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PROPHECY: Africa-Days 1 to 10
May 2, 2005

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Future Planned Foreign Missions/Events:
June 17 to June 19, 2005-Meeting of WPA at Atlanta, GA (The Land-Woodstock, GA)(confirmed)Click here to read about the upcoming meeting
April 24 to June 10, 2005-Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda & Burundi (confirmed, on the ground in Uganda)
August 8 to September 1, 2005-Kenya, Congo
November 4-6, 2005-Meeting of WPA at Monteagle, TN (Dubose Conference Center)(Confirmed)
December, 2005-Kenya, Tanzania

Randy and I say hello from Kampala, Uganda, where we just arrived this afternoon.

This is a city of almost 2 million, with smaller cities scattered around, so it is a big city, and there is pretty good internet service downtown, which is a rare commodity in the places where we travel.

Yesterday, we travelled to a place in Western Kenya, on the slopes of Mount Elgon, named Kapkateny. We will do an outreach there in week 5 after we return from Bujumbura, Burundi. We will cooperate there with 80 pastors.

We just finished five days of meetings in the small market village of Misikhu, Western Province, Kenya. Approximately 300 confessed Christ, as I preached 10 times in five days, and Randy delivered a word of prophecy which will eventually be posted to WPA. The title of it is "Africa My Heart".

The anointing for repentance and cleansing the body of Christ from mixture was extremely strong in Misikhu. God has begun to do something completely new in this new age and new time. Things are very different now, and there is a certain something when I preach. Some who have heard me say that they sense that I believe that I might not preach again, so there is such urgency, and the people are really compelled to come to Christ when I preach in the open air meetings. I love that the most.

We also hold teaching meetings in the morning and the afternoon and an evening revival service, so the schedule is very grueling. The spiritual warfare involved is very exhausting. Please pray for us that we will have strength from the Lord to do His will.

After we leave Kampala, we have been invited to speak in a conference in Kigali, Rwanda, where I ministered three months ago. Then, after five days in Rwanda, we will travel to Burundi for a conference with 200 pastors.

Randy and I are travelling with Mourice Wasike, the great Kenyan prophet. This is really very special, when three prophets speak in one meeting. It has been powerful. Mourice is of the caliber of Randy and Joseph Cook. He is a very special man, and I have added him to the front page of WPA as a principal leader. I feel it is just another fulfillment of Joseph Cook's "Threes" vision. I have not ministered with two other major prophets since Monteagle, and the effect is really special. Decrees and demands are being made and things are happening.

Today, we decided to travel from Western Kenya by Matatu, which is the local small bus. We hired one Matatu to travel to the border, where we cleared customs, and then we hired another Matatu to take us over to Kampala. Twice before, I had rented private cars for my travel. I had thought that the Matatu would be less comfortable, but just the opposite turned out to be true. Seven of us travelled, and we were very comfortable. Because we hired out the whole vehicle, the experience was very relaxing, with a trained driver who had experience negotiating what I consider one of the worst roads in the world.

Yesterday, I was given two chickens as an offering. The previous day, on Sunday morning, at Misikhu, an old woman gave me a chicken, so that is three chickens. She tried to stuff the chicken down into the offering bag. I am told that when someone gives you a chicken in Kenya, it is a great honor. Well, I like to eat chicken, but I had never held one until yesterday. They snapped several pictures of me, holding my first chicken.

Today, while we were on the drive, the Lord spoke to me, that the three chickens that had chased me and tracked me down symbolized three vehicles: two smaller ones and one large one, that we are going to receive.

In other news, Chwele, Western Provice, Kenya, will receive an orphanage. I have ministered there twice. During my last visit, I was meeting with the pastors association, and they asked whether I had read their vision statement that they had given me to pray over. I told them that I had not read it. I had lifted it up to the Lord while I was in Florida, and the Lord's presence would not come down upon it, and then the Lord said: "It is not my vision". So, I told them that I did not read it, and they became very wroth with me. Then, they rather roughly asked me what I thought their vision should include. I told them that first of all, God would want them to have an orphanage, and they mocked me, and told me they did not want one.

A few days later, three pastors visited my house in Webuye and repented, and said they wanted a water well and an orphanage, and that I should continue to pray for them. Well, now, they will have their orphanage. Independent from any influence from me, God has moved upon a Florida ministry to construct an orphanage there in Chwele, and one of the pastors travelled to meet me and give me the news. God is so very good to me. There are so many little orphans in Chwele, and this will be a tremendous blessing to them.

Yesterday, David Walukhu's father James, of 86 years, laid hands upon me and prayed for me. It was a very special time, meeting at his mud walled home in Chwele. David is a great apostle of the Lord, who is the servant of all, and who seeks nothing for himself. How precious he is.

Right now, David is loading my Ugandan telephone card into my phone. Over here, when you enter a new country, you have to buy a new SIM card to operate the phone, and that means you have a new line, and new telephone number. I bought a Kenyan cellular phone on the third day of this mission, in the Engarra neighborhood of Nairobi, for 3,500 Shillings, which is about $40. No one can believe what a great deal I got.

