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MISSIONS: Kenya Mission-Days 1-5
September 7, 2004

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I have preached six meetings in three days here in Western Kenya. It is exciting. God is moving and the people are responding.

No one can remember when a white man has been here to minister as I am. It is a rural area. Webuye is a town of about 10,000 souls, and most of the roads are deeply rutted reddish dirt.

I am staying in the home of David and Selina Walukhu. The home has no electricity, and the facilities are outside. They draw water from a well. I am enjoying myself immensely.

They seem amazed that an outsider would stay with them, sleep with them and eat their food with them. For me, there can be no other way.

I have already visited two large groups of orphans that have great needs. There are more than 70 children in each place. One is in Nairobi, and the other is near Webuye. The men of God who head each work are great men, who may be trusted. That is very clear.

To add to that, two church buildings are under construction. These are crude, mud walled buildings. Anything you give toward the orphans or the buildings will be very good soil to give into. Both are reached by traveling down rutted dirt roads, more than ten miles. These are rural Kenyans, who live in grass and mud huts. The harvest field is white unto the harvest.

As you might imagine, the needs here are quite great, all around. As usual, I am being frugal, and denying myself pleasures so that I may expend my money on behalf of the poor.

I baptized six yesterday in a river. We had to walk three miles to reach it, after I preached in an open area under some trees. An old man of 84 years came to be baptized by me, and when it was finished, he demanded that he be given a new name. They named him Stephen, and I wept.

Of the six meetings so far, one has been in a church building, two have been in homes, and three have been out in the open air. I have already seen miracles and healings, and the word of prophecy is flowing clear and powerfully.....more powerfully than ever for me.

That is all I have time to relate right now, except that God has given me four new friends who are all mighty men of God, and they walk in a unity of the spirit. I am now the fifth man of their group, and we have entered covenant to lay down our lives for one another. I will help them with everything I have in my being.

Help us if you are able.

We leave tomorrow for Chewele. It is one hour to the north. We will be holding four days of outdoor crusades, with meetings for the pastors to be held earlier each day. The crusades will be at 7 P.M. each night, and many thousands will attend, as this is an area filled with refugees. The local volcano at Mt. Elgon is erupting, and many people have been displaced. Please pray for every facet of this four day outreach.

Stephen L. Bening

This is my planned remaining itinerary.

09/05/2004...09/07/2004...Minister at various places in the Webuye area.

09/08/2004...09/11/2004..Four days of ministry are planned in Chwele, Kenya, which is about 20 miles West of Kapsokwony, in Central Western Kenya, near to Mt. Elgon. The plan is to hold one large, outdoor crusade. We will use the same sound system. We will hold four days of seminars for the pastors, and hopefully prophets, who are in the area. The anticipated costs for Kapsokwony/Chwele are: $500 for handbills and posters, $400 for sound system rental and up to $800 for transportation and lodging. I am urging David to try to reduce the last amount as much as possible, by arranging for us to stay in homes. I will also be preaching in churches.

09/12/2004..09/15/2004...Four days of ministry are planned in Uganda, in the cities of Mbale and Kampala. David Machimbo is trying to arrange and coordinate for an outdoor crusade, but, at a minimum, we will hold meetings with the pastors. The anticipated costs involved in this ministry are: 1) Handbills and posters-$300, 2) Transportation and lodging-Up to $500. Hopefully, we will be staying in homes near Mbale and Kampala.

09/16/2004...09/19/2004..Four days of ministry are planned in the area around Webuye, Kenya. This will involve preaching in a church on Sunday, as well as meetings with ministers. We will be staying at David and Selina's home during this time. David and Selina Machimbo Walukhu, Box 230, Webuye, Kenya, 50205. David's cell phone number is 254 721 461173. You must first dial the 011 international prefix. His email address is:

09/20/2004.....Rest and prepare for travel

09/21/2004.....Depart from Eldoret, Kenya, travel back to Nairobi on the AeroKenya Shuttle, and then I will fly from there to Lagos, Nigeria on Kenya Airways.

09/22/2004.....Arrive in Lagos, Nigeria

09/23/2004.....Fourteen days of ministry are planned in private homes, and in the streets of Lagos, Nigeria. My ministry contact in Lagos is Jimmy Akodo, whom I call Papa Jimmy, a close friend of mine, and a member of my home church, Harvest Fellowship, when he is in the United States. We will be ministering among his family, relatives, cousins and will be praying for God to open additional doors for ministry there. His address is Jimmy Akodu, P.O. Box 10034, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. His telephone number is 234 815 7611. You must first dial the 011 international prefix. His email address is

10/06/2004.....Depart from Lagos, Nigeria on Kenya Airways, travelling back to Nairobi Airport, and then flying British Airways back to London, and then on through to Miami.

10/07/2004.....Arrive in Miami, Florida

Many thanks to all of you who have helped us thus far in finances and prayers. I will try to be reachable at my regular email address throughout:

Stephen L. Bening

I will be giving a report on the mission at our October meeting of Watchmen Prophets Assembly at Monteagle, TN.

Registration forms are available at: Meeting WPA Apostolic Prophetic Company, at Monteagle, TN-October 22-24, 2004---

Stephen L. Bening

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