Rev. Stephen L. Bening
2345 Hillsboro Blvd. #103
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
(954) 725-3733, Fax (954)725-3792

To the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ

March 23/24, 1998

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Five years and two months ago, I was taken aside by the Lord for a period of about three and one/half hours. During that Saturday morning and early afternoon of January 9, 1993, I was given waking visions and signs to be prayerfully considered and interpreted.

I have also spoken to a few churches about this vision which has not come to pass: yet. Much of what I saw in January, 1993 I could not understand. Like many prophets before me, I could only write down what I saw, feeling that at some later time, I would be given understanding. What I did understand, I wrote and distributed. At that time, as a young prophet, I tried to think too much and to figure everything out. I realize now that you must present what the Lord gives, even if it seemingly makes no sense.

The word of the Lord was entitled "And A Little Child Shall Lead Them". I received absolutely no feedback from this word, except that I think most people who read it thought me to be a madman. To the natural mind, a nuclear attack by an Arab country against the United States appears to be preposterous. Nevertheless, that is what I saw!

To summarize, I said at that time that on the 17th day of some future month, the U.S. Aircraft Carrier Kitty Hawk and supporting vessels would be destroyed by a surprise attack of cruise missiles. I said that the descendants of Ishmael would do this thing. This event will commence the Great Tribulation. I also wrote that judgement was coming to California. America is to be brought down as Obadiah's eagle by the Lord. That is the part I understood, and that is what I released to a handful of people.

I took detailed notes that accumulated to eight typewritten pages of what I observed and understood that day. In my notes where I recorded my experiences of 1/09/93, I recorded that the Lord was saying that Bill Clinton's Presidency would be cut off. I wrote the word "impeached?", with the question mark following it.

Also, concerning my notes of what the Lord showed me concerning California judgements, the judgements were associated with almonds, which I now regard as meaning that these will be the first to occur because this is what this image meant when God showed it to Jeremiah. Over and over again, in association with the California judgements, the Lord showed me chocolate milk and milk chocolate. I could not understand what the Lord was saying.

Tonight, as I was moved to review my notes of over five years ago, the Lord began speaking and giving me further revelation. This is what I was newly shown:

The judgements against California will precede all the other judgements and will be the first indication that the sequence of the whole revelation is about to occur. These immediately began to occur in 1993.

The Lord caused me to title the 1/09/93 prophecy "And A Little Child Shall Lead Them" because of what would happen in winter 1997 and spring 1998. "El Nino" would precede, or come before them. It could have read, "And El Nino Shall Lead Them". This began to be fulfilled in October, 1997.

The chocolate milk images I saw at that time are pictures of the terrible mudslides that are occurring in California right now as a byproduct of "El Nino." This was fulfilled in February and March, 1998.

Impeachment proceedings will be then be brought against President Bill Clinton. This has not yet been fulfilled, although rumours and charges began to circulate in March, 1998. (NOTE: FULFILLED NOVEMBER, 1998)

While America and the President are distracted with these impeachment proceedings,the Persian Gulf fleet, headed by the U.S. Aircraft Carrier Kitty Hawk, will be attacked by nuclear warhead tipped cruise missile in the Persian Gulf. The Lord said that descendants of Ishmael will do this thing. It will occur in near proximity of time to the impeachment proceedings.

These events will trigger great tribulation. America will cease to function as a military power and will be brought down in fulfillment of the prophecies of Obadiah in one day.

What are we Americans to do? Pray! Perhaps the Lord may repent from doing this to our nation if we humble ourselves, pray, turn from our wicked ways and seek his face. Biblically speaking, there is no mention of America, so it is not required that the destruction of America must commence the great tribulation.

Church, prepare yourselves now. Hard times are ahead. Times of warfare and storms. I hope for a rapture before the onset of any of this but the Lord is saying nothing about it. In fact, His scripture tells His church that while it is in the world, it will suffer persecution and tribulation.

I don't want to be here if this is to happen here in America, but what if I am? It is hard to study the bible and attend bible studies in wartime. Do it now! Sink your roots deeply into Christ in these years of peace and plenty so that when the difficult times come, you will be ready and will be able to stand in the evil day. Even Jesus said that there are times when no man can work.

Let us do our work now of soul winning and disciple making. Let us left up our heads and our hands that hang down and receive strength from the Lord to work now with gladness and obedience.

See my post to Watchman-Seers USA group regarding this vision: Watchman-Seers Post 11/19/99
This post discusses my experiences with this revelation and the trials endured because of it. It will give the reader a greater understanding of the effect a vision like this has upon a mortal man!

Stephen L. Bening

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