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PROPHECY: Africa-Days 11 to 17
May 10, 2005

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Future Planned Foreign Missions/Events:
June 17 to June 19, 2005-Meeting of WPA at Atlanta, GA (The Land-Woodstock, GA)(confirmed)Click here to read about the upcoming meeting
April 24 to June 10, 2005-Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda & Burundi (confirmed, on the ground in Uganda)
August 8 to September 1, 2005-Kenya, Congo
November 4-6, 2005-Meeting of WPA at Monteagle, TN (Dubose Conference Center)(Confirmed)
December, 2005-Kenya, Tanzania

Hello from downtown Kigali, Rwanda.

Yesterday, we travelled here from Kampala, and it was cold and rainy. It is still a bit difficult for me to get used to the idea that all over the heart of Africa, it can get cold when you are sitting right on top of the equator. But, that is the way it is.

So far, about 1,000 souls have prayed with us to repent of their sins and confess Jesus Christ as their Lord. We baptized 43 in a river West of Chanunah, Uganda.

When I last wrote, we had just finished up evangelistic work at Misikhu, Western Kenya, and we travelled over to Kampala, where we began work on last Wednesday.

The place of the outreach was called Chanunah, which in the Uganda tongue, means "oppressed place". The history of the place is one of mass shedding of innocent blood. Hundreds of thousands were killed here during the reigns of Obote and Amin. Our Ugandan team member watched his own father as he was shot to death, and left to rot under a tree not far from here.

The place is about 80 kilometers west of Kampala, where we were staying at our team member's home. Each day, we drove the two hours each way, out to Chanunah, where we held three meetings each day.

When I first arrived at Chanunah, I saw the preaching platform they had constructed at the Eastern end of a large grassy field. The field was the approximate size of about four football fields, laid out 2 by 2 in the shape of a circle, and lined around the outside of the circle by trees and bush. The bush is thick here, and many animals are present, as this is a wild place.

The preaching platform was large, and about four feet off the ground, and there were four tents that had been erected just to the left of the platform as you sat to look at the front of the platform. As I took in this sight, the Lord spoke, and said "Cane Ridge".

Truly, the grassy field is on a ridge. I could scarcely believe what God was saying to me. I had studied the greatest revival in American history, which began in 1800 in the boon docks of Cane Ridge, Kentucky, on a huge grassy field just like this one. I recall that when I was studying about the revival, I was weeping in the Lord, wondering whether I would ever participate in anything like what happened there. Was this to my my "Cane Ridge" as the Holy Spirit was suggesting? Was I hearing from the Lord, or merely hoping?

Cane Ridge began with a meeting in 1800 of about 250 persons. Then, in the second year, 5,000 attending, then, in 1802, an estimated 50,000 came to the woods of Kentucky to seek the Lord. Here, at Chanunah, we began the meeting, and immediately, the Lord had me to make a decree: God has changed the name of this place. It is to be changed from "oppressed place" to "God came down". They later told me that the new name will be CHEnunah, instead of CHAnunah. So, Hallelujah for Chenunah, where the place will be known as the place where God came down.

The preaching was powerful, and the people came from the woods from seemingly nowhere, and everywhere. I could not see where so many people were coming from. They were telling me that just as it was over in Kenya, some people are walking more than 5 kilometers each way to come to the meetings. We estimate that about 700 came to Christ.

The preaching here has been powerful. The Lord had warned me in a dream on Wednesday morning that the people here were being manipulated for money by pastors who were perverting the teaching about tithing and offering. So, I preached on that, and some of the pastors were angry, but others saw it in the word, and were teachable. The people here responded well to the truth that the tithe that works well as a Godly principal kills when men turn it into a law for the church going Christian. As in Kenya, we preached strong on tribalism, and mixture with sin and other idols.

On Saturday, we baptized 43 in a local river. That was the most for me here in Africa. Prophet Mourice Wasike assisted me in the labor. We were in the middle of the jungle, and I was baptizing with my eyes scanning for snakes and crocodiles, but none were seen. Only the most beautiful colored birds.

They took up an offering for us on the last day. The people gave from their poverty, which shall be reversed in the name of the Lord. An elderly woman walked forward with a seven foot long cutting of sugar cane, and I started weeping, as the Holy Ghost began to wash all over me in the confirmation that yes, here in the future, I will see that my "Cane Ridge Revival" has begun here.

While we were in Uganda, I and several members of our team were attacked with various maladies from cold, flu and diareah to unexplicable pains in the head, and I suffered from a pain in my right shoulder region. Also, Uganda seems to have demons that attack things that belong to the people of God. My new cell phone would not charge, but here, in Kigali, it is working fine. The diareah was terrible for me there, and Randy had to go on various medications to recover from flu and diareah at the same time. I had a mild case of dysentary which lasted only one day. Praise be to God that were were all better by the last day of our stay in Uganda.

