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Calendar Watch

Date Prepared: June 4, 2015


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USA Judah Panorama Of Judgements
USA-Judah Panorama

...Sorted By The Gregorian Calendar Dates.
...I began to prepare this list for my own personal use. After I completed it, the Lord directed me to share it.
...Dates and calendars are useful for watching unto prayer. I do not have a THUS SAYETH THE LORD certainty with respect to any specific dates on the calendar. If I do ever obtain such a certainty, I will clearly say so.
...That being said, I do believe that God is going to move in accordance with some of these dates, times and seasons. I am constantly searching for more pieces to the prophetic puzzle, and asking for God to pour more light on the subject.
...There are some dates and events listed here that have personal significance for me, so they may be difficult for others to understand. That is fine. Study it closely as the Lord leads you by His Spirit and glean what the Lord allows you to, and God bless you.
...Calendar Watch is available upon request in Microsoft Excel format. (Lost both hard drives in 2007, so I'll have to create this all over again)

Gregorian and Hebrew Calendar Dates

Tebeth (4th month), 10th day------------Hebrew civil calendar, This day is a Fast Day for the Jews, as they remember the first day that Nebuchadnezzar laid seige to Jerusalem.

January 9----------I am always watchful on this day because of the multiple appearances of the number 109, and Psalm 109, in my vision concerning the USS Kitty Hawk, which was given to me on January 9, 1993.
Prophecy About the Persian Gulf/Kitty Hawk
...The window of the 109th US Congress ended in November, 2006. Now that we are in the time after that, I suspect that we might be in the window of time for fulfillment of this prophecy.
...During August and September, 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita destroyed 109 oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.
...This date marks the anniversary of the receipt of that vision (Kitty Hawk) in 1993 on the Gregorian calendar.
...This mmight have pointed to 2009, but as we saw, that date passed too. It continues, shrouded in mystery.

Tebeth (4th month), 17th day--------------- Hebrew civil calendar.
...(4th civil month), 17th day, corresponds with an all night dream had by me on July 4, 1991, warning about the numbers 4:17, Hebrew civil calendar.
Dream about "4..17"
...I consider this to be the MOST LIKELY day for fulfillment of the prophecies about attacks on the Kitty Hawk, and other aircraft carriers. January 9, 1993 fell on Tebeth 17 (4th month, 17th day) in that year-1993.

January 11----------Gregorian calendar-listed because of numerous prophetic words concerning 111

January 12----------Gregorian calendar-I was hit with fire from heaven in my left hand on this date in Homestead Florida (1993)

January 24----------I am adding one more reason for concern regarding this date: it was one of the times (1:24 P.M.) mentioned in my Kitty Hawk Revelation. We will soon see if those times correlate to dates on the Gregorian Calendar.
Prophecy About the Persian Gulf/Kitty Hawk
...This date would also correlate with the prophecy concerning "24".
Prophecy About "24"

Shebat 24----------This is the first date from Zechariah, 1:7. It corresponds to Shebat 24 on the Hebrew calendar.

February 15, 2013 (Shebat 5) The first day in modern media history that an asteroid entered Earth's atmosphere (Cheylabinsk, Russia) and caused physical harm to people and property.

February 24----------I am adding one more reason for concern regarding this date: it was one of the times (2:24 P.M.) mentioned in my Kitty Hawk Revelation. We will soon see if those times correlate to dates on the Gregorian Calendar.
Prophecy About the Persian Gulf/Kitty Hawk
...This date would also correlate with the prophecy concerning "24".
Prophecy About "24"

February 26----------Anniversary of First WTC Attack in (1993)

March 11----------Anniversary of Madrid Spain Terror Attack (2004), Also now the anniversary of the 9.0 Japanese earthquake and tsunami, with four nuclear meltdowns.

Adar 14----------Purim.

April 17----------Gregorian calendar, revelation about the number 417
Dream about "4..17"

April 19----------Anniversary of Oklahoma City Terror Attack (1995), and Waco Branch Davidian Tragedy (1993)

April 20----------Anniversary of Columbine Terror (1999)

Nisan 15 to Nisan 22----------Passover/Unleavened Bread.

