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Report From The Tower

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Prophecy: Report From The Tower (A Macro-Prophetic Overview)
November 15, 2003

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This report is issued monthly.

While I was in prayer this morning, the Lord spoke to my spirit those words “Report From The Tower”. As I reflected upon it, I understood that the Lord wants me to write a brief, regular report, in bullet format, to provide an update of changes for readers who are familiar with the great body of prophetic information. It is to be one page in length. My plan is to write twice monthly. The categories will expand or contract as information and revelation becomes available. Web links are presented where available, with the URL also typed out for those who are reading a paper copy of this article. As time passes, each bullet point will have a web link. (Note-The dates of expected occurrence are my “best guess”, and are not “thus sayeth the Lord”, unless I so indicate)

  • Asteroid/Great Flood/Great Calamity/USA Prophecies-Two prophets believe we have been given just a bit of grace from the Lord with respect to this devastating, prophetic event. I am currently involved in watching and prayer concerning the period of Marheshvan 17/November 1, 2004. Recently received prophetic revelation ties this event to Marhesvan 17 in some future year. Expected Occurrence: 1-25 years. Asteroid Prophecies

  • Persian Gulf/Aircraft Carrier/Mideast War Prophecies-Recent prophetic revelation ties this event, the prophesied attack on the USS Kitty Hawk, to Tebeth 17, which falls this year on January 11, 2004. Unconfirmed reports reveal a purported October, 2003 transfer of Russian made, nuclear capable, “Sunburn” anti-ship missiles to Syria and Iran. Ominous developments in Iraq from November 10th forward, involving an apparent Iraqi insurgency, appear to fulfill the prophetic word I issued called “The Mousetraps”, on September 6, 2002. The Mousetraps
    Expected occurrence: Imminent-25 years
    The Kitty Hawk

  • New Madrid Earthquake/Central USA Flood Prophecies-no new prophetic information is available. Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years

  • California Earthquake/West Coast Flood Prophecies-11/12/2003-a quake measuring 5.7 occurred in the Gulf of California. Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years Andrew-San Andreas

  • USA Volcano Prophecies-Great bulging of the land, fish kills and pungent air is reported by many observers in Yellowstone Park. Nothing new has been reported concerning Mt. Rainer or the Cascade range. Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years

  • Nuclear/Biological Terrorism Prophecies-no new prophetic information is available. News site rumors abound. Al Quaida is boasting of a near term operation. Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years

  • US Nuclear Attack/Russia/Invasion/Occupation Prophecies-no new prophetic information is available. Expected Occurrence: 2-25 years

  • European Union/Revived Roman Empire Prophecies-no new prophetic information is available. I am currently watching the status of the treaty between Israel and the EU. We always watch Javier Solana. Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years

  • Pacific Rim/Asia/India Prophecies-three visions were reported in November by Dino Ramirez. In those visions, impacts by asteroids and meteors triggered volcanic eruptions. Dino Ramirez-Three Visions This confirmed several prophecies that had been received by prophets in a church in Singapore, Malaysia. Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years

  • Australia/New Zealand Prophecies-no new prophetic information is available. Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years

  • Central/South America Prophecies-God has begun the process of healing in Colombia (given to me as I ministered there during July/August, 2003. Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years

  • Africa Prophecies-no new prophetic information is available. Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years

  • Canada Prophecies-no new prophetic information is available. Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years

  • Return Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Prophecies-Seven major signs in the heavens have occurred in 2003: 1) Close approach of Comet Neat V1 to the Sun, with solar flare reaching out to touch it, 2) Explosion of Space Shuttle Columbia over Texas, 3) Mars at closest approach in man’s history during late Summer, 4) Aurora Borealis sighted in Central Florida in late October, 5) Largest Solar Flare explosion in history on November 4, 6) Blood Red lunar eclipse on November 8, 7) Leonid meteors-I saw my first meteor of the season on the night of November 13. An eighth sign is expected in November-a full solar eclipse. Expected Occurrence: No one knows the day or the hour.

    Stephen L. Bening
    A servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ
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