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Report From The Tower

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Prophecy: Report From The Tower (A Macro-Prophetic Overview)
October 19, 2015, Updated November 5, 2015

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This report is issued as prompted by the Holy Spirit, to give a macro-prophetic overview of events that watchmen see coming on the world horizon. I have written this with the reader in mind who is not familiar with the daily flow of the prophetic that is available to users of the internet. Links are provided to subject area web pages that can "bring you up to speed" with some key prophecies with just a few web page visits.

God has sent hundreds of people to America, perhaps even thousands, and has given them various prophecies about things to come. These prophets have seen events that may be grouped in seven broad categories: presented below. I have tagged these with the label: "TIER ONE EVENTS". I was sent forth by God in 2005 to work out God's decree of a DEATH WARRANT FOR AMERICA with Randy McKee. That collaboration ended in late 2008 when Randy McKee quit the ministry and renounced his agreement with that which he had previously given his assent to perform: the decreeing of the fall of America. Later, these called in judgements were given the name "Double Judgements" when we, Matthew Stephen Moranor and Stephen L. Bening, were sent forth by God as two prophets. I have written about the ministry of the staff and this invoking/decreeing task that God has assigned to His prophets in "The Staff, Delaying God's Judgements vs Calling In God's Judgements" We carried out this task in the course of nine joint tours between July, 2008 and January, 2014 where we prophesied and called in these double judgements and commanded that this nation drink forth from the wine cup of the wrath of God: 1) The Single Staff Judgement Tour, 2) The Double Judgement Tour, 3) The Lord's Staff Tour, 4) The Bulldog Tour, 5) Branson, MO Red Stick Decrees, 6) God's Filibuster of DC, 7) The Red Stick Tour-WA & OR, 8) The Three Sisters Tour-WA & OR and 9) The Duck Tour-Vicksburg Decrees.

My collaboration with Matthew Stephen Moranor ended on April 18, 2015 as a result of his apostasy from the true faith of Jesus Christ. How did he depart? Read more at The Fall Of Matthew Stephen Moranor

We have not had one of the double judgements yet in America that is of the level of the Asian Tsunami but we have been expecting the first occurrence since 2006 and we feel we will probably see the occurrence of it in or prior to 2017. Japan suffered a TIER ONE event in early 2011 at Fukushima. By comparison, I would classify Hurricane Katrina, and the 911 attack as TIER TWO EVENTS. So, you can see that these will be terrible events indeed when they occur. I am not sure which of these events will come first. It is therefore impossible for any reader who lives in Florida, for example, to adopt a "wait and see" attitude, that would trigger a response on their part when they see an event happen in another place that is designated in their mind, to be the first to suffer. There has been no such clear designation from the Lord. Where there are hints, I will speak about them. God wants all of His people to be awake, and seeking Him right now.

  • TYPE I-Nuclear/Biological Terrorism Prophecies/Los Angeles/Miami/Phoenix/New York/Las Vegas and Others
    Precursor Events:
    The only real precursor prophecies that were given with respect to terrorism was the "Sword of Omar" prophecy, given in late 2008. In it, waves of Islamic warriors were seen, attacking America and Iran was seen as the main blade of the sword of Omar, taking prominence in the last days. It was not foreseen, as we are seeing in October, 2015, that America would pay for their airline tickets. It would have been hard for me to believe in 2008 that a nation, after having suffered much at the hands of Islamic terrorists, and after having changed its' entire society in order to battle Islamic terrorism, would then invite and pay for up to 200,000 Islamic refugees to resettle in our nation. This prophesied horde of Arab terrorists was prophetically identified as the source of a great famine to come in the US: you will eat your bread with carefulness. Individuals who live in areas that two or three prophets have written about, or where visions of disaster have been seen, would be wise to seek the Lord. You will need to have your own warning from the Lord to escape such an event if it happens in your city.
    Terrorism Prophecies(
    Expected Occurrence: Imminent-25 years
    New Revelations and Developments: Ongoing Islamic immigration to America.

  • TYPE II-Persian Gulf/Aircraft Carrier/Mideast War Prophecies/Tebeth 17
    Precursor Events:
    The only real precursor event is that Arab people or nations must have, in their hands, the missile technology and also, perhaps, nuclear technology, in order to carry out these attacks. Widespread Middle East war will eventually result in and Isaiah 9 war and and Ezekiel 38 war. These may be the same war or separate. The Ezekiel 38 war has a precursor that Gog (Russia), must be reduced to the sixth part. This has now happened as of October, 2015 as Russia has a military that is 1/6 or less as large as they possessed at the height of the Soviet Union.

