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Prophecy: Can You See Me?
October 28, 2015

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Mary Bening Prophetic Archive


Can you see me, hear me, understand me? This is who I all about Me.....taste of Me.....see how I can satisfy.

I AM your meat and drink, the dessert of your total existence.

I AM your compass that gives you perfect direction and spiritual instruction. I AM your future. My character, My integrity, My greatness, My awesomeness is here. This is life abundantly if you desire it. Don't be afraid to draw from My wells of living water..... fill your hearts, souls, mind and spirit with Me....the Great I Am that I Am.

In here you will find My Presence as you drink from My wells of living water. Build yourself up, for you have the building materials and step by step instruction how to construct, destruct and design.....your destiny is written here. This is My blueprint for your life.

I AM the spring springing up in your inner being...the spring of life you can only find in me. The spring that renews, refreshes, rejuvenates and replenishes the soul. I AM the fire that's shut up in your bones. I AM that fire that burns in your heart. I AM the fire, the ALL CONSUMING fire that ignites My Anointing in your life.

Isaiah 51:16 "He puts His words in our mouths and covers us in the shadow of His hand, so in doing this He is enabled to plant us, raise us up in high places and build foundations in us ( sharper vision, insight, foresight, prophetic utterances) and declare that we are truly indeed His people." This is what the Lord says

In His Service
Mary Bening.

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"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" Matt 4:4

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