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PROPHECY: Silence-4/17 Dream
April 29, 2001

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I never had one clue when I posted the compilation of my prophecies concerning the Kitty Hawk and judgement/chastisement to come upon America that 19 days of silence would follow.

I have had words from the Holy Spirit and confirmations from others that the Lord would speak through silence in the coming months. These began back in January with the admonition, at the start of this group, to RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP. These words caused me to be very attentive to hearing and writing only what the Lord was saying and not simply writing to fill a daily requirement to produce something for people to read.

The Lord has been speaking to me during these 19 days, but the content has been for my personal guidance and preparation for what is to come.

Yesterday, I asked the Lord about this silence, and also the silence that I have observed from another of His prophets, Alex Puyol. The Lord said this:

"I have spoken the full content of what I am about to do through my servants. Now, I am preparing to begin to do. When I begin to do, there is no more need for speaking, for what I am about to do will bring great change."

When this word ended, I began to think about Revelation 8:1..."And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour." I was simply noting that following this period of silence, God begins to do a great many things to a great many people in a great number of places. God speaks through silence.

We are receiving a warning to prepare: to gird ourselves for action. Tonight, the Holy Spirit moved upon me to release a variety of prophetic words, visions and dreams that others have sent me during my time of "radio silence". These words have now been released and posted to Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly.

This word was also quickened to me very strongly last night, from Luke 21: "And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. But there shall not an hair of your head perish. In your patience possess ye your souls."

Ten years ago, on July 4, 1991, I had a very odd dream. All night long in the dream, I saw nothing, but I heard an unseen voice, uttering these two numbers...all night long: 4...17, 4...17, 4...17, 4....17. Over and over again, these numbers were repeated. I would wake up, splash my face with water, walk around and go back to bed, and it would begin again, all night long. When I awoke, I sought the Lord about what it meant, and searched the scripture for all references to 4..17. All I ever felt that I had about it was that it would have something to do with American independence, since the dream happened on the fourth of July.

On the morning of 4/17/2001, I had a dream.

In the dream, which came to me in vivid color and in great detail, I was in Miami at some type of party or gathering and other believers were there, some of whom I knew. There were also other people there whom I knew from my past. When we left the party, we were driving North on I95. When we reached the NW61st street exit, there were some uniformed officers there, narrowing traffic into a bottleneck, creating a traffic jam, so traffic was going very slowly. When we got near the front, my youngest daughter Joanna jumped out of the truck we were riding in and began to run ahead of us in the road.

The officers grabbed her and told me that they were going to arrest her. I protested that she was only seven years old, and how could they arrest her for just running in the road (Joanna will not turn seven until 2002). They wrote the address on a slip of paper for me of the detention facility that they were going to ship her to. It was in Tamarac, FL, which is in Broward County. (This is odd, because Miami is in Dade County. Apparently these officers were not observing County boundaries and were not under County authority)

Since traffic was stalled, I jumped out of the truck and ran back to the party, to tell Joanna's mother what had happened. I found her and told her where Joanna was being held, then I got a ride with a friend of mine named Mark. He was driving a big pickup truck with a King Cab, with seats in the back and some type of bed behind that.

We began the same ride North again, approaching the same check point. Traffic was slowed again to a crawl. All of a sudden, Mark abandoned the drivers seat and jumped in the back, leaving the truck driverless, idling forward.

I yelled at Mark, and then jumped into the drivers seat, bringing the truck under control. Just then, a uniformed officer motioned for me to pull over. When I did, he directed me to get out and he placed me under arrest. I tried to protest, telling him what had happened, but he seemed not to care. He only wanted to arrest me.

The dream then shifted to a final scene. I was sitting in an unfamiliar indoor arena on a basketball floor in a chair, with others in front of me and behind me. The bleachers and seats were filled with people. There was a man, who was going up and down in our midst, mocking us, calling us despicable names and accusing us of being criminals. The crowd was cheering his words.

I awoke and wrote the dream down, and inquired of the Lord. Later that day, it came into my mind that it was 4/17 and I realized that it had been almost ten years since the dream regarding 4..17. I found it interesting that this dream content also seems to have some relation to American independence, so I believe there is a connection.

I also believe that this dream is from the Lord, and that I witnessed events that are soon to occur in America. People are going to be arrested for any and every reason. They are going to be put into detention camps that currently do not exist or are at least not being currently used (There is no detention facility that I know of in Tamarac, FL). Little children are going to be arrested and herded in with adults. This is going to happen in America, and I believe it is going to happen sometime soon.

I noted that several days later, it was reported on all the national wire services that the United States Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 that police officers may arrest, handcuff and carry to jail anyone who is ticketed for even the most minor traffic offenses, such as driving without wearing a seat belt. This was further confirmation to me that the dream was a revealing to me by the Lord of things that are to come.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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