jews just prior to the Babylonian captivity in 586 B.C. when the temple was destroyed.  Which means that manna was away from any human contact since that time...until NOW, 2587 years later!











Harold holding his Bible that manna fell upon in the placement of a cross and the letter "J"












  Yes, manna fell again, but this time it appeared while Connie was holding Harold's Bible.  While we were waiting to view a video about the treasures, Connie impulsively looked inside Harold's Bible on Revelation 2:17.  She was excited to see it and to be holding the Bible when it was imparted to Jerusalem.

     That afternoon we went to the Garden Tomb, a beautiful garden that traditionally is thought to be the site of Jesus' crucifixion.  While seven of us were standing inside the empty tomb and singing and worshipping, the glory of God filled the tomb.













JERUSALEM, "a city compact together"  Psalms 122:3











     Harold had his hand leaning on the iron railing separating the weeping chamber from the burial chamber.  He nudged me to look and see that his hand was full of manna.  He got so weak that he had to sit down.  He began to weep at the presence of the Lord that had come upon him. 

     After the glory had somewhat lifted and we all went out to a place in the garden where Bill led all of us in the communion of manna.  We were all greatly touched by the Lord.

     On The following Tuesday evening we were invited to a meeting of the End Time Handmaidens at the House of Peace in Jerusalem.  As we ministered there the Lord's presence was tremendous.  The Lord put manna inside Harold's Bible on Revelation 2:17.  Again each person received a piece and was touched by God's glory.

     In summary, the Lord sent manna ten times while we were in Jerusalem.  Limited space will not allow me to share all the incidents.  But the week was something directly from heaven for all of us to experience.  We were so blessed by being with Bill, Connie, and Nancy and all those at Mt. Zion Fellowship that we would never be the same.  When we think of all that happened, it is beyond our comprehension! 











     Because of being in Israel, God has now opened even more doors to us for the coming year.  We want to be sure wherever we go; it is God's appointment and not just an invitation.  It is He that leads us around the world to touch lives and tell of God's great wonders and miracles. 

    Soon we will be ministering in the United States.  We will be going to Delaware, Greensboro, North Carolina, Maine and Cleveland, Ohio.  We will be spending Christmas with our family in Tampa.

     Thank you for all your prayers, love and support that make it possible for us to do what we can for the Lord before He returns.

God bless and bless you,


Harold and Kaye













Harold and Kaye on the Roman Road

where Jesus walked