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MISSIONS: Kenya/Uganda Mission-Days 6-13
September 14, 2004

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I am writing to you from Kampala, Uganda, in the heart of Africa. It would be impossible for me to relate to you, in such a short time, the incredible moving of God's Spirit that I have seen in any kind of daily detail. I have preached 22 meetings in 11 days on the ground here in Kenya and Uganda.

I will just write about things as led by the Spirit.

The most exciting thing that has happened to me is that God has placed me with an apostolic/prophetic team of four other apostle/prophets. We are making plans. God has said to me that he has given Africa into our hands. Africa is a big place, but we are picking up help, even here in Uganda. I have already planned to come back in December, when we will invade Rwanda for the gospel of Christ.

We held four days of crusades at the little market town of Chwele, at the Southern foot of Mt. Elgon. Chwele has no electric power, so we powered the sound equipment at the outreach by generator.

Each day, we held meetings in the church, followed by a crusade outdoors at 4:30. We had about a thousand people present most days. My estimate would be that about four hundred souls prayed and made a verbal commitment to repent and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

While involved in that outreach, the Lord instructed me to lead a team in climbing the Southern Face of Mt. Elgon. Mt. Elgon, is the unholiest mountain in all of Africa. Human sacrifice has been performed there for a millenia or more. I was told by the Lord to go there on 9/11/2004: three years from the WTC Attack. We were to leave at 4 A.M. for the mountain, and so we did.

The Lord revealed to me that this mountain is the mountain of premier spiritual significance in all of Africa. The scriptures given were Isaiah 25, 30, 40 and 49:11. I was told by the Lord that the net of darkness that covers all of Africa will begin to come down, beginning now. All hurricanes that strike America, interestingly enough, begin near Mt. Elgon.

Mt. Elgon, is called Mt. Zion by the people of Africa, and the most powerful black magic is done by practitioners who sacrifice there. I was told of a group of missionaries who went there once, only to meet a talking Cheetah, who spoke to them with the voice of a man, telling them: "what are you doing here", and "get out of here". Well, I went by the command of the Lord.

A local pastor named Kellum says that his Father used to go sacrifice up there, and all the animals are demon possessed. There are lion, elephant, Cheetah and Buffalo, and they will kill any intruder who is not coming to sacrifice to the gods.

Eight of us departed on the morning of 9/11 at 4 A.M.. We reached the slope by 7 A.M. Bishop James Mamauwehle drove us as far as the car would reach, and then we hiked up the slope. Six of us went for the South peak.

I was lagging behind a bit. The leaders were young, strong Kenyans: accustomed to altitude. I, as a sea level dweller, needed God's help. Then, God spoke, and told me that I must lead the group, so I cried out for strength, and the Lord gave it.

I charged for the lead group, and made it, passing them up as the climb became steeper. While I was climbing in the lead, the Lord then spoke again.

As I climbed, I was suddenly overwhelmed by an overpowering urge to relieve my bowels, and I asked the Lord about it. There was no way I was going to be able to wait until going down the slope to find a toilet. The Lord spoke, and commanded me to move quickly, leaving the others behind. When I reached the slope, I was to defile it.

And so, in obedience to the Lord, and in a spirit similar to that of Ezekiel, that mountain altar to Satan and his demons was defiled by human excrement. Then, we worshiped the Lord there for an hour, and prayed for revival in all of the Southeast, South and Southwest. We extended our hands toward the north peak of Mt. Elgon, and cast down all the work of the evil one.

Since that time, I have told this story in two churches: one in Webuye Kenya, and one in Kampala, Uganda. The people here are rejoicing that I am alive to tell the story of the defilement of Mt. Elgon. It is well known in these regions that demons, and their servants who worship them there in that place, have great power. But they have no authority, and they can do nothing to the servant of God who is covered with the blood of Jesus Christ.

My apostolic/prophetic team here is comprised of the mightiest men of God I have ever met in my life: Apostle David Machimbo Walukhu, Apostle Aineah Wambeya, Prophet Maurice Wasikey, and Bishop/Apostle Patrick Washiye.

Then, we have many with us, supporting us, driving us, interceding for us and the like. I have finally found my team. They were waiting for me, and Satan is reeling at our unity. We have two other Bishops here with us on the Uganda trip who preached today with awesome power in the word of the Lord. Signs and wonders are happening. We desire to see even more.

Thank you for your prayers and your financial assistance. The needs are very great here. I have adopted over two hundred orphans, through David Walukhu, Chris Okumu, and through Emmanual Yokum here in Uganda. I have pledged to assist them in whatever way that I can, as these children look to these men of God for help and their very survival. I intend to leave money here with these three men of God for the orphans. Can you help me with this?

This is my remaining itinerary.

09/12/2004..09/15/2004...Four days of ministry are planned in Uganda, in the cities of Mbale and Kampala. David Machimbo is trying to arrange and coordinate for an outdoor crusade, but, at a minimum, we will hold meetings with the pastors. The anticipated costs involved in this ministry are: 1) Handbills and posters-$300, 2) Transportation and lodging-Up to $500. Hopefully, we will be staying in homes near Mbale and Kampala.

09/16/2004...09/19/2004..Four days of ministry are planned in the area around Webuye, Kenya. This will involve preaching in a church on Sunday, as well as meetings with ministers. We will be staying at David and Selina's home during this time. David and Selina Machimbo Walukhu, Box 230, Webuye, Kenya, 50205. David's cell phone number is 254 721 461173. You must first dial the 011 international prefix. His email address is:

09/20/2004.....Rest and prepare for travel

09/21/2004.....Depart from Eldoret, Kenya, travel back to Nairobi on the AeroKenya Shuttle, and then I will fly from there to Lagos, Nigeria on Kenya Airways.

09/22/2004.....Arrive in Lagos, Nigeria

09/23/2004.....Fourteen days of ministry are planned in private homes, and in the streets of Lagos, Nigeria. My ministry contact in Lagos is Jimmy Akodo, whom I call Papa Jimmy, a close friend of mine, and a member of my home church, Harvest Fellowship, when he is in the United States. We will be ministering among his family, relatives, cousins and will be praying for God to open additional doors for ministry there. His address is Jimmy Akodu, P.O. Box 10034, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. His telephone number is 234 815 7611. You must first dial the 011 international prefix. His email address is

10/06/2004.....Depart from Lagos, Nigeria on Kenya Airways, travelling back to Nairobi Airport, and then flying British Airways back to London, and then on through to Miami.

10/07/2004.....Arrive in Miami, Florida

Many thanks to all of you who have helped us thus far in finances and prayers. I will try to be reachable at my regular email address throughout:

Stephen L. Bening

I will be giving a report on the mission at our October meeting of Watchmen Prophets Assembly at Monteagle, TN.

Registration forms are available at: Meeting WPA Apostolic Prophetic Company, at Monteagle, TN-October 22-24, 2004---

Stephen L. Bening

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