Report From The Tower |
It has become an axiom that the calendar is and has always been the catechism of the Jew. Truly, the Jewish calendar was and is the base from which all Jewish religious observance springs, and our Lord manifested himself on this Earth as a Jewish carpenter. The calendar must have been of primary importance to Him.
I have been walking on this Earth for 57 years. 27 of those years I have devoted to following Jesus the Messiah as His disciple. I did not discover this calendar of "The Times Of The Gentiles" until last week, while reading at the back of a book by H. Grattan Guinness, published in 1880. I have studied myself approved as His disciple as He admonishes us in scripture to do. I have read hundreds of books on biblical prophecy over the last 27 years, but I have never heard of this calendar before. I have never even heard of it's existence even being mentioned or alluded to. This is, to me, a colossal injustice; a theft of intellectual property of a kind that I have not previously encountered. I was pondering on this today and the Holy Spirit quickened 2 Kings 22:8 to me:
v8) And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, "I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD". And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it."
This scripture speaks of a time in the days of King Josiah, during the life of the prophet Jeremiah, when the temple of the Lord had fallen into disrepair. Even the Torah, the book of the Law, had been lost, so that it could be found again at the time mentioned in scripture. When I think that the things presented in this calendar have been available on this Earth since 1880 and are available for FREE, right now, on the internet, I am astounded beyond all astonishment. How can anyone think they have studied well about prophecy if they know not this? To any of my fathers, grandfathers or great grandfathers of the faith who knew about the existence of this calendar and chose to keep silent about it, may God have mercy on your souls, for you have certainly sinned grievously.
I will set this travesty aright in my generation. I am making this calendar available in prominent display on my website. No one will have to dig to the back of a 700 page book to find it any more. I will do my best to make as many people aware of it's existence as it is possible for me to do, so help me God.
From The calendar of "The Times Of The Gentiles", by H. Grattan Guinness
From Nabonassar, First Emperor of the Babylonian Empire, who acceded to the throne on February 26, 747 BC to Romulus Augustulus, last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire, who fell on August 22, 476 AD, there elapsed 1222 solar years and six months, or this same time period covers an ASTONISHING One Thousand, two hundred and sixty lunar years. (A time, times and half a time) (DISPLAYED IN CALENDAR 1, PAGE 606)(1222 solar years plus 6 months=446,503 days...1260 lunar years, or 15,120 lunations= 446,502.5 days)
From Nabonassar, First Emperor of the Babylonian Empire, who acceded to the throne on February 26, 747 B.C. to the accession of Louis XVI in 1774 A.D. (or from the beginning of the reign connected with the rise of Pagan Babylon to the beginning of the reign connected with the fall of Papal Babylon) there extends an interval of 2,520 solar years; "seven times" solar (DISPLAYED IN CALENDAR 2, PAGE 658)(This represents two consecutive fulfillments of the 1,260 year prophecy)(Daniel 12:7, Revelation 11:2, Revelation 11:3, Revelation 11:9, Revelation 12:6, Revelation 12:14, Revelation 13:5)
From the rise of Papal power through the DECREE OF JUSTINIAN, March, A.D. 533, to the accession of Pius VI., Feb 15, 1775, the Pope whose temporal government was overthrown in the French Revolution, the interval is 1,260 Calendar Years (DISPLAYED IN CALENDAR 2, PAGE 659) A Time, Times and Half a time (Daniel 12:7)
From the rise of Papal power through the DECREE OF JUSTINIAN, March, A.D. 533, to the central year of the French Revolution, 1793, the interval is 1,260 Calendar Years (DISPLAYED IN CALENDAR 2, PAGE 660) A Time, Times and Half a time (Daniel 12:7)
From Nabonassar, First Emperor of the Babylonian Empire, who acceded to the throne in 747 BC to proclamation of Napoleon as Emperor, May 18, 1804, there extends an interval of 2,520 solar years, plus 30 years; "seven times" solar, plus 30 years (DISPLAYED IN CALENDAR 2, PAGE 661)
From the decree of the Emperor Phocas in 606 A.D., conceding to Boniface III, the headship over all t he churches of Christendom, to the End Of Papal Temporal Power in 1866-1870, there extends an interval of 1,260 solar years. DISPLAYED IN CALENDAR 2, PAGE 667, A Time, Times and Half a time (Daniel 12:7)
There are seven biblical references to time periods that all appear to point to one measure of time, yet we are told about them by use of different language. The Daniel 12:7 reference is to a "time, times and half a time". This is much too shrouded in mystery to be interpreted properly without the use of the six book of Revelation references. We see the same time measure alluded to in Revelation 11:2-"Forty Two months", Revelation 11:3-"A thousand, two hundred and three score days", Revelation 11:9-"three days and a half", Revelation 12:6-"a thousand, two hundred and three score days", Revelation 12:14-"a time, times and half a time", and Revelation 13:5-"forty two months".
