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What The Lord Said To Me Today
The Jezebel Spirit

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The Jezebel spirit, which can also manifest itself through men, is identified as the primary demonic adversary of prophets. It was the one spirit that moved Elijah to flee after he had so boldly taken on idolatrous spirits of various identities.

Furthermore, it is identified in the book of Revelation as still being extant and in fact even being preeminent at the end of the age. Thus we have seen the rise of various type of anti-christian feminist movements, all fueled by this same spirit. This spirit hates the prophet and verbally threatens him.

The antidote given to Elijah, by God, was to have Elijah anoint his successor, Elisha, thereby doubling the anointing on the Earth. Also, the job of slaying this dragon was given through the anointing of a King named Jehu. Jehu means "Jehovah is He". It is a name that is not mentioned anymore in my book of 20,001 Names, which is symbolic to me that the power to fight it today has waned.

This spirit will attack you by:

1) Causing you to become discouraged and to want to give up
2) Depression
3) Confusion of the mind and soul, with wrong thinking and delusions
4) Loss of spiritual vision and disorientation
5) Desire for withdrawal from fellowship with brethren

Fortunately for us, King Jehu has been sent to us in our day, and "Jehovah Is He"-King Jesus. The anointing to fight this spirit has been given to us. In Elijah's day, Jehu did not touch her, but commanded eunuchs to cast her down. Who are the eunuchs today? These are those who Jesus says they are.

Jesus says in Matthew 19:12 "For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake."

For purposes of casting her down, it takes someone to fight her who has either been made a eunuch by her (someone who has been attacked and has overcome her by the blood of the lamb) , or someone who has made himself a eunuch for the Kingdom of heaven's sake--(it takes consummate devotion to the Lord to win this fight). As with all fighting we do now, we battle not only with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers etc. We do this battle with Praise and Prayer, with fasting. So, you need prayer partners in this who can meet this type of criteria.

We also fight by praying in the spirit. If you are not baptized in the spirit and able to pray in the spirit, you desperately need this gift of the spirit. Isaiah 28:11-13 says you need it to keep from falling back and being snared and that you receive rest in the spirit in this way.

We also fight by washing our mind with the water of the word. We stand on God's promises of who HE says we are. Remind yourself: I am a saint, I am made holy by the blood of Jesus, I am a prophet of God, I am a ministering spirit worshipping in spirit and truth, I am an overcomer, I am a fruitful vine, I am a disciple and a servant of Jesus, I am a child of the father and I am accepted in the beloved. We speak these words to ourselves as the psalmist did when he addressed his own soul by saying, "Why so downcast Oh my soul, put your trust in God." Speak them out loud...very loud if you have to.

I am one of those eunuchs spiritually and I am joining with you in the prayer of battle. Lord, please deliver this saint out of the hands of devil and his attendant Jezebel in the name of Jesus. We speak to that spirit: Jezebel, we cast you down, in Jesus name, in the life of this saint and concerning his whole family and everything that is called his. Lord, please baptize him with your spirit and fill him. Amen.

Stephen L. Bening

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