    Background: This event may be the very first dramatic and terrible judgement to fall upon American military might. God may use it as a precursor event, to be quickly followed by other TYPE I events. Recent prophetic revelation ties this event, the prophesied attack on the USS Kitty Hawk, to Tebeth 17, but does not mean that the event will happen on that date. The USS Abraham Lincoln has also been indicated in prophecy as a target. Al Quaida has threatened the Kitty Hawk, and this prophecy has been published in Arabic throughout the Arab world. Recent years have seen the USS Kitty Hawk deactivated and placed in reserve status.
    Aircraft Carrier Prophecies (
    Expected occurrence: Imminent-25 years
    New Revelations and Developments: Iran has become very belligerent toward the United States, and has the Sunburn missile in its arsenal, which is lethal to our carriers. Iran's President has been making insane statements, almost baiting America to attack. Russia has supplied Iran with 29 advanced Anti-Aircraft weapons to defend the reactors and other nuclear sites. It is reported that Russian soldiers will man these anti-aircraft weapons. The first of two Russian nuclear reactors is complete in Iran. Israel had openly stated that they would not allow the Bushehr reactor to achieve "critical status", but this too has passed. There is real danger for this whole area to reach a flash point that will trigger war, which might even start tonight, and escalate to thermonuclear war in the Middle East, or perhaps, beyond. Now, as of October, 2015, Russia and Iran are working as allies in Syria, only 90 miles from Meggido, Israel. America has withdrawn her aircraft carriers from the region.

  • TYPE III-Asteroid/Great Flood/Great Calamity/Storm/USA Prophecies/Marheshvan 17
    Precursor Events
    Fireball events and meteorite impacts have been happening, but they do not draw much attention in the main stream media. The large Chinese explosion recently was probably a meteorite impact, as it left a large, circular crater.

    Background: Virginia Boldea has prophesied that this will be the very first terrible judgement to come upon the Earth. She appears to have seen the land impact of three comet fragments. This prophecy, when it is fulfilled, will be one of the very first dramatic, terrible events of a greater scale that will strike America. There are prophetic indications that there will be a progression of occurrences, increasing in severity from fireballs, to small meteor impacts on land and finally leading to the catastrophic tsunami causing ocean impacts. Recently received prophetic revelation ties this event in some way to a Marhesvan 17 fulfillment in some future year. These prophecies may be fulfilled in various ways: asteroid strike, tsunami, hurricane, earthquake or other SEIZMOS events. David Haase saw a vision in 2006 of seven major objects, each with a skull face, heading to Earth. Now, on Halloween, October 31, 2015, a half mile wide dead comet is passing Earth at a distance of about 300,000 miles, and it bears the face of a skull. There is recent prophetic movement in this area that would suggest that a major ocean impact off the coast of the United States is probable before the end of 2016.
    Asteroid Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years.
    New Revelation and Developments: Tsunami house is nearing completion. Check the link for explanation.

  • TYPE IV-New Madrid Earthquake/Central USA Flood Prophecies
    Background: Several prophets have prophesied of numerous 9.0 earthquakes to strike the midwest, creating a great water channel or lake where the Mississippi River now flows, dividing our nation in half. Some of us suspect that the TYPE III Asteroid event is a precursor event for this prophecy and may even trigger it.
    New Madrid Earthquake Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New Revelation And Developments: Dan Bohler has prophesied that we are going to see some serious earthquakes in this region before the end of 2007. (There was a lot of false prophesying going on related to Comet Elenin and Harold Camping in the Spring, Summer and now the fall of 2011, which was an attempt by the enemy to cast a mocking and disparaging light upon these prophecies of the great New Madrid quakes. These things will come at their appointed time-comment added October 18, 2011). These earthquakes have been called in by two prophets as we traveled the area in an event called "The Red Stick Tour" and the visit to Vicksburg in 2014..

  • TYPE V-California Earthquake/West Coast Flood Prophecies
    Background: Probably hundreds of prophets have seen visions, had dreams, and received words since the 1970's concerning "The Big One". Some of us suspect that the TYPE III Asteroid event will be a precursor event to this prophecy. Scientists are expecting a major California Quake this year. Stephen Hanson has prophesied about the loss of the entire State of California. The vision I saw revealed that part of California will slip 100 feet beneath the ocean.
    California Earthquake Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New Revelations and Developments: Michael Boldea has reported in April, 2006 that he was contacted by unnamed "seismic experts" who questioned him regarding "leaks". They wanted to know how he obtained information regarding the extremely dangerous and highly stressed fault situation along the San Andreas that has been kept from the public.

