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What The Lord Said To Me Today
Israel Must Call Upon The Lord

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Several verses for today from the Holy Word: I trust that the Holy Spirit will fit them together by the time I finish.

Joel 2:32 "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said,,, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

Can we find a biblical example where Israel did not call upon the Lord and was not trusting in the Lord, but received deliverance anyway? It is difficult. I don't think that I can come up with an example. Perhaps, one of my readers can make the attempt. We do have a couple of verses in Amos where the Lord decides, based upon the prophet and his intercession, to repent of sending some judgement. But, by and large, Israel received deliverance when their leaders called upon the Lord. Then, a prophet would be sent by God to the King, declaring the path to the deliverance.

Today, many are saying that God is going to deliver Israel, but who in Israel is calling on the Lord for deliverance? There is much looking to the United States for support. Just log in and take a look at the Jerusalem Post online. See if you can determine just how much Israel is calling out to the Lord for their deliverance right now. I say, they are not. They are trusting in their military might and their supposedly strong ally, the United States.

Will Israel have to call upon Jesus to be delivered? Well, that is a different question? Zechariah 12:5 seems to indicate that at some future time of attack, the Lord is the strength of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the rulers of Judah know this. It is public knowledge, at that time, that Jerusalem is a God fearing and God trusting place. Is this so today? No, it is not!

There also seems to be an indication that after this battle, where God helps this people of Israel who are trusting in him, God then sends a spirit of mercy and supplication to them that allows them to realize that they have pierced their messiah. They now recognize Jesus, at this time. So, there is a hint that God may regard turning to him, in the broad sense, as the motivation for his intervention on their behalf. Still, we do not see, in Israel, even a turning back to the God of their Fathers, sans Jesus.

Yet, some would have us to believe that we are right at the time of the end. I say it again... the end is not yet.

Luke 21 tells us that we will have wars and commotions, earthquakes, famines, pestilences and fearful sights and great signs from the heavens. Before this, we will have intense persecution. Have we seen all these things? Probably not. We have not seen the fearful sights and great signs from the heavens. To get more information regarding what these cosmic disturbances are, we can look to Joel, who indicates that the Sun will be turned to darkness and the moon will be turned to blood. We have not seen that yet. Luke 21 also tells us that men's hearts will be failing for what is coming upon the Earth. We have not seen that yet.

Ephesians 3:5 explains a lot. It tells about a previous mystery, and how it was revealed to man, by God. The last great mystery that God revealed to man was that of the knowledge of Christ. How did God reveal this. Take a close look at this verse. God revealed this knowledge through "His holy apostles and prophets". Oh my, you mean the apostles did not get it all? No! God used prophets too. And these were prophets who arose after Jesus had returned to heaven.

Now, I ask you, how will God reveal this current mystery? He will reveal it through living, holy apostles and prophets. Where are the apostles? Just wait a little bit, they will be here. Some are already on the scene, if you look closely enough. God is getting ready to turn them loose.

God is coming in his church, working through his apostles and prophets, before he comes for his church. Israel is not ready yet for the Lord. Nothing has changed there. Get ready. God is preparing to move, in his church, within 60 days.

There is a fresh baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost coming to the church. Prepare yourselves to receive it. Already, the oil of anointing has reached the shoulders of Aaron and is dripping from his beard. If you are rightly positioned in a local church, you are going to receive. This fresh baptism is coming with requirements for holiness, but also, with the power to help us live in holiness. Yes, judgement is coming to the church, but the greater news is that Jesus is coming in His church. Yes, the bride is preparing to arise and adorn herself for the bridegroom. All the spots will be coming off. Hallelujah.

Already, if you listen closely, you can hear the sound of approaching rain. You can discern the coming unity, if you will listen with your spirit. Oh, glory Hallelujah. The Lord is preparing to command the blessing upon his people. And once he commands it, no force in the universe will be able to stop it.

Stephen L. Bening

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