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Prophecy: Visions And Dreams Fitting Together
October 29, 2013

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Updated January 18, 2014

There has been a sequence of dreams, visions and words received by those around me during the last three months that I must report, for these things may turn out to be important. I will simply report them in bullet fashion, as they tend to pull together and link prophecies for a power outage, cell phone outage and a South Florida flood/tsunami.

  • I had a prophetic occurrence on two successive Sundays in August where both my cellphones were totally drained of power, during church on Sunday, though I had not used them at all that day.

  • I had a quick, flash vision, during June of 2013 where I was sitting in my normal seat at church when all of a sudden, people were running all around me in a panic, in church, as I sat calm.

  • Prophet Matthew and I have both been warning about Jeremiah 9:22 and Zechariah 11 (922'nd bible chapter) since July, 2013. Zechariah 11 is headed by a caption in my NAS bible which reads THE DOOMED FLOCK.

  • Prophet Matthew returned home after a day long power outage on October 28, 2013 to find a sea gull, sitting on his porch in Montana, in 23 degree weather. Suddenly, the power came back on and it was 9:22 AM. (See the wpa asteroid/tsunami vision page for the significance of the number 23 with tsunamis). Matthew's wife, who has previously displayed a prophetic gift, exclaimed when she saw the sea gull: "It is a tsunami sign".

  • A prophetic newcomer named Bella had a dream on the morning of October 28, where she saw me, dressed in black, at Church in Cooper City, FL. She was at the church entrance and noted that the entrance desks had been cleared out and people were sitting all around, inside and out, receiving prayer. She began to get frantic, wondering what was going on. Then, I came and put my arm around her shoulder, and guided her outside, around the side to the left. I was dressed all in black. When she looked at me, I was wearing black sunglasses and when she looked at my eyes, she saw the ocean being storm tossed.

  • I received the invitation to bid the house that I call the tsunami house, for painting, on October 17, 2013. Read here at this link to see what I am talking about. (We received a handshake acceptance of our contract to paint this house on January 13, 2014) This would seem to place a 9 month time limit on the occurrence of a tsunami for South Florida. This is NOT speaking about a tsunami of revival, as much destruction was seen in the dream. Timing Pin Update-Tsunami House

  • Sister Ann, from North Carolina, who was the saint who saw the vision of the tsunami coming in to North Carolina, and who saw that I95 was a parking lot with trapped cars on it which were inundated by the tsunami, has had a timing indicator that the tsunami she saw seems to be indicated for fulfillment prior to April, 2014.

  • Sister Kerenn, a woman with a prophetic gift, reported to me that she has received a prophetic alert to expect a calamity from now up to April 2014 for South Florida.

  • Prophetess Mary saw rocks hitting cars on I75 West of Fort Lauderdale, FL in an October, 2013 dream vision.

    This is just a list of things that I want to make sure that I report, so that all who read may pray. There is a definite quickening regarding these things. I believe we are now, more and more, getting information about timing, location and linked events, so please be sensitive to write down and report the dreams you are getting that are from the Lord, for God has promised to warn us with dreams (Job 33).

    Stephen L. Bening

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