May 14
Iyar 5----------Anniversary of independence of Israel (Iyar 5, 1948)

Sivan 6/7----------Shavuot-50th day after the first day of passover, also known as Pentecost, as it would be reckoned on the Hebrew calendar. Anniversary also of God, coming down upon Mt. Sinai in fire.

June 1----------Anniversary of the receipt of my (Stephen L. Bening) first published word of prophecy: "24". (1991)
Prophecy About "24"

June 7 ----------Anniversary of the restoration of Jerusalem to Israeli control in 1967 (41st anniversary), Aniversary of my (Stephen L. Bening) baptism in the Holy Spirit (1991 Sivan 26).

(Sivan 6)----------Shavuot-50th day after the first day of passover, also known as Pentecost, as it would be reckoned on the Hebrew calendar, on Sivan 6. Anniversary also of God, coming down upon Mt. Sinai in fire.

June 24----------Anniversary of my (Stephen L. Bening) call as a prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1992 Sivan 23).

(Sivan 23)----------Anniversary of my (Stephen L. Bening) call as a prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1992 Sivan 23).

(Sivan 26)----------June 7, 1991 was Sivan 26 in that year. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit on that date. (17th anniversary this year)

July 4/5----------Anniversary of my (Stephen L. Bening) first spiritual dream, the 4:17 dream. (1991) (17th Anniversary this year).
Later, I discovered that Chuck Youngbrandt had received four days of visions regarding a horrific Chicago earthquake in 1973, on July 2, 3, 4 and 5. When these were ended, he saw a vision of the number "17". So, Chuck had four days of visions, followed by the number 17, as compared with my hearing of the two words, 4 and 17, all night long, on July 4 and 5, 1991, on the same days as when Chuck received his visions 18 years earlier.

Tammuz (4th sacred month), 17th day--------- corresponds with an all night dream had by me on July 4, 1991, warning about the numbers 4:17, Tammuz 17, on the Hebrew religious calendar, is a fast day, commemorating the date on which the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Babylonian Army.
Dream about "4..17"

July 13----------Anniversary of receipt of the major prophecy (1992) that "the name of Andrew will mark judgement in this generation" by Stephen L. Bening
Prophecy About "Andrew"

July 24----------Anniversary of my (1992) open, awake vision of the nuclear detonation over Miami Beach.
Prophecy About "Miami Nuke"

9th of Ab---------(4th month sacred calendar)Gregorian Calendar, both Jerusalem temples were destroyed on this Hebrew date

August 6----------Anniversary of (1945) Nuclear detonation at Hiroshima.

August 9----------Anniversary of (1945) Nuclear detonation at Nagasaki.

August 12----------Anniversary of receipt of my (2001) word of prophecy "The End Has Come Upon America", and prophetic experience in Miami Beach, FL on that day.
Prophecy "The End Has Come Upon Americda"---given one month Before 9/11

August 24----------Gregorian Calendar, Matthew 8:24/Luke 8:24 Synchronicity-Great Storm, Hurricane Andrew
...I believe the Lord will bring a great calamity to South Florida on some future August 24, as he previously allowed Andrew to hit on that date in 1992, and he gave me a prophecy of a great calamity to come. The prophecy was given on that date in 1999-seven years after Hurricane Andrew
Prophecy of Great Calamity to hit South Florida

September 11----------Anniversary of Second WTC Attack (2001)

September 24 (2015)-Yom Kippor- The 500 end day pointed at by the French Foreign minister who said on May 13, 2014 that the earth had 500 days to avoid a major climate calamity.

September 26----------I was fired from Claridge Properties on this date, my own personal earthquake (1991)

September 28 (2015), Tishri 15)---------Fourth blood red moon of four in succession, falling on Succot (Tabernacles). Historically, this has been sometimes correlated with major earth and societal changes.

Rosh Hashanah, Tishri 1---------------- anniversary of the creation of the world.

Yom Kippor, Tishri 10------------------anniversary of Moses coming down from Mt. Sinai, after the sin of the golden calf, when God had forgiven the people.

Feast of Tabernacles, Tishri 15-22------------Feast of Tabernacles, Feast that was fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

October 1----------Anniversary of the (2005) Bali Terror attack.

