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PROPHECY: Linen Garments
November 2, 2002

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Three months ago, there was a literal flood of prophecy that came through Watchmen Prophets Assembly. With it, the Lord gave the requirement to me to make sure that the flow was pure. I was given instructions on just how to carry out that task, and I obeyed to the letter what I was told to do by the Lord. Many people did not like it, but I pleased the Lord.

During that time, we had much revelation concerning the near approach of the STORM in America. I had been pressing the Lord for details, and on one occasion, He had told me to “go thy way”. But on another occasion, He gave me this little tidbit of insight. All He showed me was that the storm would not begin before NOVEMBER, 2002.

At the time, this seemed just a tidbit; not much information at all, but I was appreciative for any information concerning timing that the Lord might give, and I gave thanks.

Then, very quickly, the “two witnesses” crowd predicted that California was going to suffer a 9.0 earthquake on September 7, 2002, and I found that I had been prepared by the Lord with the answer. No, California was not going into the sea in SEPTEMBER, because that would begin a STORM that the Lord had told me would not begin before NOVEMBER.

Then, in October, three men gained some internet notoriety by prophesying that Phoenix would suffer a nuclear attack and desolation before the end of October. Once again, the Lord had prepared me, and I was able to say that, no, Phoenix would not be destroyed in OCTOBER, because that would begin a STORM that the Lord told me would not begin before NOVEMBER.

November 1 arrived yesterday, and with it, a ringing telephone. My friend, an apostle, was on the other end of the phone, and he had a word from the Lord for me. I don’t remember the last time he prophesied to me. He said:

“It’s time to put on your linen garments!”

He had other things to say to me in prophecy, but these words are the ones that echo and remain. Then, last night, as we worshipped the Lord, I began to prophesy in spontaneous song, with the following words:

Put on your linen garments
It’s time, to walk out the word
Put on your linen garments
Without spot, for whom He’s preferred

We are the righteousness of Christ, in the earth
Lift up your hands and walk in the power of His word
We are the righteousness of Christ, in the earth
Lift up your swords and follow His voice, that you’ve heard

Here we are, called to this hour
Here we are, called to His power
Here we are, Here we are
Going forth now
It’s time, It’s time

Yes, November is here. Lord, please show us how to put on the linen garments that you have prepared for your bride. Show us how to walk in this hour. Direct our steps, dear Lord.

One member of our congregation reported seeing a vision last night. She saw a map of America, ablaze with fire. She interpreted that to be revival fire, and I was filled with the knowledge that it might very well have dual meaning and might speak of another, more naturally heard, seen and felt kind of fire as well.

Yes, November is here, and the Lord never told me He would commence anything in November. He simply told me that the STORM would not begin before November. Here we are. I know that my ministry, in it’s fullness, commences with the onset of the STORM. The storm: it’s expected commencement of something that I really do not look forward to, for I know the trouble that is coming only in part. I’ve been told that “It’s Time To Put On Your Linen Garments”.

In Exodus 28, God told Moses to take Aaron and his sons. Holy garments, made of linen, were to be prepared for them. Aaron did not have anything to do with making those garments. All he had to do was put them on. Everything else was provided and prepared for him. God has prepared us for such a time as this.

In Revelation 19, John sees the bride. It was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. Efforts and striving toward holiness by the saints are filthy rags, but this fine linen is given by royal grant. It is the righteousness of Christ, as seen upon men and women in the earth.

Yes, He has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father. (Rev 1:6)

Ps.(It’s quite clear there in that phrase that Jesus is God, isn’t it. I had not seen that one until just now. Hallelujah).

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