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Prophecy: True It Is!
January 6, 2019 Tebeth (Mo 10-Mo 4 sacred) 29, 5779

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We were holding our usual Sunday worship and prayer meeting. We had progressed through a number of worship songs and the presence of God, even unto His glory, was very evident in the room and my soul was overwhelmed with many tears. I heard the Lord speak, during the singing of "Glorious", that He had something to say, so I paused at the end of the song and waited, for I knew not through whom the Lord wanted to bring forth His word.

A brief minute or two passed and I heard the Lord speak three words to me, so I opened my mouth and gave utterance to those three words and the rest of the word of prophecy came forth, telling me of things that I previously did not fully know or understand:

"True it is! True it is! For you say of me, "Glory to God in the Highest" and it is surely true, for I am the highest of the high. You say to me "Hoshiana" and true it is that I am the only deliverer; I am the only healer; I am the only source of salvation and the power behind every single miracle that happens in the Earth. You lift up your hands to Me and you exalt Me and you lift up My name and I respond by sending you My presence and My glory. Heaven comes down to touch Earth in these moments and you know not where My power goes, but I send power upon the Earth when I come down upon you with My presence and My glory. My power is released upon the Earth in such moments and I send it wither-soever I will, for I am not confined or limited to release it locally in the place of your meeting. I send it wheresoever I will in the Earth and I move in power to deliver, to heal, to save and to work many miracles throughout the whole Earth as you praise and worship Me and lift up My name in your place, for you worship Me in Spirit and while you worship, you speak the truth regarding My power, My might and My glory, for I alone am the true source of all power for the working of good in the Earth. Those who worship Me in Spirit and in Truth are the only ones through whom I release my power from Heaven into the Earth in this way, says the Lord."

Stephen L. Bening

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