  • TYPE VI-US Nuclear Attack/Russia/China/Invasion/Occupation Prophecies
    Background: Dumitru Duduman, the Romanian bible smuggler, whom God sent to America to prophesy, and a host of others have seen a guerrilla style invasion, followed by missile attack, then land based attack and occupation of America. The precursor event for this prophecy, according to Duduman, and Henry Gruver, is domestic unrest. The angel told Dumitru that certain people will begin to fight against the government, from the middle of the country. Then, America will burn. Demonstrations will be held in many American cities just prior to the invasion attack. The attack will be accompanied by many nuclear detonations on American soil. The Russian bear is now awake. North Korea is growing belligerent, speaking of a Red line for war. China continues to increase its cooperation with Iran. Iran continues to enrich uranium. The Lord has been quickening to my remembrance the prophecies that he gave me regarding thermonuclear war, with danger to many cities in the United States.
    USA Invasion Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New Revelations and Developments: Watch and pray about the developing situation regarding illegal immigration in America. (New revelation in 2011 given by the Lord to me indicates that the rioting and civil disobedience in America will be much more serious than either I or Dumitru saw twenty years ago. The rioting will be of the same type as the French Revolution-comment added October 18, 2011). This has now begun in 2014 in St. Louis and can easily now be seen taking shape in every large American city.

  • TYPE VII-USA Volcano Prophecies
    Background: Great bulging of the land, fish kills and pungent air is reported by many observers in Yellowstone Park. Mt. Rainier, as well as other Cascade Range peaks, are prophesied to erupt. Some of us consider the TYPE III Asteroid event to be a precursor event to this prophecy and may even trigger it.
    USA Volcano Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New Revelations and Developments: Two prophets visited Mt. Ranier and the Three Sisters volcano, calling forth these eruptions.

  • Europe Prophecies/Fatal Head Wound Healed/Roman Catholic Church/Apostate Protestantism/European Union/Revived Roman Empire Prophecies/Javier Solana
    Background: This is the major remaining focus of unfulfilled biblical prophecy. The healing of the Roman Catholic fatal head wound through the efforts of apostate Protestantism, as forseen in Revelation 13 is in progress.
    European Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New: The Roman Catholics appear to be making their move for a position in Jerusalem. (The European vision I had twenty years ago has now, in 2011, been interpreted for me so that I am able to see that the rioting that I had seen, in that vision, spreading out from Paris France, was a prophecy that rioting of the type seen in the French Revolution will spread out from France, all the way to America-comment added October 18, 2011)

  • Pacific Rim/Asia/India/China/Russia Prophecies
    Background: Tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes are prophesied.
    Pacific Rim-Asia-China-India Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New: Seismic experts are saying that they expect more terrible earthquakes and tsunamis in this area. Russia has just tested the new Topol M intercontinental ballistic missiles and is bringing them online.

  • Australia/New Zealand Prophecies
    Background: Tsumanis, earthquakes, volcanoes and economic troubles and invasion are prophesied.
    Australia-New ZealandProphecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Central/South America Prophecies
    Background: God has begun the process of healing in Colombia (given to me as I ministered there during July/August, 2003. Haiti will be healed as well by the Lord.
    Central-South America-Caribbean Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New: Volcanic eruptions in Guatemala have required evacuations. Severe flooding in Colombia has killed many.

  • Africa Prophecies
    Background: Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes.
    Africa Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New: A giant chasm opens in the ground in Ethiopia. There are reports of an explosion of revival in Uganda, with many people coming to Christ in fulfillment of the prophecy, given to me, of a "Cane Ridge" type revival to occur there. Africa, the heart of Africa, around Lake Victoria, has been given the scepter to lead the world in the gospel. This has been taken away from the United States. Evil angels have departed Africa, and have headed to the United States. The curses of Moses and Aaron, against Africa, are at an end.

  • Canada Prophecies
    Background: Internal troubles, Split between English and French provinces, Economic troubles, invasion, earthquakes, volcanoes.
    Canada Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New: No new developments.

  • Israel-Middle East Prophecies
    Background: Most expect the Damascus prophecy of Isaiah 17 to occur soon.
    Israel-Middle East Prophecies (
    Expected Occurrence: imminent-25 years
    New: Iran's President is said to be glowing with a type of green colored aura. He appears to believe that he may be the Islamic "Mahdi". Israel and the USA appear to be preparing to invade Iran over nuclear missile development. Hamas has declared an end to the truce with Israel, and may attack with new missiles that Syria has supplied. Israel has threatened to retaliate against Syria. Iran has pledged to defend Syria if they are attacked, as has Russia and Pakistan.

  • Return Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Prophecies
    Background: As many as 24 signs of the return of Jesus Christ are identified in the gospels.
    Signs Of Christ's Return (
    Expected Occurrence: No one knows the day or the hour.
    New: No new developments.

    Stephen L. Bening
    A servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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