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Report From The Tower

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Prophecy: Report From The Tower (A Macro-Prophetic Overview)
February 28, 2004

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This report is issued monthly.

  • Nuclear/Biological Terrorism Prophecies/Los Angeles/Miami/Phoenix/New York
    Background: Dumitru Duduman said these events would happen first.
    Terrorism Prophecies(
    Expected Occurrence: Imminent-25 years
    New: Nothing new this month.

  • Persian Gulf/Aircraft Carrier/Mideast War Prophecies/Tebeth 17
    Background: This event may be the very first dramatic and terrible judgement to fall upon America. Recent prophetic revelation ties this event, the prophesied attack on the USS Kitty Hawk, to Tebeth 17, which falls next year on December 29, 2004.
    Aircraft Carrier Prophecies (
    Expected occurrence: Imminent-25 years
    New: Nothing new this month.

  • Asteroid/Great Flood/Great Calamity/USA Prophecies/Marheshvan 17
    Background: I am currently involved in watching and prayer concerning the period of Marheshvan 17/November 1, 2004. This prophecy, when it is fulfilled, will be one of the very first dramatic, terrible events of a greater scale that will strike America. Recently received prophetic revelation ties this event to a Marhesvan 17 fulfillment in some future year.
    Asteroid Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 1-25 years.
    New: Two dreams have been reported by readers that contain some confirming details.

  • New Madrid Earthquake/Central USA Flood Prophecies
    Background: Several prophets have prophesied of numerous 9.0 earthquakes to strike the midwest, creating a great water channel or lake where the Mississippi River now flows, dividing our nation in half.
    New Madrid Earthquake Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: Nothing new this month.

  • California Earthquake/West Coast Flood Prophecies
    Background: Probably hundreds of prophets have seen visions, had dreams, and received words since the 1970's concerning "The Big One".
    California Earthquake Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: Nothing new this month.

  • US Nuclear Attack/Russia/China/Invasion/Occupation Prophecies
    Background: Dumitru Duduman and a host of others have seen a guerrilla style invasion, followed by missile attack, then land based attack and occupation of America.
    USA Invasion Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments this month.

  • USA Volcano Prophecies
    Background: Great bulging of the land, fish kills and pungent air is reported by many observers in Yellowstone Park. Mt. Rainier, as well as other Cascade Range peaks, are prophesied to erupt.
    USA Volcano Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Europe Prophecies/Fatal Head Wound Healed/Roman Catholic Church/Apostate Protestantism/European Union/Revived Roman Empire Prophecies/Javier Solana
    Background: This is the major remaining focus of unfulfilled biblical prophecy. The healing of the Roman Catholic fatal head wound through the efforts of apostate Protestantism, as forseen in Revelation 13 is in progress.
    European Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Pacific Rim/Asia/India/China/Russia Prophecies
    Background: Tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes are prophesied.
    Pacific Rim-Asia-China-India Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Australia/New Zealand Prophecies
    Background: Tsumanis, earthquakes, volcanoes and economic troubles and invasion are prophesied.
    Australia-New ZealandProphecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Central/South America Prophecies
    Background: God has begun the process of healing in Colombia (given to me as I ministered there during July/August, 2003. Haiti will be healed as well by the Lord.
    Central-South America-Caribbean Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: Nothing new this month.

  • Africa Prophecies
    Background: Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes.
    Africa Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Canada Prophecies
    Background: Internal troubles, Split between English and French provinces, Economic troubles, invasion, earthquakes, volcanoes.
    Canada Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Israel-Middle East Prophecies
    Background: Most expect the Damascus prophecy of Isaiah 17 to occur soon.
    Israel-Middle East Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Return Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Prophecies
    Background: As many as 24 signs of the return of Jesus Christ are identified in the gospels.
    Signs Of Christ's Return (
    Expected Occurrence: No one knows the day or the hour.
    New: No new developments.

    Stephen L. Bening

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    (For example: Position your mouse cursor over California on the map, and click to see a page of California Earthquake Prophecies)

    "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" Matt 4:4

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