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Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly (WPA)
WPA Emergency Escape Preparation List

WPA Emergency Escape Preparation Checklist
(Updated June 13, 2016)

There are seven different types of judgements that have been prophesied against the United States: confirmed in the mouths of hundreds of prophets, over the last twenty years. No one knows for sure which of the seven will occur first, or when they will escalate from the present tension over terrorism. It should be obvious that preparation in the spiritual first, and in the natural second, should already be well underway.

My retreat home is on a mountain and on the edge of forty miles of nothing but woods. You may not have any land.

Ronald Berry offers these suggestions and they seem good to me, but I have also provided a search for Tennessee as well:

Landwatch Search for ARK
There are 216 listings in Arkansas under $1000 for your own land.

Would you prefer a Holy Spirit designated Safe Zone (at least for a time)?

Landwatch Search for TN
There are 63 mountaintop listings in Grundy County, TN (All prices included)

Find one with trees on it and with a water source nearby.

Get a 40 foot shipping container delivered there for around $3000. Fill it with supplies and put a wood stove in it $700.

Tow a decent old travel trailer $1000 up there with your truck $5000 and make it livable right next to the container attached if possible. Cut out a window or door between the two so the wood heat also heats your trailer.

Buy a good chain saw $400 and get a 55 gallon drum of gas with Sta-bil, 1 gallon of 2 cycle oil and good splitting maul. Have at least 2 cords (4ft wide x 4ft tall x 8ft long) of firewood stored inside or under a good tarp.

Get hand and garden tools of all kinds.

Get a few food grade used 275 - 325 gallon totes $200 ea. And put them on cinder blocks high enough to get a 5 gallon bucket under the spout.

Get a good Berkey type water filter $200.

Buy a used porta-potty $100 and make it into an outhouse (hole under it and bottom of tank cut out).

Get some solar panels $500 and a few gel batteries $200 and string 12 volt lighting $50 throughout.

Get used food grade barrels $20 and a 2000 watt invertor $100 and a pump $100 to fill them from your nearby water source to put in your totes.

Heat water on your wood stove for bathing.

Get a lot of rice, beans, soup mix, oatmeal, canned foods, and dehydrated food. Plant green beans and potatoes and whatever else you will eat. Get garden tools.

Cruise craigslist for used stuff save money.

Get a 30-06 or 30-30 with a scope $400 from gun broker and learn to use it. Get a Ruger 10-22 $300 and get really good with it. Get a 12 GA shotgun $250 for birds and home defense. Get a Glock 9MM $400. Get ammo for the aforementioned weapons 500-1000 rounds each. Get a good set of binoculars.

Set up a metal garbage can with a CB, short wave radio, night vision and whatever other electronics you want inside wrapped up in towels not touching the can. This is your faraday cage for EMP. Get a really well stocked first aid kit and a medicine kit.

Get the very best rugged clothes, jeans boots coats raingear, etc. Do your best to keep others from knowing about your plans.

Stock the beds with the best blankets and sleeping bags you can afford.

Don’t forget the soaps, deodorant toothpaste, razors, etc.

Get a few rolls of cyclone fencing, some Tee posts and barbed wire and make a perimeter fence with no trespassing signs.

Now you have a real viable bugout location that you may actually stand a decent chance surviving in. Start reading every survival and how to book you can right now.

My email is if you have other questions.

Even in an out of the way place, there may come a time when we might have to go wherever the Lord will lead. Any survival instructor will tell you that you do not want to be a refugee, but what if that is just what we become: The Lord's Refugees?

I am always changing and adding to this list, but I have left the old one in place so that you can see my progress if you like. The newest list can be found at this link: NEWEST EMERGENCY PREPARATION LIST

The list that follows has been refined by much experience on Florida trails. There are "frills" on the checklist, that are obvious, that I don't have packed and at the ready all the time. Obviously, most of the items are packed in small quantity and in the smallest containers.

You should pack according to your age, carrying capacity and experience. I recommend that you consider keeping two backpacks fully packed and ready to go at any moment if the Lord speaks and tells you to go anywhere else with the family for any reason. There should be a plan for walking, one for taking the ATV with the trailer and a third plan for what you will take if you are driving with a 6X12 double axle trailer or a house trailer attached.

If I have to leave on foot, I will, for example (age 59) take my backpack (fifty pound limit). I will carry two rifles with slings: a Ruger 22 and a Weatherby 7mm, both with nice scopes. In one hand, I will carry my solar components pack, which is mostly wiring (very light). So, the idea is that my hands will be mostly free.

I also have a Redhead ammo belt pack, in which I carry my ammo, and a second belt pack for other small firearms.

One of the kids can carry a big family tent in one hand if there are more than two of us. Otherwise, the tent is strapped under my pack. My wife is limited as to what she can carry. Others may plan to each of your capabilities. Each person will carry their own water and sleeping bag with a small backpack, if possible, to the limit of their ability to carry.

I might carry different things, depending on whether I'm going to someone else's house to ride out a situation, or to other Mountains to evade flood or tidal wave, or to the trail to evade people. I have a plan of highways worked out to drive from TN to MT without going through a Metro area of 100,000 people. I have already driven it to test it out.

What I present below is what I have ready to run out of here with if I am in a big hurry, even if I have no car available. I have planned this way because in a nuclear pulse attack or a terrible solar flare, our cars would possibly be rendered undriveable.

