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PROPHECY: Days 23 to 31 in Medellin Colombia
August 4, 2003

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Greetings in the glorious name of Jesus Christ

I have just returned from ministry today (Day 31, August 4) at Bella Vista Prison, here in Antioquia Apartmento, in which Medellin is located. Bella Vista houses 4,600 inmates, of a total population of 60,000 Colombians who are imprisoned.

I was accompanied to the prison by Pastor Carlos of Confraternidad Carceliarias (Prison Fellowship). PF has constructed a very nice two floor church facility within the grounds of the prison. They hold services there every day, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 to 3:00. Pastora Luzmila O`Campo of our church here in Medellin, Iglesia Cruzada Cristiana, also went with us.

We preached to about 80 inmates at 2 P.M, and about 30 of them came forward to receive Christ. While we were inside, we came very near to being involved in a fight between two guards and three prisoners, but the Lord allowed us to get out of the way while the guards were handing out a bit of discipline at the end of a billy club.

Pastor Roman, one of the PF ministers, reports that they would like to rent a house near the prison for use as a half-way house. This would cost $300,000 pesos, or just about $100 US, per month. If anyone would like to sponsor all or part of this, please let me know, and I will pass the word on the Prison Fellowship here.

We have a week and two days left here. I will preach twice more in the church, which will make ten messages preached in the church during the forty days here. The Pastora has not spoken once during my stay. This whole development amazes me, because you donīt ever see it in America.

I came into this church as a stranger. I was asked to preach, and now, I preach every meeting until we leave. I have obeyed the Lord, and stayed in this house, and let my peace rest upon it, because it is a worthy house.

Last Sunday, (Day 30, August 3), about 20 more confessed Christ. The total so far, including today, is more than three hundred I suppose. I have cast demons out of more people than I even remember.

The Sunday before last (Day 23, July 27), we went to San Javier to visit the home of Leonor and Lina. Both confessed Christ in this dangerous neighborhood where many have recently been killed. We had to pass through two soldiers checkpoints to enter the neighborhood.

The following day, (Day 24, July 28), I was led of the Lord to retreat to a solitary place in a park, higher up the mountain, where I prayed, overlooking the city, for several hours.
After that, I did some ministry with a couple of street kids. Daniel Espinoza (9) and his sister Yolanda (10) are seen in the picture below. We found them, begging for food and money, more than ten miles from their home in Popular, a high and dangerous mountain neighbornhood in North East Medellin.

My concern is that these people do what is necessary to maintain their deliverance, and I have been emphasizing that in my preaching. Please keep this matter in prayer, as Satan loves to fill such people with demons seven worse if they fail to walk obediently with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Last week, on July 30 (Day 26), we visited a home for the disabled and the elderly here. All thirty of the residents prayed to receive Christ. I laid my hands on every single one. A group of singers was also there, and they also received the Lord and the ministry. The only two people in the whole place who did not pray to receive Christ were THE NUNS. I did not lay my hands on them. Praise be to God, who has allowed me to have such open doors for ministry.

We have continued in ministry in the homes, and among the poor, as is our desire, and as the bible directs. Some of the miracles we have seen have happened in the homes. One woman, Rubiela, had suffered migraine headaches for 45 years, once each month for a period of three days at the onset of her menstrual cycle. No more.

On Friday, 8/1 (Day 28), we visited the home of Pedro and Blanca a bit high up the mountain in Bello. The whole house confessed Christ.
While I was at this home, I preached my first message in Spanish to five children. I taught them about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Next, we went over to a very poor home, of Edilma and her son Jon Steven. He is pictured here, eating on the floor. You can see that the walls, as well as the floor, are unfinished concrete.

Another young lady named Diana, who lives in Bello, had been receiving nightly visits from an incubus spirit, that sought to assault her sexually. We prayed for her, and anointed her home with oil on July 20 (Day 16) in Jesus name, and the visits have stopped. She gave testimony in the church last Sunday.

My blessings and thanks to all of you. We are richly supplied in all respects, and doing quite well.

We are planning to return to the US on August 13.

I have already been invited here for a return trip in late October and November, which I am praying about. Also, I have been invited to Kenya in April, 2004. I am led at this time to accept the Kenya invitation. On my return trip here in October, I will be asked to preach much more in the prison here, which is a thing that pleases me greatly.

I have had much new prophetic revelation while here in Colombia, and time will not permit me to bring it forth in writing at present. I have declared it verbally here, and will publish it at my earliest opportunity.

Stephen L. Bening

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