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October 1, 2003

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Eight months ago, as I was being led of the Lord to leave the church where I had been serving, one of the instructions I received from the Lord was to help Joseph and Francine Hanna at Equipping the Saints Ministries. I have known them for about seven years, and served them through my financial ministry. In obedience to that word, I spent some time there attending services, but was soon led to another church home, and quickly forgot that instruction to help them. Quite frankly, I just couldn’t see where I could help them with what they were doing, and the Lord was silent in the matter at that time.

Yesterday, they invited me to share with them about the results of my mission trip in Colombia. Joseph and Francine are WPA members since the beginning, but they have only written and shared once or twice. So, I went to Miami and met with them, and while there yesterday, Francine excitedly described to me about how Joseph has been launched into worldwide ministry as well, and about their efforts to obey the Lord in this area of reaching the world for the Lord Jesus.

The Lord spoke to me, reminding me of my charge from Him, to HELP Joseph and Francine, and Equipping the Saints Ministries. I decided to quickly obey. I committed to her that I would come before you, the readers of Watchmen Prophets Assembly, and lay before you their needs. I told her what great things you readers made possible for me to accomplish in Colombia. I believe that God wants me to partner with them in my foreign missions efforts.

Dr. Joseph Hanna is going to leave Florida on October 8, 2003, bound for the Southern tip of India. He is bringing one member of the church with him. They have already purchased their tickets, paid for by the church, at a cost of $4,000. When I heard that, I was taken aback. I had no idea that air fare had become so expensive. So, my first request of my readers is that all of you ask the Lord whether you should assist Dr. Hanna with this air fare.

Dr. Hanna and his assistant are going to be in India for two weeks. They have a relatively complete itinerary already mapped out.

October 9: Preaching at 7 P.M. in a crusade open air meetings in Madurai, a city of approximately 1 million souls.
October 10: Preaching at 7 P.M. in a crusade open air meetings in Madurai.
October 11: Speaking at 10 A.M. to a Youth Group retreat before an estimated 150 young people.
October 11: Preaching at 7 P.M. in a crusade in Madurai.
October 12: Preaching at 7 P.M. in a crusade in Madurai.
October 13: Preaching at 7 P.M. to pastors and leaders.
October 14: Preaching at 7 P.M. to pastors and leaders.
October 15: Sharing before another group of pastors and leaders in Madurai.
October 16: Sharing before group of pastors and leaders in Madurai.
October 17, 18th and 19th: Preaching at 7 P.M. in Revival meetings in the church.
October 19th: Preaching in three services in the morning and afternoon.

Dr. Hanna has exhausted his financial resources and those of the church in purchasing the tickets. Mind you, he pastors a little Church of fifty souls in North Miami. These people have given out of their poverty to buy these air tickets. God is raising him up as a king in the nations. As I sat and listened to him speak, I do not want him to travel to such an area of poverty empty handed. At present, he does not have any money with which to be a blessing to those whom he will visit and minister to. Furthermore, he is willing to go with no money for his personal needs or for food. He his willing to fast the whole time if he has to. He is simply compelled to go to be in obedience, and I believe it is a great opportunity for anyone to sow into the Lord’s work.

He has not given me any target financial budget to present to you, but I will suggest one, based upon my experiences. He is planning to be in India for two weeks.

1) I pray that enough resources are given to reimburse the church for the $4,000 that was advanced to purchase the airline tickets.

2) I believe that Dr. Hanna should have $2,000 to give away to the poor, and to their churches while he is in Madurai.

3) I would estimate that his personal expenses, on the ground in India, will be minimal. $500 will be more than sufficient.

4) Since he will be away for about two weeks, I would suggest that $1,000 for his US based fixed personal expenses would be a great blessing to him.

So, my estimate for an amount of money that would greatly bless this ministry would be $7,500. Those of you who would like to make a tax deductible donation can send a check to:

Equipping The Saints International Ministries, Inc. 1066 N.E, 215th Street, Miami, FL 33179

If you do not need the tax deduction, simply make a gift to Joseph Hanna. Please indicate on the check that it is for India.

After I had given my commitment to place these needs before Watchmen Prophets Assembly, Joseph asked me to accompany him to Haiti. This is a great open door of ministry to me in a place that the Lord has previously spoken to me about. You can read about it in my missions reports, that while I was in Colombia, the Lord also spoke to me about Haiti, in the first part of my missions report. Mission Report for 7/19/2003

These two countries are critical flash points for the revival of God in our hemisphere.

We will be leaving on October 27, 2003, and staying there for one week. I would be greatly blessed if God would provide, through my readers or others, a budget of $3,000 to send us there, as the places where we will be ministering are among some of the poorest in the whole Earth: certainly the very poorest in this hemisphere.

Colombia is one thing…Haiti is another. I have been told to bring my own water purification, and to get immunizations before I go.

Joseph Hanna is the overseeing bishop of 52 churches in Haiti, and we will be using those as a base of ministry.

I will provide more details on this ministry trip as they become available to me. I know that, at a minimum, I would like to hold meetings, twice a day, in every home where a believer will gather his or her relatives and neighbors to hear the gospel. Joseph has told me that these may be set up in advance. I will go forth, as I did in Colombia, to preach a word of repentance through obedience and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, without any compromise with Roman Catholicism. Beyond that, if the Lord opens doors in churches or prisons for me, I will go and speak what he gives me to say.

As in Colombia, I will be ministering in a Roman Catholic stronghold: a nation where a concordat with the Vatican is in place. I will enter these homes, and as these people turn to God and away from Catholic idols, voodoo and witchcraft, we will cleanse their homes in the name of Jesus from idols and points of demonic contact and power.

We will go forth and believe God to work and to do great things, as we go forth in His name and His power, filled with a spirit of His Might.

So, my estimate for an amount of money that would greatly bless this ministry would be $3,000: Those of you who would like to make a tax deductible donation can send a check to:

Stephen L. Bening
8255 W. Sunrise Blvd., #153
Plantation, FL 33322

If you do not need the tax deduction, I would prefer it if you simply make a gift to Stephen L. Bening, as you did in support of my recent efforts in Colombia Send it to me at the same address. Please indicate on the check that it is for Haiti.

I think back now to all the money, time, prayer and support that I have given to churches, ministries and ministers in my seventeen years as a Christian. How much of it went for missions to foreign lands? How much went to the poor? How much went in response to direction from the Lord? How much went in a knee-jerk robotic tithing response? How much was sown into good soil? How much was sown onto rock? How much did I give in response to emotional manipulation, and not by the leading of the Holy Spirit?

You can ask your own set of questions, and privately evaluate your giving, and what type of a return you expect to receive from the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers and support for our plans and efforts as you are led by the Lord.

Stephen L. Bening

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