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MISSIONS: Medellin Mission-Days 13-19
July 16, 2004

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We just returned from three days in Valparaiso, that we had originally intended to be four. I will explain later.

This little town of 3,600 is four hours South of Medellin, and is about two hours South of the nearest town of any great size. It is very isolated.

We call regions like this "flyover country" in the United States, except, in this case, there were not even any airplanes flying over. I have never been to such a place. The city had only one building that looked like it had been built in the last forty years. Everything was crumbling, and in bad repair, and needing, at the very least, a coat of paint.

To reach Valparaiso, you travel South by bus (fare 10,500 pesos=$4). We passed through the fairly large cities of Itagui and Caldas, and then went up, up, up to the clouds, where the towns of Versailles and Santa Barbara (cold) are on the mountain crest, at about 10,000 feet. Then, down, down, down to the River Cauca and the little town of La Pintauba (very hot). Then, up again to Valparaiso.

To summarize, we ministered to about 40 people while there. We prayed for healing for a great many, and baptized two boys. One, a lad named Jon (16 years), shows great promise for the ministry. We may bring him over to Medellin for some discipleship.

In Valparaiso, every child owns a bible, and attends bible class. The Catholic priest instructs his parishioners to pray only to GOD, and not to the virgin, or to the saints, or to the dead. What a strange place, this Valparaiso! The Pope never comes here!

Two other churches are present: the Trinitarians, who are not pentecostal, but who forbid their women from wearing blue jeans, and the Pentecostals, who everyone in Valparaiso regards as crazy. In this environment, the RCC option may be the best, with this priest here, teaching the people the truth about God, and Mary and the Saints.

Our day host, Jose Luiz, has a very poor home on the hillside. His wife prepares their meals over open flame. They subsist on 24,000 pesos income per week ($9). Our nighttime host, Amelia, also cooks over a wood fueled fire. Everyone raises chickens or rabbits in their yard, and the roosters begin to crow at 3:30 A.M. Everyone it seems goes to their bed between 8 PM and 9.

Law enforcement is not visible. As a result, the paramilitaries seem to rule the town, although I cannot say for sure if I saw one. The night before we left, they killed three men in a house right next to the place where we had considered sleeping that night. God had told me in the morning to remain at Amelia´s, according to Matthew 10, and not to move around. How thankful I am for the leading of the Lord.

We felt a strong leading of the Lord to depart from this place on the 3 P.M. bus on Thursday. We did not know why, but in such a place, obedience to the Holy Spirit can mean the difference between life and death, or a whole lot of trouble in between.

I tallied up my expenditures for the trip last night: $150.

That covered all the benevolence, and travel, and food we bought for the poor....everything. I sat and thought about the many times in my former, rich man`s lifestyle, that I spent $150 for a night out at an expensive restaurant followed by a boat ride or such. We were able to help so many people who are so desperately poor. To see these people, so poor, being so appreciative over these small gifts was humbling.

My final day there, we actually spoke with the priest. The thought crossed my mind that I might preach in that Catholic Church, where the truth is being taught. Wow! I never dreamed that I would even entertain the possibility of such a thought. Here, far from the oversight or care of anyone else above him, a lonely, forgotten priest is preaching the bible and the truth. His church building is crumbling, and the roof is falling in, but the word of God is going to his people. Incredible!

Well, that is all for now. We are back in Medellin now, away from the paramilitary types, and back under the watchful eye of the local constables. There are many police here, and I can see the wisdom in what President Uribe is doing here. He is creating fortresses in his metropolitan cities, while forcing the guerrillas and paramilitaries to operate out in the country. There is no one there but the poor. The criminals are starving.

Please keep us in prayer that our movements will be explicitly directed by the Holy Spirit, and that we will obey perfectly.

Finally, before I left for Colombia, I purchased my air tickets for my mission to Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria. I will be going for 33 days, from September 3, to October 7. The cost of the air tickets was more than $2,500, and I am simply moving by faith that the Lord will take care of it for me. It is time for me, and other remnant servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, to rise up, and sit enthroned as the kings and princes that we have been made unto God, and His Father.

The people I am working with would like me to send a little money, as soon as possible, for the printing of handbills to announce our outdoor crusades, and to prepay for four hours of radio time in Kenya. I believe $1,000 would cover it all.

Many thanks to all of you who have helped us thus far in finances and prayers.

Stephen L. Bening

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