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PROPHECY: Carl Hahn-NoNew Revelation-Everything in the 66 Books
April 28, 2003

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Carl W. Hahn

Chapter 10, The Revelation And Refuge Of He Who Is Truth — Again only some sections of this chapter will be included here, I suggest you get booklet # 10 called "It's Grace Or Judgment" from Carl W. Hahn, you will find it most interesting.

Holy Spirit: “Ever since the beginning of Your Lord’s Church, Satan has been trying to destroy His Church. There are three basic ways that Satan has been trying to destroy Your Lord’s Church so that people will be hindered in receiving the Favors of Our Father’s Grace. First of all, Satan has been using persecution and martyrdom as he has been and is trying to destroy the physical presence of human beings in Your Lord’s Church. Secondly, Satan has been using the temptations of lust, greed and violence to tempt people away for Your Lord’s Church or to keep them from becoming part of Your Lord’s Church. Thirdly, in this latter part of the Age of Our Father’s Grace, Satan has increased his usage of another method. Rather than removing people from Your Lord’s Church, Satan has been trying and is trying to get people to change their understanding about the truth of the Gospel to some extent and continue to be part of Your Lord’s Church.

Question to Carl W. Hahn from the Holy Spirit: … “did your seminary professors who told you that some of the beliefs that you were taught as a child and teenager were no longer important tell you why they arrived at this type of conclusion?”

Carl W. Hahn: “Holy Spirit, I do not recall all they said, but I do remember this. They suggested that in the twentieth century, and now the twenty-first century, that we have more revelation than people had in Bible times.”

Holy Spirit: “The matter of revelation is still a very important discussion in Your Lord’s Church. On one hand, there are those who believe that the total revelation of Our Father was given through the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Christ Your Lord. Any revelation in Old Testament times was preparation for the revelation of the coming of Christ Your Lord. Any revelation in New Testament times is for the understanding of the revelation of Our Father given in Christ Your Lord. On the other hand, there are those who believe that revelation coming from Our Father is PROGRESSIVE who continue to claim to be part of Your Lord’s Church. Christ is using this first understanding of the revelation of Our Father’s truth to build His Church. Satan is using second understanding of the revelation of truth to try to cause enough division in Your Lord’s Church that will make her ineffective.”

Holy Spirit: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 “It is important to note what I [HS] had in mind when I [HS] inspired these words. These words are more about people in Your Lord’s Church changing their thinking than it is about numbers of people dropping out of Your Lord’s Church. There are two areas in which change in thinking can take place. 1.) There is the mortal area. For example, some people who claim to be part of Your Lord’s Church are changing their opinions about abortion and homosexuality. Most Born Again Christians feel that the Bible guidelines do not include abortion and homosexuality. There are others in Your Lord’s Church who suggest that if the Scriptures are interpreted properly that the ideas of abortion and homosexuality would be acceptable. 2.) There is the doctrinal area. This is why since you became a Born Again Christian on October 14, 1937, you have seen many in the denomination of your childhood and youth change their opinions about the Miraculous Conception of the Virgin Mary, the meaning of Christ Your Lord dying on the Cross, His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven, and His prophesied Return to Planet Earth a second time.”

Holy Spirit: Genesis 3:5 “Satan tempted Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden with the IDEA of there being PROGRESSIVE revelation coming from Our Father.

Holy Spirit: Hebrews 9:14-15, 28 “Our Father had given His total revelation to you human beings on Planet Earth in the Old Testament [Covenant] and New Testament [Covenant] in the Bible. The laws or commandments of the Old Testament are the full or complete revelation of the Old Testament Covenant. Christ Your Lord is the full or complete revelation of the New Testament Covenant. New REVELATIONS that I [HS] am giving to people are only for the purpose of giving understanding of revelation ALREADY GIVEN.”

Holy Spirit: Romans 16:25-27 “Christ Your Lord through His life and death on Planet Earth gave the TOTAL REVELATION the person of Our Father/Christ/Holy Spirit that had been kept in some mystery up to that point in time.”

Holy Spirit: Ephesians 1:15-21 “The enlightenment that I [HS] continue is for the purpose of giving understanding to revelation already given through the person of Christ Your Lord.”

Holy Spirit: … “Tonight I [HS] am going to continue the communication about Satan trying to cause division in Your Lord’s Church by getting some to change their thinking about the truths of the Bible and still claiming to be part of Your Lord’s Church…

Holy Spirit: … “As you observed in your father’s farming [Hahn’s father was a farmer], the Our Father’s part of his farming did not change [which were the laws of nature], but your father’s part did change [mules to a tractor]. So, it is in Your Lord’s Church. The people that make up Your Lord’s Church can change. This brings us to the discussion in yesterday’s report. For example, when people who claim to be part of Your Lord’s Church begin to accept the thought that the Scriptures permit abortion and homosexuality, they are trying to change the ROCK part of Your Lord’s Church. The ROCK part of Your Lord’s Church does NOT change.

