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MISSIONS: Kenya Mission-Days 29-37
October 7, 2004

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Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaack in the USA. Had a good laugh reading the "tank you very much" aticle from Mary Easterling on Watchmen Prophets Assembly.

Speaking of tanks.......

I have never before said "Thank You Lord", for a good flushing toilet. After 36 days in Africa, where I did not see one working flush toilet, it is amazing what I am now walking around my house, thanking God for.

More tanks........

All around Nairobi, there are many water tanks. Some are very big tanks, sitting next to people's homes. This is because the city water only works for about two days per week. The people fill up water tanks, and then they have it to use when the city water shuts off. Again, just turning on the water tap in the USA has become an occasion for me to say "Thank you Lord".


They will be buying more tanks in Kisumu, Kenya. The city just lost their public water supply for an indefinite period. There is a lot of panic. The city is on the shoreline of Lake Victoria. That is an awful lot of fresh water, but if there is no pumping station operating, that means difficulty is coming.

Well, yesterday, when I got back home to my house in Hollywood, Florida, the first thing I wanted to do was take a good American shower. I had not seen a working shower for 36 days. All throughout Africa, there is no such thing. Most houses have no indoor plumbing at all. Bathing time involves a basin and a hand towel. Yes, "Thank you Lord" for my shower.

But, you know, I even began to thank God, while I was in Kenya, for that little basin of water they poured for me to wash up with every night. They heated it up for me over the fire. Yes, they cook over charcoal, EVERY DAY, EVERY MEAL. No electric or gas stoves. More "Thank You Lord" comments from me.

I preached last Sunday in the Eastern Kenya town of Kittui. There is NO WATER AT ALL there. There were 62 people in the church. They had incredible joy of the Lord. Each person there must walk three miles down to the river bed, which is dry as a bone. There, they have dug a hole, six feet down, to reach the water.

The little pool in the bottom of the hole is about two feet wide. That is the water supply for those hundreds of people who live on the West side of Kittui. Some of the people who use that water hole as THEIR ONLY WATER SUPPLY have to walk FIVE HOURS, EACH WAY, to reach it, and then carry three jugs of water back to their homes. The prosperous ones have a donkey to do the carrying. For about $60, others have purchased and rigged bicycles to carry three water containers over the back tire.

So, yes, I will thank God now whenever I see water in and around my house in any form. I had never seen REAL DROUGHT before. It is a terrifying thing to see absolutely no plant life, and no water in huge, empty dry river beds. I have pictures put together in a scrap book now, and those who attend the WPA conference will get to see everything. In this case, a picture speaks more than a thousand words.

Many prophets have said that this type of drought will grip America in the very real future. I have now seen what it will look like with my very eyes.

These were Christians there, in the midst of that drought, not muslims or unbelievers of another form. They continue to bear up, in the midst of great suffering. Some of the people who were in church, listening to me preach last Sunday, had eaten nothing for two days until we arrived to resupply their basic stores of foods. Unbelievable.

Yes, tank you very much. We in America have been wallowing in such a tank of blessings for so long, we have no idea at all just how thankful we should be.

Just a few thoughts from a man who is just trying to serve God, and go around doing some good before I see Jesus.

I would really like to dig a well for that church in Kittui. It will cost ten to fifteen thousand dollars. You have to drill down more than a hundred meters to reach water there. And, there is no electricity, so you have to power the pump with a solar cell. I have visited the well drilling company in Nairobi, and I have met with another man who has experience with well pumps, powered by solar, who has offered his time to consult and direct the project.

So far, I have contributions that have arrived toward drilling the well for $7,000. One other man has pledged another thousand dollars toward it as well. So, we are already more than half the way there to the estimated price of $15,000.

I have a few ideas. If anyone has an idea of how I could get that money, to provide a water supply for those desperate people, I am eager to hear it. I am going to get working on it.

My Africa Wish List Is As Follows:

Project #1-$15,000-The Kittui water well. Received thus far: $8,000

Project #2-$5,000-Two, 250 person event tents-cost $2,500 each. I have already visited the tent manufacturer in Nairobi. We need this tent for holding bigger crusades in Kenya.

Project #3-$7,500-We need to purchase a sound system for use in the Kenya crusades. I am planning on being in Africa, four times per year. We rented the sound system for the three events we just held. We anticipate holding bigger events, and we will need a more powerful system. With the sound system, we need a generator to power it.

Project #4-$5,000-A truck for David Machimbo Walukhu, my missions coordinator, in Kenya. Right now, David has no vehicle, and travels by bus.

Project #5-$2,500-Repair for a large, panel Isuzu truck, that is currently sitting idle at Sowetto Academy, Nairobi. We will use this truck for hauling of tent and equipment.

Project #6-$5,000-Completion of the stone wall that will totally encircle Sowetto Academy. This is really needed to keep people from using walkways right through the middle of the school and orphanage. Right now, the wall is about 25% complete.

Project #7-$20,000-My estimate for the cost that it would take for Chris Ocumu to accomplish a second floor addition to the school building in Sowetto Academy.

So, there it is: $60,000 for the equipment. Add in $10,000 for my airfare and costs for four trips per year, and $10,000 for flyers and posters for the 2005 outreach events and you have $80,000. Jesus says, "you have not because you ask not". I say, Lord Jesus, I Am Asking!

I am asking because I saw people there who were hungry for Jesus. They were paying close attention. They were eager to receive the word of the Lord, and I did not deliver them a comfortable, easy word: I delivered the true gospel word to them of repentance and the cross.

I saw about 700 people there indicate that they were going to begin to live for Jesus. I saw others delivered of demons, healed and still others who expressed a desire to go all out for Jesus, and to stop their lives of carnal Christian compromise.

So yes, I am asking for help. I am certain it is God's work and not my own. I am willing to do my part in it.

If you are reading this, and you think that your part might be to help with the finances, I can say that I believe you will be making a good investment of treasure in heaven. You will be storing treasure up above, where stock market crashes cannot wipe out your 401k plan. Fluctuations in the price of oil cannot affect the retirement plan we have in heaven.

It is so good to be back in America, even though we know that our days of great blessings from God as almost exhausted. We know it is coming to an end very soon. But, as for me, I thank God for this day, and this time, and for all those things that I use every day that I never thanked him for before.

Many thanks to all of you who have helped us thus far in finances and prayers. I will try to be reachable at my regular email address throughout:

Stephen L. Bening

I will be giving a report on the mission at our October meeting of Watchmen Prophets Assembly at Monteagle, TN.

Registration forms are available at: Meeting WPA Apostolic Prophetic Company, at Monteagle, TN-October 22-24, 2004---

Stephen L. Bening

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