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WARNING: Michael John Rood
May 11, 2001

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Dear Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly:

I feel compelled to write regarding Michael John Rood today. I know that some are quite taken in and impressed by him and his teachings. I state the following points, for which I have concern and wish to sound a trumpet of warning:

1) Mr. Rood holds himself out as a "Messianic Jewish Rabbi". This began to be done, as I became aware of his ministry, with Stan Johnson on Prophecy Club broadcasts in 1999. It is now revealed that, Mr. Rood is not Jewish by birth. He is, at most, a convert to Messianic Judaism. He holds no formal training to qualify for the use of the title of rabbi. There is a picture of him, at, dressed in the manner of a Jewish high priest, holding a staff. That picture speaks volumes. This gives an appearance of an attempt at deception. While by itself, it is not a serious ethical breach, it is certainly not a sign of the presence of inherent integrity in the man and his ministry. We still wait for him to publicly discuss his past and his cultic connections, and to clearly renounce those beliefs and connections.

2) Mr. Rood has been publicly accused of privately teaching a doctrine that does not confirm, and in fact denies the deity of Jesus Christ. An internet firestorm has raged, during the last two months, at WWW. Supporters of Rood were apparently urged by Rood's ministry to confront Michael Bunker, and they did so on his unmoderated forums. To date, Mr Rood currently sets forth no statement of faith on his website, He makes no affirmative statement that he accepts Jesus Christ as the LORD GOD, even while under public accusation that he still has connections with "The Way International". He makes little mention of Jesus on his website. I have checked his website and as of today, May 11, 2001, there is still no statement of faith presented that would answer these public charges, made by Michael Bunker several months ago. A man of integrity and faith, confronted in this way, would clearly write of his belief in Jesus Christ as LORD GOD. We still wait to see if he will do this.

3) Mr. Rood has been a setter of dates for the last several years. Every year brings forth with it new anticipation, trumpeted by him, that this Aviv 1, in the spring, will mark the beginning of year 6001. This has brought much ridicule to prophecy, even though this man is not a prophet and does not claim to be one. His failed prophecies are listed on the internet websites devoted to documenting such. He expresses faith that once we are assured that year 6001 is here, we will be able to make predictions, as to the date, of the occurence of certain events. The last time of supposedly high alert was in fall, 2000, when Elul5, or September 28 was to have begun a period of 40 days of repentance. Tishri 1, or sundown, October 28, 2000, was to have commenced a 10 day war. As with the previous alerts, very little happened as predicted. We still wait for something to happen as predicted.

4) The "Revised Hebrew Calendar" trumpeted by Mr. Rood was not created by him, yet he certainly has left that impression in the minds of many on his many Prophecy Club broadcasts. Still, the calendar is used by him and there is no clear assertion as to it's origin or creators, even on his website. A man of integrity would give credit where it is due. We still wait for this credit to be given.

5) The "Revised Hebrew Calendar", trumpeted by Mr. Rood, is used by him to predict many events. In the 6001st year, whenever it arrives, we will see, according to Mr. Rood, the coming forth of the ark of the covenant, the cleansing of the temple mount and, on day 35, or Tishri 22, the holding of the Feast of Tabernacles on the temple mount. This speaks of a restoration of the entire law of Judaism, with animal sacrifice. Should this occur, this will not be a day of great blessing, but an abomination to the Lord God, who has already provided the Lamb for the sacrifice. We still wait for a clear presentation, from Mr. Rood, that he is warning of a coming abomination, and not looking forward with gleeful anticipation, to the resumption of animal sacrifice on the temple mount.

Finally, last fall marked the coming forth of an important word of prophecy, from the Lord, to me, entitled "Nothing Has Changed". This I published on October 27, 2000, or one day before Mr. Rood's "Tishri 1". You can search for it in our archives at Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly, at Yahoo Groups, or see the link below to my website, GAMMADIM VISION.

That word came to me one day and a half prior to the day on which Mr. Rood was expecting the commencement of many of the aforementioned events he awaits.

It became clear to me on that day, October 27, 2000, one day before his "Tishri 1" date, that the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of Prophecy are diametrically opposed to Mr. Rood and the spirit he moves by. He is not speaking for the Lord. Be careful, be watchful and be not deceived.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

Nothing Has Changed!
Nothing Has Changed

Copies of this WARNING have been sent to Michael Rood, Michael Bunker and Stan Johnson.

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