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Crested Gecko (Rhacodacylus ciliatus)

  • Hatchling Size: 2" - 3"
  • Adult Size: 8"+
  • Minimum Adult Housing: 18" X 12" X 12"

The Crested Gecko is a very unique gecko. They are native to the islands of New Caldonia. They are a fairly large gecko attaining a adult lenght of around 8" and being very hardy.

In captivity this gecko will feed on crickets, mealworms, superworms, and fruits including: peach, fruit meadly(baby food), and banana. Adults will feed on crickets, waxworms, superworms, and the above fruits.

Keeping crested geckos does not require and heat or UVB. Crested geckos are nocturnal and require a day temp. of around 70-80F, nights can safely drop to 65F. Housing should include a aboreal cage with alot of branches and hiding spots. Substrates can include: Orchid bark, coca-fiber, spangum moss or paper towel. bark.