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FOREIGN MISSIONS: Planned Ministry Trip To Medellin, Colombia
June 10, 2003

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I will be traveling to Medellin Colombia for the purpose of conducting daily ministry and outreach to that city. We will be there from July 5 through July 25.

We will be holding meetings nightly in many private homes. If we find any worthy churches, we will seek to build them up and encourage them. We will also be ministering daily in the streets. The areas where we will be ministering are dominated by Roman Catholicism. Christian churches are small, if existent at all.

For several years, I have been financially contributing to missionaries in South America. Last year, after I wrote a rather large check (for me) to a missionary in Paraguay, the Lord told me that some day I would follow where my money has gone. Also, I have lifted up my future ministry to 18 nations in prayer for several years. Colombia has been one of those.

Earlier this year, the Lord let me know that this was the year when this type of ministry would begin for me. I believe the time is now. We have set your plans, and purchased our airplane tickets, and I have peace about the trip. We are being covered in prayer by the Buenas Noticias De Fe intercession team. (That’s our home church)

Just prior to sitting down tonight to inform my readers of my plans, I read the vision of Susan Cummings, about the eagles taking flight. I know it is my time to move on the visions God has given me. It is time to begin my ministry to South America. It appears that I may also have an open door soon to minister in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

And so, on July 5, I will travel to Medellin, Colombia. Several people have told me I am crazy. The Colombians I know who live here are afraid to return and do what I plan to do. Nuts for Jesus I say! Yes sir! Then, I tell them that it is my intention to preach, as an American Christian, in the streets of Medellin. Nevertheless, my ministry and call is, and has always been, to the streets, and to the lost, and to the poor. I cannot envision a trip there that would not have me meeting with and ministering to the common people and the poor.

Medellin is one of the poorest and meanest cities on Earth, according to reports that I have received. It is a city where the people desperately need Jesus. They also desperately need the most basic necessities of life. The need to hear a word of God that is accompanied with power. I intend to go to them in humility, in prayer and in fastings.

Three years ago, the Lord revealed to me that Colombia will be a place of great revival and light before He returns. So, I am going to minister in a place where the Lord has said to me that He is going to do great things. He has shown this to me. He has told me that the day will come when it will be much better to live in Colombia, than to live in the United States. I believe Him. The time is now.

My Requests?

1) Please lift us to the Lord in prayer—for protection, guidance, and for open and effectual doors for ministry.

2) Please pray that my translator has help from the Holy Spirit in interpreting my preaching into Spanish.

3) Pray that signs and wonders will accompany the preaching of the gospel.

4) Pray that we will discover any worthy churches in the area of our ministry.

5) If the Lord would so lead, that we might plant a church in Medellin in a private home.

Financial Support?

Those who want to sow financially into this trip: I will use any money you send to buy food, clothing, shoes or bible materials for the poor in Medellin. I am told that the areas where we will minister will bring many sad and heartrending situations before my eyes that will move me to tears. Apparently, the squalor in our hemisphere is something that is not as widely publicized or as well known to Americans as that seen in Africa and India. Nevertheless, the poor in Medellin need any assistance I can bring them. I hope to be able to provide some small assistance to the worst cases. I know that I will feel absolutely terrible if I have nothing to give to these people.

We are financing all expenses of the trip ourselves, but I will not lie. I have no extra money available to me for these types of needs at the present time. I am depending upon God. As He has always provided for me in the past when I have obeyed Him, so He will also do this time.

Any checks should be sent to me personally: Stephen L. Bening, 8255 W. Sunrise Blvd., #153, Planntation, FL 33322, and will NOT be tax deductible.

Those of you who have known me for awhile know that I NEVER ask for money in exchange for prophetic ministry. Freely I have received, and freely I give. It is the same with my websites. This is different. It involves ministry that is pure religion: to the poor, to the orphans, and to the widows. There are many widows in Medellin. There has been much killing. That being said, we are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are accountable for what we do, and where we sow our money.

I think back now to all the money I have given to churches, ministries and ministers in my sixteen years as a Christian. How much of it went for missions? How much went to the poor? How much went in response to direction from the Lord? How much went in a knee-jerk robotic tithing response? How much was sown into good soil? How much was sown onto rock? How much did I give in response to emotional manipulation, and not by the leading of the Holy Spirit?

You can ask your own set of questions, and privately evaluate your giving, and what type of a return you expect to receive from the Lord.

So, I’ll be blunt:

Please prayerfully consider financially supporting our outreach to Medellin. I will preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ every single day: probably more than once each day. You can send me there with hands full if the Lord so leads you.

All undesignated donations I receive will go to the poor. I will honor whatever designation you put on anything you give, but if you send money, and do not tell me how to spend it, I will spend it on the poor. Again, donations will NOT be tax deductible.

Stephen L. Bening

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