For Uganda, where we are now, the country code here is 00256. My line is 75883726. Dialed from the USA, that would be 011-256-75883726. Anyway, that is my best guess of how you would dial it. You may have to try some hit and miss to get me.

So, that number will be good for five days, and then, I will have to buy another line when we travel to Rwanda.

For Kenya, where my base is, I will put the telephone number in here for reference, but it is not active in my phone right now.

For Kenya, the country code is 254. My line in Kenya (not now operable), is 0734374058. As it would be dialed from the USA, it is 011-254-734-374058. This method I have already verified for reaching Kenya.

We are seven hours ahead of the East Coast USA in time, so that means that when it is 5 PM for you folks in Miami, it is Midnight for me.

Other than that, there are reports, from many places in Western Kenya, of many people who have been greatly activated in the prophetic as a result of my ministry in this place. It appears that God will raise up many true prophets from this place.

Now, we will commence in Kampala, and we do not know quite what to expect. Uganda is a deep, dark pit, with much witchcraft. The demons here do not like me, and I do not like them. Every time I have been here, there have been many adversaries. Please keep Randy and I in much prayer.

Any assistance you can give to us we will greatly appreciate. We would love to purchase a truck while we are here in Kampala, and a good one can be had for $10,000 US. If the Lord does not provide at this time, we will continue on with travel by Matatu, and give the Lord thanks for His wonderful provision to His servants.

God bless you all,

Stephen L. Bening

MISSION PLAN FOR April 24, 2005 to June 10, 2005

David Walukhu (African Mission Coordinator) has, once again, been doing great work in coordinating our steps. The plan is for ministry in the following places:

.............Misikhu, Western Province, Kenya, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic crusade for five days. I preached in a church there on my last day in the Western Province during the last trip. The people were dancing and praising the Lord so exuberantly, that they kicked up a tremendous dust cloud in the mud floored church.

............Kampala, Uganda, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic crusade for six days, in conjunction with Friends of Christ Ministries and Pastor Emmanuel Lubuulwa.

............Kigali, Rwanda, where we will take part in an outdoor evangelistic crusade for five days.

............Bujumbura, Burundi, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic crusade and pastors conference with 200 pastors of an undetermined length at the present time.

............Kapkateny, Western Province, Kenya, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic revival, called an "International Prophetic Explosion", for five days.

................Muhonja, Western Province, Kenya, where we will hold meetings for five days.

As usual, my team in Kenya begins to get worried because God always seems to provide financially at the 11:59 hour. I am trusting that all our needs will be met, as they have been in the past.

Randy and I have purchased our air tickets. My cost was about $1,200 and his was $1,500. We are flying together from Miami, to Amsterdam, and then on to Nairobi.

Previous experience has taught me that my expenses, including the monies that I give to orphans and the poor, usually amount to $2,500 per week when I am there, ministering in the crusades.

You might wonder what we spend the money on? Well, they buy lumber and build the platforms that we preach and praise from. Posters and handbills are printed for each event, and we economize as much as possible by printing them all in Eldoret, Kenya, where David Walukhu can make the best bargain.

We also buy food for the participants and ministers in the conference, and we have to rent bed rolls for the workers who will stay the entire time and watch over the equipment. Then, we have gasoline and car rental costs, as well as costs for renting sound systems.

We stay in private homes, for free, whenever possible. We never pay hotel bills during these events. So you can forget any ideas you might have about luxury accomodations for Randy and I. I have stayed in homes without electric power or running water.

God is my supply. He has miraculously sent me on two of these trips. I have had no money to do it, but he always provides, from somewhere. It has been miracle after miracle.

Please do not assume that because Randy and I do not write long messages about financial giving and support that we have no need. We do have need, but we trust the Lord, and we trust each of you to hear His voice, and then, to please obey, for your benefit and ours.

Once again, I thank everyone who has helped with the previous two missions. God bless and keep you one and all.

Stephen L. Bening

My Africa Wish List Is As Follows:

Project #1-$100,000 to $1 million-For 100 water wells, beginning at Kittui. I am told we will have to drill 200 wells to develop 100 producing wells. This money will purchase drilling equipment and a large truck to carry it in. The first well in Kittui can be done for $20,000, if we hire the job out to a drilling company. We have already completed the geological survey, and we have obtained the drilling permit.

Project #2-$5,000-Two, 250 person event tents-cost $2,500 each. I have already visited the tent manufacturer in Nairobi. We need this tent for holding bigger crusades in Kenya.

Project #3-$7,500-We need to purchase a sound system for use in the Kenya crusades. I am planning on being in Africa, four times per year. We rented the sound system for the three events we just held. We anticipate holding bigger events, and we will need a more powerful system. With the sound system, we need a generator to power it.

Project #4-$10,000-A truck for David Machimbo Walukhu, my missions coordinator, in Kenya. Right now, David has no vehicle, and travels by bus. I am shopping for one this week, for dual use with the water project. We have found a 2002 Toyota Hi Rider, for 850,000 Kenyan Shillings. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ITEM.

Jesus says, "you have not because you ask not". I say, Lord Jesus, I Am Asking!

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