I am so excited because I got to come home! Mommy and Daddy came to get me Saturday July 14. I was not a happy camper because Angie trimmed my toes and clipped my wings. My grip is not as good as it was but I manage. When we got home I got to investigate my new cage. I started to climb all over it and before you could say don't do it, I was at the top hanging upside down. I think that scared Mommy because she told Daddy that I was going to hurt myself. I thought it was fun! Don't all CAG's like to hang upside down? We played with toys and had a great time. I got to eat pasta with Mommy and Daddy. I have to start training them correctly right from the start and so far they are doing great. I played on my play stand but I'm not to sure of my grip yet. I went to bed early Saturday but could not sleep. I was making noise with my beak and Daddy came in to see what I was up to. I was wide awake so he took me out and I got to eat my fill of grapes. I have to admit that I had an accident Saturday night. When I went to sleep, I lost my grip and fell. Daddy came running in and held me and made sure I was OK. Then at 2:30 I fell again! Daddy put the perch lower and I was OK. Then I woke everyone up at 6am. I was hungry and wanted to play. I hate having my nails trimmed. I know that as time goes by, my footing will get better and better.
Cap'y on August 8, 2001
I have been so busy that I have neglected to update my progress. I have gotten my humans trained pretty good this far. We have all gotten used to each other and I am so proud of my Mommy. She has lost her fear of me. She plays the step up game with me which I love to play. At night she holds me in her lap and scratches my head which is heaven. So much has happened since I came home. I have learned how to whistle like my Daddy. Mommy can't tell who is doing it. The coolest thing I have learned is from my doggie. Coco wants to get me and I drive her crazy. She will dance around my cage or day perch and whine and cry. On 8-7-2001 Daddy was in his office and he heard the dog making racket. He jumps up to get the dog and tripped over her because she was under his chair. I was making the whines and cries. I think it is fun because Daddy doesn't know who is making the noise. I have to tell you about showers. Whew, the first one I ever had I hated. Daddy had to keep me in the cage and spray me with a mist bottle. I pouted for hours after that. I am starting to like them more and more now. I have really started to test my voice and can make all kinds of sounds. Daddy thought he heard me mumble "hello" but he is not sure. I'm not going to tell him either. One day I will suprise him. I have to go test my voice and will keep you posted.
Cap'y on November 4, 2001
So much has happened in my life! We moved from the apartment that we were living in and moved into a house. It took me several days to get used to my new home but I have the run of the house now. I have really become vocal! I can say "hello" very plain now. I started to say "love you" and it comes out as "wove you" but I have only been doing this for 2 weeks. My dog is called Coco and 2 days ago I started to say her name. I am working on several other things but no one understands them but me. I have really become a Daddy's girl. I follow him where ever he is. When he goes to his office in the house to work I want to be with him. If he does not take me off my day perch I will fly off and go find him. I lift my little toes to his foot and whistle to him for him to pick me up. I set on his shoulder while he does his paper work and am very content but the minute he starts to dictate in his machine I start to help him. I whistle and talk and he has to start all over because my voice over rides his. That usually gets me jail time until he is finished. All I want to do is to help him. My eating habits have improved a great deal. I want to be feed on the floor so I can sling all my food around. We have tile floors so Mom does not get to upset about the mess. Just try to give me food other than my seeds and pellets in the cage and I refuse to touch them. The floor is the best place to eat cause I have so much more places to sling the stuff. The dog leaves me alone now cause she does not like my sharp beak on her nose. One time was enough for that little dog. Yep, I would say I am the Queen of the house and expect it to stay that way. I will have my humans to take more pictures of me and post later.