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HELPS: Hearing God
August 11, 2001

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Dear WPA and Others:

The ministry of prayer, as taught by Jesus, was a two way communication between God and man. Jesus presented his prayers to the Father, and he did nothing unless he saw His Father doing it and said nothing unless he heard is Father saying it. That is our perfect model....our plumb line. Granted, we all fall short of this. Unfortunately, we all walk in our own wisdom a great deal of the time, but it is possible to hear the voice of the Lord every day as a follower of Christ. I testify to you that this is true, and the scriptures back it up.

We may find this not to be the case in our lives. What are we to do? Are we to hang our heads and sigh, and say that God must not be speaking to men as he did in the days of Jesus and the old prophets? Or, are we to seek Him humbly to inquire as to what is wrong?

I have found that when I am not hearing from the Lord every day in my life, one of the following has become a problem for me:

1) Unconfessed sin
2) Failure to obey God in something He told me to do
3) Backsliding in terms of the time I spend with God in His word, prayer and worship
4) Backsliding in fasting
5) I have allowed an idol to creep into a high place in my life
6) Backsliding in rising early (5 A.M.) to meet with the Lord
7) Unforgiveness
8) Grieving the Holy Spirit in some other way....a coarse jest, a gruff response etc.
9) Problems with a brother in the church or a sister where I have not made every effort to reconcile.

I am sure there are more than this. These are the ten that came quickly to my mind.

I find that God never goes away from me, it is me who does the going and moving. He desires deep intimacy with me and a two way communication. I frequently do things that interrupt this two way flow. At those times, my prayers are like Carson monologues. The terrible thing is that I can go for days, weeks, or even months without stopping to seek God, to inquire as to what is wrong, and to come before him in repentance for sins, known and unknown. Ashamedly, I am sometimes lazy in my relationship with Him.

I hope and pray this helps.

I'll add one more thing. The thing that seemed to make a great difference in my ability to hear God was the 40 day fast on water that God called me to in 1992. After that, I entered a new level of intimacy in my relationship with Him. Since that time, I have met other fasting men and women, many through my missions relationships in Africa. Some of these have obeyed in numerous periods of fasting for periods up to 40 days in length. They report the same thing....that fasting seems to be tied in a peculiar way to clear hearing of the voice of our Lord.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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