“Another example is the idea of inclusiveness. This is also an idea that tries to change the ROCK part of Your Lord’s Church. As you know, one of the basic ideas of inclusiveness is ALL religions of the world are each a way to Heaven. Those who accept this idea from Satan are urging all of you in Our Lord’s Church to be more tolerant of other religions. But as you know… according to what I [HS] had written in John 14:6, Christ Your Lord is the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN. To change this idea is to be changing the ROCK part of Your Lord’s Church.

“Romans 16:25. The ROCK mentioned in Matthew 16:18 is the truth of Our Father/Christ/Holy Spirit that was revealed in the life and death of Christ Your Lord that had been a mystery from the time of creation.”

Holy Spirit: Revelation 3:20 … “As you know, Christ Your Lord actually spoke these words to a Church, but as a Church is made up of people the message is also for individual people. Do you remember when you opened the door of your heart and let Christ Your Lord come in?” [Question to C.W. Hahn]

Carl W. Hahn: … “The evangelist praying with me talked to me about opening the door of my heart and letting Jesus come in.”

Holy Spirit: “How did he tell you to do this?”

Carl W. Hahn: “He told me that the way to open the door to my heart was to confess and repent of my sins and ask Jesus to come into my heart.”

Holy Spirit: “Tonight I [HS] am going to talk about another way that Satan is trying to cause division in Your Lord’s Church by getting some to change their ways of thinking and remain within the Church. The reason for this is that Satan knows that Our Father has PLANNED that MANY people will turn from a life that will result in Our Father’s Judgment to a life that will result in the Benefits of Our Father’s Grace in these closing days of this Age of Grace. Satan is trying to stop this great harvest of souls.

“Satan is using opinions about Water Baptism as a way of trying to weaken Your Lord’s Church by division and strife. There are a variety of opinions about Water Baptism in Your Lord’s Church, but all these opinions can be summarized into two summary viewpoints. First of all, there are those who believe that a person becomes part of Your Lord’s Church by becoming a Born Again Christian and being baptized in water. Secondly, there are those who believe that a person is baptized into the Body of Christ, that is, Your Lord’s Church.

Holy Spirit: … Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38 “In these two verses I [HS} inspired two writers to record two things that are involved in becoming a part of the family of Our Father which is now Your Lord’s Church on Planet Earth. One element is the Confession and Repentance of Sin and the other element is Water Baptism. Those who believe this viewpoint believe very strongly in the Sacrificial Shed Blood Sacrifice of Christ Your Lord on the Cross and the necessity of a person becoming a Born Again Christian if one is to escape Our Father’s Judgment and receive Our Father’s Grace.”

Holy Spirit: Galatians 3:27, I Corinthians 12:13 “Based upon these verses and other verses like them, there are those who feel that a person becomes a person in Your Lord’s Church through Water Baptism. The first time you heard thoughts from people in this group was when some began to suggest to you that the Born Again Experience did not need to be considered as an essential experience. Also for example, you know some in the Church who feel that it is offensive to sing words about the Blood of Jesus being shed on the Cross.

“In Our Father’s mind it is not about choosing the right viewpoint. The important thing in Our Father’s mind is for you people living on Planet Earth to accept all of what is STATED in the BIBLE about this matter. It is dangerous to SELECT and CHOOSE and believe ONLY PART of the Bible.”

Holy Spirit: “Let’s check your recall ability of the meaning of a couple of Scriptures. According to Acts 2:17, what are some of the ways I [HS] am speaking to Pentecostal people today?”

Carl W. Hahn: “If I am recalling correctly in this verse You [HS] state that sometimes You [HS] communicate through dreams and vision.”

Holy Spirit: “What did I [HS] have stated in I Corinthians 12:7-11?”

Carl W. Hahn: “You state that You [HS] communicate through Your Holy Spirit Gifts of Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Faith, Healings, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues.”

Holy Spirit: “What Our Father opened your eyes to see angels, did you feel that Our Father was doing something NEW in you?”

Carl W. Hahn: “The experiences were new to me, but I knew in my inner spirit that Our Father was not doing anything that had not already been REVEALED in His Word in the Bible. This is night-day one thousand seven hundred thirteen that I am seeing the spirit light beings of [holy] angels. Even now if something new happens in these experiences, I do not accept the NEW are REAL until You [HS] lead me to Scripture to support the experience.”

