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Prophecy: 24th Year Anniversary Season Revelation
June 1, 2015

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I do not think that it would be right to let this June 1st pass with discussing a notable anniversary. The Lord might be upset with me if I kept quiet about it. After all, are not our spouses highly irritated when we fail to mark marital anniversaries? So too, our bridegroom may take things such as I will now discuss just as seriously.

Twenty four years ago, I was doing some study and the Lord spoke to me. He had spoken to me up to that time by quickening scripture but this was different. The Lord spoke something to me that was not scripture, at least not directly. It was something new. I prayed about it as it was a highly unusual word that I had received on June 1, 1991. I really did not know what to make of it but I knew that I must type it up and deliver it to the elders of the church. So, that is the story of how my very first "prophecy" was delivered to the church. What was it?

"The number 24 will be important in my life, the life of my church and in the life of the worldwide Christian Church"

Since that time twenty four years ago, I have had this date circled in my mind. I have wondered for 24 years what I would be doing and just what would be going on in the world.

Then, of course, this led me to mark and note some other "24 year" anniversaries that will soon be coming for me:

  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit: June 7, 1991 to June 7, 2015
  • 417 Dream: July 4, 1991 to July 4, 2015
  • 1st Apocalyptic prophetic word on World Financial Reversal: Sep.29, 1991 to Sep. 29, 2015
  • First open vision-European Vision: November 21, 1991 to November 21, 2015
  • Forty Day Fast on Water: Feb. 20, 1992-Mar. 30, 1992 to Feb. 20, 2016-Mar. 30, 2016
  • Called out of Loxahatchee/Former Life: May 23, 1992 to May 22-23, 2016
  • Calling to prophetic office: June 24, 1992 to June 24, 2016
  • First dramatic prophetic fulfillment: Hurricane Andrew- August 24, 1992 to August 24, 2016
  • Receipt of the "Seventeen" Revelation: September 7-17, 1992 to September 7-17, 2016
  • Receipt of Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier Revelation: January 9, 1993 to January 9, 2017
  • Hit with fire from Heaven: January 12, 1993 to January 12, 2017

    So, for 24 years, I have had this period of time marked out in my mind: June 1, 2015 to January 12, 2017. It is a period of about twenty months. I am still in prayer about what might be indicated.

    Back in May 28, 2008, the Lord spoke to me that He was going to begin to fulfill the things that He had shown me about the judgements on the seventeenth anniversary of when He began to show me future things. So, I knew at that time to watch the time period from September 29, 2008 to November 21, 2008. All of you can easily remember how that went. Hello Wachovia! Hello Government Motors! AIG?

    In what may be unrelated, but then again, only the Lord knows, He has begun to quicken the Asteroid Tsunami prophecies to me, beginning on May 10, 2015 on the next to last day of our Trinidad mission. I told a PHD physicist in an email today that as of today, I have never been on higher spiritual watch and most especially, for asteroid and comet caused tsunamis. This astronomer/physicist now has 2015-2018 circled as his most likely time period for commencement of these types of impacts.

    Be very alert. Be watchful. Wake up and cast off all slumber. Watch and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape that which is coming upon the Earth and to stand before the Son of Man.

    Stephen L. Bening
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    "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" Matt 4:4

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