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Prophecy: Can THAT Be In The Bible?
August 7, 2015

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Above all things, have fervent charity "love" among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.................This cannot really be in the bible, can it? I have served in many churches, but do you know how many of them I have seen do this ABOVE ALL THINGS? ZERO....not a single one of them! I have seen many different things set ABOVE ALL THINGS for certain seasons: building fund, teaching, tithing and offering, first-fruits, music, budget, services, programs, Christmas program, daycare, school, pastor appreciation, Wednesday night dinner, prayer, prophecy, soul winning, dance, youth group, youth trips, drama, Jewish feasts, leaders meetings and the Lord's snack. Never have I seen fervent charity set above all things!

They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.............again, is this in the bible? Titus 1:16 in this case. Apparently, most of our modern preachers must have missed this one. Do we need a modern English version of this? Maybe that word "reprobate" needs some updating...try "worthless for any good deed", so reprobate has that "good for nothing" feeling about it. The rest is clear, so why is this ignored by so many? God expects our deeds to match up with the words of our profession. If our deeds do not match, we are utterly terrible and worthless..Answer: repent quickly!

Other forgotten scriptures? Where is the real preaching and teaching of the word today? Consider "the things that you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." (2 Tim 2:2) and just 2 chapters later "I solemnly charge you...preach the word...reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction". How can you be changed without a renewing of your mind? How will your mind be renewed if your are not using God's word to wash it? This stench today will not be washed from us without the strong cleansing action of God's word. Homilies and funny stories will not do the job. Encouragement feels good but are you changed at the end if God has not spoken to YOU?

Stephen L. Bening

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