Holy Spirit: “When I [HS] communicate to people through dreams and visions and the nine Holy Spirit Gifts, many times a person feels that he or she is receiving something NEW that no one else has ever received. This is a TRICK of Satan and one of the ways he is trying to cause division in Your Lord’s Church. Remember as I [HS] recently communicated to you, that all truth, the total truth of Our Father/Christ/Holy Spirit was REVEALED in the life and death experiences of Christ Your Lord. This was the REVELATION of the WHOLE TRUTH, much of which was a mystery until that time. What you Born Again Christians are receiving from ME [HS] today through dreams and visions and the nine Holy Spirit Gifts are a type of revelation, but it does not add to the Revelation of Truth given in the life and death of Christ Your Lord. The revelation that I [HS] am now giving is to help give understanding of the Revelation of Truth given in the life and death of Christ Your Lord. I [HS] am NOT ADDING to this Truth, I [HS] am giving UNDERSTANDING of this truth.

“This I most important to understand as Satan is trying to use the idea of NEW TRUTH to cause division and confusion in Your Lord’s Church. Every dream and vision that I [HS] give, every action that I [HS] do through one of the nine Holy Spirit Gifts, will always have a Scriptural basis if it is truly from ME [HS].”

Holy Spirit: …2 Timothy 3:16-17 “Since I [HS] have made reference to this Scripture in earlier communications, I [HS] will repeat only one statement in this report. The thirty-nine books in the Old Testament of your Bible, and the twenty-seven books in the New Testament of your Bible that I [HS] led to be selected for your Bible, are the only writings that come under the inspiration stated in these verses.”

Holy Spirit: … “In my last several communications I [HS] have been stressing the importance of being on the side of right and good in all of these either/or experiences of life if you are going to receive the Favors of Our Father’s Grace rather than His Judgment. Our Father wants this book to end on a positive note about Our Father’s Grace rather than a negative note about Our Father’s Judgment.

“There are many evil things going on around you on Planet Earth. And, many people who are not choosing to be on the side of right and good are involved in these evil things. The other side of this truth is that Our Father is also doing many good things around you and within you on Planet Earth. …you have a choice to make. On the one hand you can be looking for the evil things around you Satan is doing and the coming Judgments of Our Father. Or on the other hand, you can be looking for the good things Our Father is doing around you and for the present and future outpouring of the Favors of Our Father’s Grace upon those who choose to become Born Again Christians. This is similar to you following My [HS] leading and giving total priority to seeing what the angels are doing, and not giving any priority to seeing what the demons are doing. Though you do give honest reports of how you see demons attack angels in spiritual warfare. Our Father’s desires is that you as a Born Again Christian look more for the right and good things Our Father is doing rather than looking for the evil things Satan is doing.

“You should also be reporting these good things you see Our Father doing, and these testimonies should be done in an honest and accurate way. You of course remember when Patriarch Moses sent twelve men into the Promise Land to do a reconnaissance mission. When the twelve men came back to the camp of Our Father’s Chosen People, ten of the men gave a bad report and two of the men gave a good report. [See Numbers 13:25-33, 14:6-10] Our Father’s Chosen People believed the bad report and thus they did not enter the Promised Land as Our Father intended. For their sin of disobedience they had to do a wilderness journey of forty years until all the adults who chose to accept the bad report experienced physical death. The problem with the bad report is that it was inaccurate. Any report that is not truthful and/or accurate is a bad report. When you report the circumstances of life around you, state an accurate report. Even when it appears that evil is all round, keep in mind that Our Father will also be there. If you will look for Our Father, you will always see the good He is doing.”

Holy Spirit: …Deuteronomy 31:6b “Christ Your Lord is the best example of Our Father’s promise not to forsake anyone. Satan released all the evil resources he had to bring about the physical death of Christ Your Lord in the crucifixion event. At one point during the crucifixion event even Christ Your Lord felt like Our Father had forsaken Him. Then, when the Resurrection took place, it became apparent that Our Father was still in control of the situation. If you humans living on Planet Earth take note of it, you will always be able to see what Our Father is doing until the Rapture of Your Lord’s Church. Report the good Our Father is doing more than you do the evil Satan is doing.”

Holy Spirit: Isaiah 41:4, Revelation 1:8, 22-13 “As you know alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and omega the last letter. The truth involved in these verses is that Our Father was there when Planet Earth began, and He will be there when Planet Earth ends in favor of the new Heaven and the new earth. Since Our Father will always be there, there will always be something to report about Him.”

From: Pastor Carl W. Hahn, Jr., 423 North State Street, Westerville, Ohio 43082, or Phone: 1.614.882.8330.

Stephen L. Bening

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