We attended services at the church of our Uganda team member, Emmanuel Lubuulwa, in Kampala, on Sunday, where I preached. Then, for two days, I have been exhausted. It is now Tuesday morning, and I am feeling rested and recovered here in Kigali. The spiritual attacks are different here. There are more mind attacks here in the area of seduction spirits, pornography, reminiscing and the like. There is also much treachery here in combination with religious spirits, so it is a totally different spiritual cocktail than that which is served up by Uganda.

I am not sure which is better: to suffer physically and have to fight all the time for healing, or to be attacked in your mind and constantly have to cast down all sorts of wicked imaginations that fly into your mind without an invitation. None of these places is a Christian tourist destination, but God is doing a great work here.

Money is short, so if you can help, we would greatly appreciate it.

God bless you all,

Stephen L. Bening

MISSION PLAN FOR April 24, 2005 to June 10, 2005

David Walukhu (African Mission Coordinator) has, once again, been doing great work in coordinating our steps. The plan is for ministry in the following places:

.............Misikhu, Western Province, Kenya, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic crusade for five days. I preached in a church there on my last day in the Western Province during the last trip. The people were dancing and praising the Lord so exuberantly, that they kicked up a tremendous dust cloud in the mud floored church.

............Kampala, Uganda, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic crusade for six days, in conjunction with Friends of Christ Ministries and Pastor Emmanuel Lubuulwa.

............Kigali, Rwanda, where we will take part in an outdoor evangelistic crusade for five days.

............Bujumbura, Burundi, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic crusade and pastors conference with 200 pastors of an undetermined length at the present time.

............Kapkateny, Western Province, Kenya, where we will hold an outdoor evangelistic revival, called an "International Prophetic Explosion", for five days.

................Muhonja, Western Province, Kenya, where we will hold meetings for five days.

As usual, my team in Kenya begins to get worried because God always seems to provide financially at the 11:59 hour. I am trusting that all our needs will be met, as they have been in the past.

Randy and I have purchased our air tickets. My cost was about $1,200 and his was $1,500. We are flying together from Miami, to Amsterdam, and then on to Nairobi.

Previous experience has taught me that my expenses, including the monies that I give to orphans and the poor, usually amount to $2,500 per week when I am there, ministering in the crusades.

You might wonder what we spend the money on? Well, they buy lumber and build the platforms that we preach and praise from. Posters and handbills are printed for each event, and we economize as much as possible by printing them all in Eldoret, Kenya, where David Walukhu can make the best bargain.

We also buy food for the participants and ministers in the conference, and we have to rent bed rolls for the workers who will stay the entire time and watch over the equipment. Then, we have gasoline and car rental costs, as well as costs for renting sound systems.

We stay in private homes, for free, whenever possible. We never pay hotel bills during these events. So you can forget any ideas you might have about luxury accomodations for Randy and I. I have stayed in homes without electric power or running water.

God is my supply. He has miraculously sent me on two of these trips. I have had no money to do it, but he always provides, from somewhere. It has been miracle after miracle.

Please do not assume that because Randy and I do not write long messages about financial giving and support that we have no need. We do have need, but we trust the Lord, and we trust each of you to hear His voice, and then, to please obey, for your benefit and ours.

Once again, I thank everyone who has helped with the previous two missions. God bless and keep you one and all.

Stephen L. Bening

My Africa Wish List Is As Follows:

Project #1-$100,000 to $1 million-For 100 water wells, beginning at Kittui. I am told we will have to drill 200 wells to develop 100 producing wells. This money will purchase drilling equipment and a large truck to carry it in. The first well in Kittui can be done for $20,000, if we hire the job out to a drilling company. We have already completed the geological survey, and we have obtained the drilling permit.

Project #2-$5,000-Two, 250 person event tents-cost $2,500 each. I have already visited the tent manufacturer in Nairobi. We need this tent for holding bigger crusades in Kenya.

Project #3-$7,500-We need to purchase a sound system for use in the Kenya crusades. I am planning on being in Africa, four times per year. We rented the sound system for the three events we just held. We anticipate holding bigger events, and we will need a more powerful system. With the sound system, we need a generator to power it.

Project #4-$10,000-A truck for David Machimbo Walukhu, my missions coordinator, in Kenya. Right now, David has no vehicle, and travels by bus. I am shopping for one this week, for dual use with the water project. We have found a 2002 Toyota Hi Rider, for 850,000 Kenyan Shillings. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ITEM.

Jesus says, "you have not because you ask not". I say, Lord Jesus, I Am Asking!

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