I have found many references made by other prophetic writers to the 1,260 year periods that were marked by the rise and fall of the Papacy. They all uniformly had concluded that the day for a year principle of prophetic interpretation was the right method to employ in interpreting these seven references to time periods. What I find astonishing is that it is only in this calendar by H. Grattan Guinness to I find that God had already been at work, fulfilling a 1,260 year period that was fully wound up about sixty years prior to the ascendancy of the Papacy. God had worked out and fulfilled two completely separate 1,260 year periods in history: one had to do with the rise and fall of Babylon and the other had to do with the rise and fall of the Papacy. Each of them corresponds to periods that nicely relate to the phase "a time, times and a half a time" Taken together, they form "SEVEN TIMES". That I find no reference to this revelation prior to the work of H. Grattan Guinness in 1878 and that I have also never heard this revelation mentioned in any prophetic work since that date causes me to rank this as one of the greatest thefts of revelatory material that Satan has ever managed to steal from the Church of Jesus Christ.
I prepared the initial update of the calendar to 2016 on July 13. The most significant fact that I noticed upon the completion of it was that the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire occurred in 1923, which fell on the 2,670th year from the accession of Nabonassar to the throne of Emperor of the Babylonian Empire. This constitutes two periods of 1,335 years (1,260 + 30 + 45)(Daniel 12:12)
This adds another element of circumstantial evidence to support the claim that the Ottoman Empire might have been at least the Eastern leg part of Daniel's Fourth Kingdom (Daniel 2:40) Guinness had noted in his Calendar part #2 that the name "Ottoman" had originated from the Arabic "Osman" or "Othman", which name means "Bone Crusher". One of the attributes of Daniel's 4th beast is that it was said of it that it would be "strong as iron" (2:40) and that it would "crush and break all these things in pieces" (2:40 NAS) The fourth Kingdom does appear to be incomplete utilizing a Roman fulfillment view alone in view of the territories that were dominated by Rome and the fact that Rome never dominated Parthia, to the East of Jerusalem, as the Ottoman Empire did. This is something that has been long known that has been presented here on my website, in my "Last Things" article, for at least ten years.
This would mean that the total time period stretching from the dawn of Daniel's first Kingdom: Babylon, to the fall of the last part of the Eastern leg Kingdom of the Ottoman Empire in 1923 would cover two sets of 1,335 days/years. Daniel only spoke about one time period of 1,335 days: something that would then take on an aura of mystery, yet it would be no more wonderful than his prophecy concerning the abomination of desolation: a thing fulfilled once in 168 B.C., again in 70 A.D. and still awaited for in a third fulfillment here in the last days.
H. Grattan Guinness also affixed his comments to this calendar. They are available at this link: Comments
The first portion of the calendar of "The Times Of The Gentiles", by H. Grattan Guinness is available at this link: Calendar of "The Times Of The Gentiles" Part 1
The second portion of the calendar begins here and covers the time period from 395AD to 1878AD, the time of the publication of the calendar. The updated portion of the calendar has been prepared by Stephen L. Bening and covers the time period from 1878AD to Date.
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