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MISSIONS: Medellin Mission-Days 20-22
July 19, 2004

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Popular is the Medellin neighborhood that you see on television in the states. We felt led in the spirit to seek out, and visit a worthy church in that neighborhood.

We found one: Iglesia Interamericana. The pastor is Nafer Chavez. The church meets in a plain concrete building the size of about three garages, with a plain concrete floor. It is in the heart of an area where ten people each day are murdered, and where it is cheaper to hire a killer to resolve your problems with someone than it is to hire an attorney.

The church preaches the bible, and the presence of God is very strong. The pastor does not pull for money, and is obviously not building his own kingdom, praise the Lord. I would love to help this pastor and church even more if I had more ample funds. Praise be to God that we have been able to give about $100 US in food, bibles and offerings to this church.

We visited there for services on Sunday morning, without incident: thanks be to God. It was my first visit to this dangerous place. The population density is incredible in this area.

Today, I bought six large bags of food, and we will deliver the food and bibles to the pastor tomorrow, Lord willing.

Please keep us in prayer that our movements will be explicitly directed by the Holy Spirit, and that we will obey perfectly.

Finally, before I left for Colombia, I purchased my air tickets for my mission to Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria. I will be going for 33 days, from September 3, to October 7. The cost of the air tickets was more than $2,500, and I am simply moving by faith that the Lord will take care of it for me. It is time for me, and other remnant servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, to rise up, and sit enthroned as the kings and princes that we have been made unto God, and His Father.

The people I am working with would like me to send a little money, as soon as possible, for the printing of handbills to announce our outdoor crusades, and to prepay for four hours of radio time in Kenya. I believe $1,000 would cover it all.

Many thanks to all of you who have helped us thus far in finances and prayers.

Stephen L. Bening

I will be giving a report on the mission at our October meeting of Watchmen Prophets Assembly at Monteagle, TN.

Registration forms are available at: Meeting WPA Apostolic Prophetic Company, at Monteagle, TN-October 22-24, 2004---

Stephen L. Bening

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