If my cars/trucks are not functioning, perhaps the ATV is functioning. I will of course load the ATV Trailer with as much as I can take from the rest of my stores, which include propane tanks, gas stoves, lanterns and of course, food, as I have indicated at the bottom of the list.

The Lord has indicated that at some point, all of his servants are going to have to be mobile. How many times each of us will have to move is open to question. AMERICA: DRINK THE CUP!

I have prayed about what should be on my list and what should not. I have changed it many times, and devoted much thought to what types of conditions I might encounter in the types of situations I have seen in visions and dreams.

In short, I want to be as prepared to survive as I can possibly be, SO THAT I CAN PREACH THE GOSPEL. I want to be able to lead and to assist others. I have tried to plan and think ahead prayerfully, knowing that without the Lord's help, all preparation is fruitless and vain. Without vision, the people perish. Cost is an issue with me as it is with most of you. I am still pushing toward the full capability that I have described above.

(I wrap liquids in double zip lock bags)

Contents of Main Backack
Clothing-(Mesh Stuff Sack/Zip Lock Bags)
__Rain Parka/person
__Insulated Rain Parka for cold nights
__Long pants/person
__Cap or hat/person
__Extra socks/person (wool)
__2 T Shirts/person
__2 Lightweight shirts/person

__Hi top hiking shoes/Boots with cushion inserts/person
__Camp shoes/Sandals/person

Bedding/Camp-(Backpack Top)
__Sleeping Bag/person
__Air mattress/person (optional for comfort)
__Backpack Tent

Solar Components-(Small backpack), all kept in a West Marine waterproof storage bag
__32.2W Backpack foldable solar panels from Connecticut Solar
__3-I-Sun small foldable solar panels
__3-I-Sun BatPak solar battery rechargers
__40 rechargeable AA batteries
__12 Volt West Marine Jump Start power supply
__Electrical tester
__Electrical cables
__Sun Tap Solar AM/FM/Flashlight

Portable Computer With Case and 12 volt adaptor, in a West Marine waterproof storage bag
__Small CD player with worship music
__Software (I have all essential bible software with commentaries and books)

Cooking-(Mesh Stuff Sack/In Backpack)
__Plastic water quart container
__Backpack stove with extra fuel (Double Ziplock) (multi-fuel capable-can use unleaded gasoline)
__Aluminum foil
__Cooking pots/Mess kit
__Knife/Fork/spoon per person
__Matches/Magnesium w/flint/lighters
__Large Zip lock bags
__Can opener
__Campfire Cooking rack

Nuclear/Biological Retreat/Hunting
__Water tablets
__Air rifle with sling and 3000, .177 cal. pellets (carried in Redhead belt pack)
__22 Cal. Long Rifle with scope and ammo
__2 Bolts joined by steel wire (for opening manhole covers--excellent emergency shelter)
__Iodine tablets (anti-radiation poisoning)

First Aid Kit (It should include these types of items)
__Small First Aid Booklet
__2 Safety pins, 2 Sewing needles and Thread
__Tick Tweezers
__Various precut mole skins
__Providone Iodine dropper
__Rubber Bands
__Ace Bandage wrap
__Various small bandages (A good brand, like Bandaid, or Curad, is desirable)
__Roll of Gauzetape
__Sting aid
__Campho Phenique
__Top I Cal antibiotic
__Sterile pads
__Povidone Iodine Pads
__Antiseptic Towlettes

Food-(Mesh Stuff Sack/Ziplock Bags)
__Powdered soup/waterproofed
__Salt/pepper/sugar bags/waterproofed
__Main course meals (dry, to be reconstituted)
__Capri Sun
__Powdered milk/waterproofed
__Spam, Sausage, Canned meats
__Drink mixes

Miscellaneous-(Mesh Stuff Sack/Zip Lock)
__Maps and compass
__Toilet paper
__Tooth brush/paste/deodorant
__2-MSR Water filters w/extra filter
__MSR Water purification kit
__Survival kit/duct tape
__Swiss army knife
__Deep woods Off
__LED Flashlight
__Trash bags
__Towel (small)
__Waterproof cover for pack
__Coffee pot
__Fishing gear
__Sewing kit
__Backpack bible
__2 bibles in West Marine waterproof bag
__Nylon Rope
__Sun screen
__Sun glasses/Reading glasses
__Lock Knife/Hip Knife
__Window Spline

Ammo Belt and Gun Belt
__Handguns and ammo
__Gold Coins
__US Silver Dollars

Components Of Second Backpack
__Extra Clothing and toiletries
__Hand Siphon pump (for water or gasoline)
__Bigger Shovel
__Farraday blanket for EMP protection of equipment

If we are Taking The Car, Then These Items Go As Well, depending on number of vehicles:
__2-“Big Berkey” (2 Candle) Ceramic Water Filter
__20 Extra Doulton Water Purfication Ceramic Candles
__Propane Lanterns
__Propane Stoves
__20 lb Propane Tank
__Small Propane Tanks
__4 Gallons Coleman Fuel
__Soups and Beans in cans
__Ground Cover Tarps
__Backpacks for wife and each child with water, snacks, rain parka and clothing
__All my tents, mallet and sleeping bags
__Clear Plastic tarp (for getting drinking water from condensation)
__Additional Flashlights and batteries
__Plastic water quart container (extras)
__Farraday Box for EMP protection of equipment

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Stephen L. Bening
apostolic administrator
Watchmen-Prophets Assembly

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