October 12----------Anniversary of the (2002) Bali Terror attack.

Marheshvan (2nd month), 17th day--------------Hebrew civil calendar, Kitty Hawk prophecy, 17th day, anniversary of Noah's flood.

November 11----------Numerous prophecies in 2003 regarded the number sequence 11-11. In 2004, it marked the date of death of Yasser Arafat.

November 21----------Anniversary of my first dream/waking vision (1991), where I saw an economic meltdown in progress, with particular emphasis on Europe. As this situation reached hopelessness, the Lord said that in 60 days, He would bring earthquakes and floods upon the Earth. If the 60 days runs from this November 21 date in 2008 when economic calamities and rioting commenced, it would point to November 21, 2013 for the commencment of great earthquakes and great floods. Prophecy About "Economic Meltdown/Europe"

November 30----------This day honoring the apostle Andrew
...S. Bening prophecy 7/13/1992-The name of Andrew will mark judgement in this generation.
Prophecy About "Andrew"

Kislev 24/25-------------The fourth day mentioned by the prophet Haggai-Kislev 24, and the first day of Hanukkah, The FEAST OF FIRE, Kislev 25, (3rd Month, Hebrew Civil Calendar.
...On the Hebrew calendar, this day is the 19th birthday of my daugther Rachel, according to the Hebrew calendar: born Kislev 25, in 1989 (Heb year 5750)
...This day also corresponds to the 9th month, 24th day of the Hebrew sacred calendar as twice mentioned by the prophet Haggai. During the year (2005), each of the Haggai dates corresponded to a major event. The last was the 7th month, 21st day of the Hebrew civil year, which was marked by the impact of Hurricane Wilma upon South Florida at 5 A.M. on October 24, 2005 (Tishri 21).

December 24---------- ...I am adding one more reason for concern regarding this date: it was one of the times (12:24 P.M.) mentioned in my Kitty Hawk Revelation. We will soon see if those times correlate to dates on the Gregorian Calendar.
Prophecy About the Persian Gulf/Kitty Hawk
...This date would also correlate with the prophecy concerning "24".
Prophecy About "24"

Dates Implicated By Contemporary Prophecy
Date: Second month, Seventeenth Day of any year

Reason for concern:
1) It is the anniversary date of the flood of Noah (Genesis 7:11)
2) I have been alerted by prophetic word that there will be a repeat, or echo fulfillment of a terrible event that will occur on that date in some future year.
3) In my opinion, the greatest date for danger coincides with the Hebrew civil calendar.
4) Prophecies given to myself and to others have given us certainty that this date will mark the fulfillment of the asteroid/great flood prophecies for the United States.
5) Numerous prophecies have pointed to 111, therefore November 1, and January 11, are listed.

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:
Asteroid/Great flood event, prophesied for the United States***
Persian Gulf attack, USS Kitty Hawk

Date: Fourth month, Seventeenth day of any year

Reason for concern:
1) Prophetic word received on July 4, 1991

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:
Persian Gulf attack, USS Kitty Hawk
Attacks against the United States
Invasion and occupation of the United States***

Date: Eighth month, twenty fourth day of any year

Reason for concern: Prophetic revelation

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:
California earthquake along the San Andreas
Calamity in South Florida

Dates Implicated By Hebrew Calendar Festivals
Date: Ninth of Ab (Hebrew Calendar, religious and civil)

Reason for concern: Previous destruction of both Jewish temples occurred on this date.

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments: Disastrous events affecting Israel

Date: Passover

Reason for concern: Crucifixion of our Lord/Exodus from Egypt occurred on this date.

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:

Date: Shavuot

Reason for concern: God descended on Mt. Sinai on this date, Pentecost occurred on this date

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:
A last days empowering of the Church?

Date: Rosh Hashanah

Reason for concern: Hebrew new year, feast of trumpets

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:
Rapture? Return on the Lord?

Date: Yom Kippur

Reason for concern: Day of Atonement

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:
Wrath of God?

Date: Purim

Reason for concern: Contemporary prophecy implicates this date as a date when the current institutional harlot church will be judged and smashed.

Most likely modern day prophetic fulfillments:
Cleansing of the bride? Judgement upon the House of God?

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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