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PROPHECY: Sudden Calamity; Sudden Relocation; Sudden Empowerment
December 29, 2005

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Yesterday, just as I was waking up, the word that God had given me when I was staying with Rick Wiles was brought back to my spirit:

Sudden calamity....which brings with it sudden relocation/evacuation....will bring sudden empowerment to the bride.

As I thought about that this morning, the master said: "It will be like Acts 2 on steroids".

This little line just encouraged one sister so much that I thought I would share it with all of you. We are looking at some very terrible, frightening things that are now very near. It helps to remember that for the remnant, these will be the times of our lives.

Now, today, I was doing some work on my painting job, and talking to God, all at the same time. Sanding a door does not really engage my brain very much, so it is possible to sand and pray.

So, I was talking to God, and I mentioned to the Master that Rick Wiles had received his "great calamity" warnings on October 18, and again on November 18. I wanted to know: "WHY 18"?

The master spoke back: "I gave you a revelation on the 18th."

It was then I remembered back to the very first big end time revelation the Lord gave me, and it was given to me on 6/18/1992, in the 18th hour, after I had just visited the site of my previous job at 666 71st Street in Miami Beach.

I understood then that the ss18 Satan missiles of Russia would one day be launched against the USA. Nuclear war!

Prophet Artie Cormeir had done a writeup about those missiles back in '92, and had just given it to me. On that writeup, Artie made a big deal about how 18 is 9 plus 9, and that was just the way Artie was: always breaking things apart for no apparent reason other than the Lord's leading.

He looked at that missile and saw two nines, in the Hebrew....two TETH's. In the Hebrew, the TETH represents the serpent, and since the SS18 Satan missile has 10 warheads, he saw it as a many headed serpent, named for Satan himself.

Of course, he also saw three sixes...666.

He also sent me to look at Psalms 90 to 99, with particular emphasis on the last one...99: it is the 9th of the Book Four Psalms of 90- 106.

Now, it all reminds me of Carolyn's dream of two weeks ago of the 100 serpents in her front yard, and one reached out and bit her. She told me about it, but she has not posted it yet.

Valerie has just said to me that "Nothing Changes on New Years Day", and that may be true, but 2006 is a long year and January is a long month and I suspect that what we are looking for first may just be the first thing the Lord ever revealed to me: nuclear war.

Bruce Beach thinks so, and he has been thinking about nuclear war for a long time. When I began to research survival, I found out about Bruce Beach and ARKTWO. It is an underground survival facility for about a thousand people and Bruce was the one who headed up the development of it.

I don't ever remember Bruce giving warnings like this, and I have followed him for years. Then, Randy McKee shared the article with me about Iran's President, and the Mahdi, and the green aura's that Iran's President seems to think are surrounding him now when he speaks. It seems that he may believe he is the Islamic Mahdi.

If he does, look out!

Yes, we have unfortunately reached the time when the terrible visions the Lord has shown me are going to begin to occur. They will begin before next November.

For years and years have passed with nothing terribly serious, and vision has piled on top of word and more vision. Just when it seemed as if these things might stretch on interminably into the future, the Lord began sounding sirens, warning bells, shofars, trumpets, fire alarms and alarm clocks all around with very many people.

He let three of us know in November that we were in the final year of the world as we have known it. Now we enter 2006 in just a few days. Psalm 106, the one I like to think of as corresponding with 2006, is the last of the Book 4 group of Psalms: the 17th.

And so, we wait. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.

Do not go out!

Stephen L. Bening

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