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Haiti, Come Forth!
(June 5, 2000)

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An apostle friend called the other day. He asked me to pray about an upcoming trip he was planning to make to Haiti. My friend knows that I am no intercessor, but he knows that I hear from the Lord when I pray, so he was wanting to know what the Lord would say.

Years ago, it seemed that I heard from the Lord so much more than I do today. Now, I can go several days without hearing his voice. At first, this alarmed me. Then, I began to realize that this was a part of maturation. The one who knows what he must do needs no current instruction. In fact, I have heard it said, and I think I agree, that the most blessed Christian is one who has no new word from the Lord today, for he has not been rebuked and he has no new requirement placed upon him.....he needs only to obey past instructions.

In any event, as I set about prayer in the morning, the spirit led me to pray for that apostle and his Haiti trip. As I prayed, I thought about John 11 and the interesting fact that I was praying for an apostle named John. I stopped praying and took up John 11.

The first place where the Lord began to speak to me was in verse four. As I read "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it", I heard the Lord apply this to the nation of Haiti. That Haiti was sick but it would not end in death, but that God's son would be glorified in the result.

Next, I read verse 6, "Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days." Now, the Lord spoke to me that He had stayed away from Haiti for two more days. He had known that Haiti was sick, but he had delayed in coming. I believed that the Lord was saying that he had waited 200 years to come to Haiti.

Now as I continued to read, I reached verse 17, where "Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days." As I read that, I felt that the Lord was saying that Haiti had been dead for 400 years.

Finally, there were the instructions of "Lazarus, come forth" and "Take off the grave clothes and let him go." The Lord was speaking here that he is sending his apostles to Haiti and they will first speak life to a dead land. Then they will set the captives free in Jesus name, removing them from demonic bondages.

I immediately tried to discover if there was anything else of importance here. I looked up the name Lazarus, which means, "He whom the Lord aids". I tried to find the origin of the word "Haiti", but was unsuccessful. If anyone who is reading knows what it means, please let me know.

I also did not know what the significance of the 200 and 400 years was. I am quite ignorant of Haitian history. My attempts to figure these numbers out or explain them initially met with frustration.

The next day, I was speaking with a Haitian minister named Marie La Guerre. She informed me that the 200th anniversary of Haitian independence will occur in 2004, which I deemed to be significant.

I also felt that the Lord was saying that many places in the New World experienced the great awakening of 1800, but Haiti was left alone by the Lord, but now, the Lord is sending his apostles and it will be to the glory of the son of God: great miracles will be be performed that will become the subject of nightly new reports. The secular world will not be able to ignore what the Lord will do in Haiti, just as the world could not ignore the resurrection of Lazarus---everyone heard about it.

So go forth John: You and the other apostles the Lord is sending to Haiti. Go forth and do marvelous works and wonders to the glory of the son of God, for it is in his holy name that we live and move and have our being.

Stephen L. Bening

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